Have many of you lost weight during your journey or has it been mainly an increase in fitness?
Weight loss: Have many of you lost weight during... - Couch to 5K
Weight loss

I’ve toned up a lot and gone down a dress size, but I’ve not lost a huge amount of weight. Unfortunately losing weight is 80% diet... however, I am pleased that my overall fitness is massively improved and I feel better about myself too. Hope that helps!
I’d be happy toning up and dropping a dress size! The number on the scale is less important. As yet I’m still looking the same! Feel better and definitely fitter though. I’m just so chunky 😫 My diet is much better since I got back on SlimmingWorld. Guess sometimes we have to say we’re doing our best and we are what we are!

I have lost 3.75 stone approx. But none of that came off initally with c25k, you simply don't do enough exercise on the programme to make much of a calorific difference and many people go the other way as the runs make them feel entitled to eat more. I joined slimming world last May and lost about 1.5 stone following that and then started c25k in Oct 2017, joined the gym again in November and have went 4 times a week since then, c25k built into bridge to 10k and then 10k races, a Half Marathon and now 8 months on i'm training for a Marathon. So if you want to lose weight you will, but only through eating better and doing exercise. The rewards are worth the effort though.

I lost the 2 kilos I had put on over Christmas quite quickly but now it is just fitness. Hopefully more will follow as I move on to 10K over the next few months. I would settle for a smaller waistline though!

I’ve put on half a stone!!!!! People say I’ve lost weight but heavier than ever!!!😢😫

I put on 6lbs during the 15 weeks I took doing the programme. Can’t believe it! But I’m kidding myself I looked more toned .....
then having a discussion with a neighbour on Monday she said “yes but fat people like us ..” and I’m feeling crushed!!
Perhaps I would have put on more if I hadn’t done it. How much will I put on in the next 8weeks on the injury couch 😱
Yeah that's dangerous path, ie you up the exercise and then you feel hungrier and feel that you have earned even more food than you'd normally eat. That's why I reccomend following a healthier eating plan alongside exercise if you really need/want to lose weight. I'm sure it will all work out eventually as you are probably just building up the toned calves
I do eat ridiculously healthily. Didn’t change and eat more at all. I just kept gaining weight inspite of all the running and am sure it will be worse now I can’t walk properly for 8 weeks

During my 3 months doing C25K (and limiting calories modestly and flexibly) I went from obese to overweight and in particular a 'bustle' of fat went. Eventually, over two years, I lost 20kgs to a healthy BMI and maintained that for another three (currently still trying to shift post-Christmas eating up weight which means I am a couple of kilos over) Regular running, even though my runs tend to be quite short and slow so in themselves are not burning scads of calories, does make a difference for me.
What didn't change much was dress size (bra size yes), and I still carry weight round the middle.