Did the park run yesterday I was last today I feel like I let my self down it must show that I was not ready for it I going back to running on my own just one run left to finish and then I going to try the park run on my own and keep practice I not give up just yet
Park run : Did the park run yesterday I was last... - Couch to 5K
Park run

Garden 17 you did a parkrun. Don’t be disappointed about your position. There are many people who don’t even enter.So don’t be so hard on yourself.
Next time set yourself a challenge to beat the time you finished at your first run. Your being more active which it’s all about.

But Garden17 you went, you ran and you finished! That’s more than I did or many more like me. And someone has to come last at every parkrun every single week - so you’re in very good company! When I eventually do a park run I will be chuffed to finish!!

Well done getting up and out with the parkrunners. I just got back from junior parkrun and some of the under 10s make me feel so slow... no matter. Today little Miss UNM did her C25K in the junior event and came last, with a sprint finish and a huge grin on her face. 10 seconds slower than her last one, and she cares not one little bit. She’s proud that she’s up while her mates are in bed and getting fitter with each run.
I did one parkrun, came home last, and it’s my badge of honour. When I marshal I have to dash to the finish taking shortcuts, leaping over small dogs and anything else in my way, just to get to that finish line to cheer in the last runner... that for me is what parkrun is... the moment when it’s done for the last one home, and every single person out there has done 5k more than those having a long sleep.
I intend to be running one again soon, and if I can get round without stopping you’ll hear my celebratory screams all over the UK I’m sure.
I will try again but it’s knock me back now wish I had not done it

You id well.. if you want to do it.. next time you will be just fine.. Park Run is not a race.. it is a fun time... just relax and enjoy
Oh come on!!! It's not a race. It is only a proof of how far you've come. How can you be disappointed running and finishing a parkrun? And haven't even finished c25k yet???!
There is enough judgement from people around us everyday. Don't be the harshest one!
You are doing great and you will keep getting better. Only measure against yourself.
I should not of done it I was no we’re near ready I’ve let my self down
First of all, I want you to know that I hear you. I hear what you're saying, I can feel it in my bones, and I'm really sorry you had this experience. I won't put words in your mouth, or adjectives to describe what it must have felt like, but I can imagine.
I did want to say one little thing to you though. If you took the top 10 most elite runners in all the world, the 10 human beings who literally can run faster than all the other human beings in the world, and put them on a racetrack for a race?
I'm sorry to say that one of them would come in last. Those are just the facts, one person would have to be the last to cross the finish line. It would not matter how much training they had done, how much talent they had, how many other hundreds of races they ran and came in first. In that race that one person will be last.
Yesterday you came in last. It isn't a reflection on you as a person, or your accomplishments, or your athleticism. Someone had to, and yesterday was your day. If you ever attempt it again? It will be someone else's day.
I will try again but I could see from yesterday I not ready for a 5k yet but like you said I try it at that the main thing thank so much

Your not giving up, that is the most important thing. You are better than you realise, you did it! In time I hope that you will feel better about the experience. Hope your dog feels better soon too. X
Thank you she had pyometra she a lot better now we nearly lost her been a bad week but this are looking up now back to the last week 9 run Tuesday

Its sad you feel you let yourself down - please don't be so hard on yourself. You don't need to do parkrun - you don't need to run 5k - you just need to keep running 😊
That so true think I tried it to soon

I did one this week too and on week 5 so did my 20 min run here! My goal is to eventually run all way round but I like the fact I can improve each week as I get fitter. You should be proud like I am that we actually attempted it before we even graduated! Well done!

It's not about being last its about you doing it and completing it. It's about you and your time. I'm on my 2nd parkrun at a different location. I've only managed about 1 minute 30 seconds of. But at least I'm out there doing it. Who cares if I'm last. Well done and keep trying.
Yes but you DID a park run. Last or not, you still did it. Don’t be put off- that’s an amazing achievement. Well done
I am joying a running club for beginners on Tuesday
You haven't let yourself down, and you wouldn't have come last each park run has a dedicated volunteer who will come last. Also park run is there for you too meet people of a like mind and enjoy running. Please please go again and you will watch your times improve and that is when you will begin to notice a difference.
Remember you made the decision to start running. Your running quicker than anyone who isn't running.
Well done keep up the good work