Anyone seen significant weight loss once they have graduated?
Weight loss?: Anyone seen significant weight... - Couch to 5K
Weight loss?

I lost a stone. I lost nearly 4 and then started running with c25k and dropped another stone. I think running is the best way of staying slim but you always have to be careful to eat healthily. It becomes a way of life Once you get into better habits 😊

Sadly not me (yet)

3 stone gone so far, I cannot shift the last 1/2 stone I want to loose

I lost slowly, but had a fairly dramatic shape change! Muscle really is denser than fat, so putting on muscle (got to be a good thing) and losing fat did that for me. Unfortunately the only way that I know of to lose fat is not to consume as many calories as you expend. Running doesn't use as many calories as it should!

As tortoisegirl says, it's more a question of watching what you put in rather than being able to burn it all off. Having said that, it all helps! I combined running with 5:2 eating/fasting and I have lost over 4 stone - and more importantly, maintained the weight loss. I did find that if I timed my runs so that I went out just befor I ate, I wanted to eat healthier and ate less when I came back in. The shape change from running, though was pretty dramatic. I dropped at least 2 dress sizes before I lost any weight.

Shape change for me too, I coupled it with a diet and did lose weight. I need to go on another diet methinks

I went from obese to overweight during the 3 months C25K took me and lost my 'bustle' It took me 20kgs in all and a couple of years to get back to a healthy BMI, which I have maintained. I could do to lose a bit more as my hip to waist ratio still has me at higher risk
I am not able to do a great deal of exercise and I can be pretty confident the effect of the exercise I do is not purely the calories burned doing it against what I eat. But it really makes a noticeable difference to progress.
Just to show how different we all are - that 20kgs lost did not result in dropping a dress size.

25st to 20st since I started running in July 16
9 st total since Dec 15.
5 or 6st still to go!

SFS. Yes you can shift it! Just stick with it, keep up with your running and healthy eating and you will reach your goal. I know it's frustrating but never quit. Change your weekly menus. tip them upside down and choose a fresh batch 🙂

I think it's different for different people. When I started to run I was disappointed to find that I'd actually put weight on! It's all about calories for me. I tried to remember that running was helping me get fitter and eat healthily and I started to not mind so much about what the scales said. Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat - if you're not squeamish google 1lb of fat vs 1lb of muscle and you will see the difference size wise it takes up in your body. You could weigh more than before you started running but actually be much slimmer!

I started the couch to 5K last year in September. Started walking in August and since end of August I have lost 31 pounds ( just over 2 stone). I have combined my running with 1 swim a week and watched what I eat. I have chocolate , biscuits , desserts on the odd occasion, maybe once a week. When i have a treat I try to limit the size too. This is much better than my old habits of having treats every day.
I am hoping to lose another 20 pounds and I think slowly but surely is the way to let your skin and body adapt slowly.
I find I am really hungry at times after a run and this is when the wrong kinds of foods can quickly find their way into my hands so I try not to have them in the house to avoid temptation.
Also, have you ever held something that weighs a pound. It feels HEAVY!! Even a few pounds loss is a good thing in my opinion.

well roughly since the end of january i cut down on certain foods and also started eating cleaner. i didnt weight myself for around a month after that and at that point i was around 17.6st, i was surprised as several years ago i was well over 19st.
im coming to the end of week 5 of c25k and early morning weigh in was about 16.10st. my guess would be about 1 stone since changing the food habits. its slow but im happy with it, and again on my days off im doing weight stuff with a kettlebell so wont be too surprised if i dont lose anything but gain a bit of muscle weight lol

I guess the rule of thumb is - weight loss is down to 80% diet and 20% exercise. Though the exercise can really help a lot with change of body shape and definition.