Hi - am new to this, only on week 2 - 2nd run. I've been running barefoot in my lounge (which is quite long) as I can't face running out in public yet. Is this okay?
running indoors: Hi - am new to this, only on... - Couch to 5K
running indoors

You’re not the first 🙂. Some peeps have run round the garden too
I hid out in a country park😎. Lycra was uncharted waters but - as was discussed on here the other day - was not as horrific as we’d feared.
Outside is really the best place to take your running. It’s free for one thing 😃
Having said that, what works best for you is fine, and any running is better than none 👍🙂. Good onyou for starting 👍

Good for you Sareal. You’ve taken the first step and if you feel more comfortable running round your lounge why not? I started C25 round my lounge too and graduated to the garden and our driveway and when I felt more confident starting running outside. Keep posting your progress you’ll get loads of support and advice on here, you’re still running, wherever you are. 👍

Running is running but as misswobble says, outside is much nicer. Many fret about what they look like and feel very self-conscious but most other people don't even see us when we're out running and those who do just thinks we're nuts 🙄
A big well done in starting, that's the hardest part IMO.

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.
This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5... and covers your situation.
However large your lounge, you are unlikely to be able to move as fluidly as you would outdoors or on a treadmill, but it will improve your cardiovascular system and build your musculature.
Stick with it, but you will find the outdoors is not nearly as intimidating as you fear, when you get out there and you will assume the runner's cloak of near invisibility once you leave the house.
Im on the same as you week 2 and do my second run yesterday. If running indoors works for you at the mo then go for it.
I felt self consciously first too but I went to a quiet field close to my home and soon realised nobody watches or even looks at you. If you can get outside I’d recommend it (if only for random dogs joining in when they are on their walks!)

I drive to all my runs and I do not wear shorts near the house. One day I’ll get the confidence, didn’t think of my front room 😂
Good luck making the breakthrough and getting out there... or buying a treadmill.

You are making the change and that's what matters. Your post has really struck a chord for me. I had zero self confidence about people seeing me run. I was hot sweating and every bit the unfit fat person just waiting to be laughed at (in my head)
I started going down a little lane behind my house just up and down - other than the odd dog walker I met no one. After a couple of weeks I moved onto the old ww2 airfield nearby - and did laps on there. It's only last week I felt that I could run where people might see me. Now I run on the seafront.
As you get into the program You might feel better equipped to deal with outside. Our minds have a knack of lurking trying to trip us up with thoughts of what if?
You do whatever suits you there is no right or wrong. I'm still that fat bird running - but I'm running and that's what's important to me.
Huge well done to you for starting this and lots of luck for getting to the end x

As misswobble says, you are not the first but I promise you that when you do manage to run outside, you will realise that we runners are all fairly invisible! Nobody really takes much notice. Well done for starting and good luck with the programme 🙂.
Thanks all was thinking to do a local Park run at the end of this, but up till then or if my confidence improves I will continue with my indoor running. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement.
Well done for getting off the couch I don’t have any words of wisdom about indoors running but as someone who really was very conscious about running out of the house, I just wanted to say it felt much better than I expected. In fact, I feel a real sence of ownership of the space around me as I run (jog!) and people become very j significant. Not anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be.
Congrats for making the effort. A friend of mine told me to remember that ‘those driving past you are sitting. While you’re running’. Buy a pair of sun glasses or a hat and you’ll so forget about everyone around you. X

Before I started this I did 1/2 hour workouts running up and down the stairs! My first runs outdoors I went somewhere quiet and changed into my running gear there. I felt awful any time anyone walked past. 8 weeks later I'm leaving the house in lycra and don't care who I see even when I'm sweaty and gasping for breath! You feel better about it pretty quickly. It is great to run outdoors, lots of distractions!

I was the same when I first went running but I soon realised people are too wrapped up in their own lives to even notice me half the time. I have never had any negative comments and quite a few words of encouragement from cyclists and fellow runners. Plus if someone driving or walking past thinks look at the state of that so what lol I don't know them so why should I care what they think. I always used to think runners were mad and now I'm one of them!! Do what you are comfortable with but would really recommend getting outside, although in this heat go early morning or late evening.
Have just completed r2w3 and feeling much more positive. Am going to get my gait assessed for some running shoes next week and will be venturing out into the great unknown for week 4. Thanks again for all the encouragement and advice.