I just came in from the latest run, and I'll be honest: it was a toughie. Talk about a toxic first five minutes! My breathing was all over the place and at one point I was wishing I could just photosynthesize, it would have been easier than constantly counting in and out! I began to flag a little when I had to hop over a fence and my legs felt like they were about to buckle, but I managed to push on into the big hill before the luuurvely flat section, but I was almost out of energy by the end of that and trudged to the end, only realising 32 minutes in I hadn't heard my favourite Geordie for some time and the app had stopped again! (I'm thinking of swapping to Strava instead of endomondo, there's obviously a clash in software) but I simply added another minute on to the end and timed it.
Don't get me wrong, it was a good run, but tough in stages.