7 months down, 700km to go on my Alzheimer’s C... - Couch to 5K

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7 months down, 700km to go on my Alzheimer’s Challenge

30 Replies

Hello everyone, well it’s been scorchio here in Italy, not quite the heat levels of last year, but I’m dangerously close to closing my kitchen and declaring it an oven and hob free zone. The heat as we all know is a bit of an issue when running, unlike cyclists we can’t create down draughts when running, so I’d given myself permission to take it easy in July and if I couldn’t get in my target kms, then that would be just fine.

Upshot is as of 31st July, I’ve done 1296 kilometres, putting me about 100kms ahead of my cumulative target. Oh and please allow me a mini brag, I actually ran 186km in the month. Not the best month I’ve ever done, but considering the heat I’m chuffed to bits, especially given some motivation issues.

July was a toughie, with heat, mosquitoes and an absentee mojo, meant it may have been sunny outside, but not quite as sunny in my running world. The things that kept me going, as ever the support of fellow runners, (you all know who you are!), peeking at the forum to see what everyone is getting up to, oh and the creation of the Retro Runners Ska and Two Tone playlist, thanks to the retro runners on here.

On the 22nd August I reach my runniversary of my C25K graduation, luckily for me it is a rest day and I hope by then to have reached the 1400km mark. For those of you who can still remember my random ramblings, they continue apace here:-


Thanks as ever for all the support, good wishes and sponsorships. There’s not many things in life I truly hate (well aggressive broccoli is one of them!) , but I hate Alzheimer’s with a vengeance and my hatred of a horrid, horrid disease that blights so many lives, is a key motivator to keep going to do the 2018kms and to raise money for research.

Oh and please watch this space, I’ll be requesting some ‘toons’ for the next retro runners playlist for us to share.

Thanks all and happy, happy running

30 Replies
SaskAlliecat profile image

One word.....WOW! You are doing amazingly well. Kudos to you! You will smash this challenge!!!!

in reply to SaskAlliecat

Thank you :)

Tasha99 profile image

Wow! That’s amazing! Well done!

mrrun profile image

Aggressive broccoli?! I dislike psychotic cauliflower but have never heard of aggressive broccoli, l admit.

You’re doing really well, even considering the fact that it’s not as hot as last year (well, it is far, far from comfortable in any case, but still).

I’m mixing swimming with running and where l am the sea temperature reached silly 25-27C, lol. Thankfully, l appreciate and cherish every single moment because only a week separates me from this and that lovely arrival lounge at Stansted.

Keep it up!

in reply to mrrun

You see the brassica family definitely has image issues - I quite like sprouts, love caulilower, am a bit meh on cabbage, but broccoli - its the big tree stuff I can't abide - it is so aggressive on the plate - the florets go mushy and the stalk remains hard - it is a bolshy veg. Thanks for the encouragement - we have 37 degrees and it is 5.15pm. But you make a fair point here or Stansted...;) I have to keep running - no option really, but man I’d kill for a 14 degree day.

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to

I’m in a room, aircon at full tilt, drinking water and stretching, getting ready for the sunset run. Outside is just oppressive, around 35C in the shade, no wind. Yep, l thought of a breezy cool run too. But then, I’d lie if l said I didn’t enjoy this as well. It’s certainly very different! Come on, cooling down in the sea after a run? (btw, l will never look at broccoli the same way again)

in reply to mrrun

Yes a dip post run sounds fab but your sea is closer than mine.... Mine is 15kms away, although there is a small matter of the jacuzzi on our terrace. Shoot I’d forgotten the jacuzzi - I’m off. Please someone tell me why I’d forgotten I have a jacuzzi??? Middle Aged Sh.. for Brains hits again....

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to

You need a sous vide bath... lovely broccoli 😂😂😂

in reply to UnfitNoMore

I am not sous viding broccoli in my jacuzzi.... 😂 😂😂

UnfitNoMore profile image
UnfitNoMoreGraduate in reply to

I kinda hope your jacuzzi wouldn’t be hot enough, but I have a funny mental image.

Razouski profile image

Wow Jan this is just amazing. I don't know how you've managed to keep going with all the heat. I've been floundering around not able to much over 10km at a time. So I take my hat off to you (but not for too long as I need it to keep the sun out of my eyes).

You really are a marvel, and I can feel another PCT celebration coming on soon.

Keep it up... you know you can do it. I'm so proud of you.

x x x

in reply to Razouski

Thanks - I am back on 31st August - late flight so PCT maybe week after if you’re around, although maybe I should come to your neck of the woods??? Thanks for the pepping up, it’s actually getting harder to do it rather than easier. My feet have turned goat/hobbit....

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to


I shouldn't laugh at your feet, but the words half goat/hobbit made me giggle.

We did talk very vaguely about the possibility of doing a run together, so that you could show me some of the London sights! Not sure of the logistics of this, and I'd be up for it as long as you're not running Zola Budd style (I'm not sure I'm ready to see your feet ;-) )

I'll take a look in my diary and see what's what in the first week of September. I know I'm working on the 3rd and 4th but will double check the rest of the week.

p.s. how on earth could you forget you had a jacuzzi????

in reply to Razouski

Okay you’re on - with my goat/hobbit feet, please be gentle with me on the run! I’m around mainly all that week have some body maintenance appointments - dentist etc, but I can fix them around availability.

Forgetting the jacuzzi - well it was empty after the Watergate incident as we didn't dare fill it up and we now have a recorded delivery letter to pick up, so we’re thinking that may be the water bill, which means the jacuzzi may well get emptied if it’s horrendous.... That’s how I forgot. But strike whilst the sun is hot, and take a dip, which is what I am going to do, I may not be able to afford the water soon!

Irishprincess profile image

That's amazing Jan! You're Wonderwoman 💪💪I can't imagine running a kilometer in the kind of heat you're getting over there so a huge well done to you. You're a warrior x

in reply to Irishprincess

Thanks a lot, in truth it’s a balance between tolerating the heat and going out earlier in the day and being bitten by the mozzies... And as I get humungous lumps when the mozzies go munching, there’s little choice to be made. Still I’d complain if I was in Italy in summer and it was 10 degrees.. :)

Elfe5 profile image

Absolutely fantastic! 😄 Huge well done! Xx

Polly2810 profile image

And do it you will....well done in the heat too I admire you so much!!.keep with it, and keep us updated....great tune at the moment not retro but great Jess Glyn and her yodelling!! Xx

in reply to Polly2810

Well I was Ska and Two Tone today, I’m thinking tomorrow I need a relaxed vibe..., but I’ll keep at it, you know that!

lollytwist profile image

Isn’t this weather hard work? I’ve found myself getting up earlier and earlier to run while it’s cool! Lovely to hear your musings, might consider some ska tunes for my own running playlist. Gone are the days when I could wear a little black and white squared mini skirt though haha x

in reply to lollytwist

I know what you mean but in my head when running the short short mini is there, although thank god it’s just virtual

Anthie profile image

Absolutely amazingly brilliant! In this scorching heat, I just don't know how you've found the strength to run so well. And to know that you only started running a year ago or so... Wow!

All the best of luck for the next months!

in reply to Anthie

Cheers Anthie, had a couple of days break - one because I was worth it! The other because of bloody migraines again. I have a feeling that sun and heat maybe a trigger. So August probably won’t be quite so kilometre friendly...

Anthie profile image
AnthieGraduate in reply to

Do you take mineral supplements? I sweat so much in this heat that my skin is salty after a run (even very short ones compared to yours!) as if I'd been swimming in the sea (I only wish ;-)! I used to have headaches (but not migraines) after intensive efforts. Now I harldy get them but I make sure I drink some mineral water rich in potassium and other uselful salts the day before I run and after the run (a big glass). And lots of fresh fruit/vegetables full of water and vitamins you must get plenty of in Italy.

In any case, I hope you can beat those awful migraines and perhaps get some cool breeze to reduce the effect of that scorching sun when you run.

in reply to Anthie

Hi Anthie I do take the rehydration tablets and have upped my water intake. Fish fruit and veg as a minimum I tend to do 5 a day as a matter of course - it seems the sun makes them worse, so I do wonder if I’ve become susceptible to a number of triggers. Ive tried cutting out various obvious triggers, but it makes no odds. For example - last Tuesday - basically I had tea, water, white wine (2 glasses) white fish and veg - no problems. Friday - exactly the same except I was eating at lunch not dinner and the migraine started within 30 minutes... Now am up to my own world record of four days with a migraine.... aarrgghh. So that is 25km down on my target kms this month and in this heat that is hard to make up. But maybe the mineral supplements might be a good idea on non run days too. Thanks for the suggestion

Anthie profile image

Sorry for the late reply: I was away and didn't get closed to anything digital with wifi ;-) for three weeks. How are you doing now? Have you sorted out those migraines? Are you still in the heatwave? I went hiking for a week from Collioure (South of France near Spanish border) to Cadaques (North of Spain, Catalonia) and it was very hot: I just couldn't have imagined running in that heat (but walking up and down for 5 hours was fine even though intense). Anyway, I hope the mineral supplements helped and you've carried on fine. Good luck wih your monthly target!

in reply to Anthie

Hi Anthie

Well August hasn’t been a great month my migraine lasted just on a week - hence a drop of 42km in the month, but I’ve made some of it up. I went off-piste medically and dumped my HRT tablets and funnily enough not had a migraine since... We had mega storms at the weekend and in a day the temperature dropped from 42 degrees at lunchtime to just 24 degrees the following lunch.

Luckily that makes running that bit easier and I think from hereon in it will get easier. I know what you mean about the heat, I certainly spot that my pace drops by up to 30% when it is at its hottest. The hiking holiday sounds lovely and what a fab spot to do it in.

Thanks for the best wishes I am over 2/3rds the way there and if all goes to plan I will have this nicely tidied up before the end of the year. And then what on earth do I do in 2019 - I am thinking that enjoying a rest will be first thing on the list!

Take care and happy running

Anthie profile image
AnthieGraduate in reply to

I've already said it but I'm going to repeat it: I'm amazed! What a fabulous achievement! I'm still running three times 30 mns or so a week but still need strenthening before going back to longer runs. So, you are a model! Great to hear you're done with the migraine too. I hope nice cool autumn days will help and you'll make up for August. It seems that you already have! Cheers, go you ;-)

in reply to Anthie

Well done you keeping at it, - my strengthening has taken a bit of a pause and I know that has to be on my to do list for 2019, I know it makes a difference - strong core equals a stronger runner. But for now I am not going to stress out on the things I haven’t done, but focus on the things that have been done! Playlist suggestions needed - will be putting the request post in this week - probably Wednesday .

Cheers and take care


Mummycav profile image

Wow Hidden ....are you woman or machine??!! You are amazing, even when your mojo is hiding in the aggressive broccoli (made me laugh) you still remain motivated...& rightly so, it truly is a terrible disease. We are all right there with you Jan, lurking around in awe of your progress..Just running in the heat is no mean feat either...phew, it’s been a hot summer!! Looking forward to the next playlist & keeping an eye on your amazing journey xx

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