Does anyone suffer from Plantar Fasciitis here? - Couch to 5K

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Does anyone suffer from Plantar Fasciitis here?

24 Replies

For the past couple of weeks I've been getting that pain in my right heel. Unfortunately it's been quite painful since my run this morning. My job doesn't help either as I stand for longs hours.

Any suggestions or remedies???

24 Replies
Tasha99 profile image

Do you need a gait analysis and proper fitting shoes? You may have over pronation.

in reply to Tasha99

That's the thing, I had one done afew weeks back and got new trainers too.

Never had this with my old trainers that I chose for myself but since wearing the new ones, my heel has started to hurt.

I was diagnosed with Overpronation aswell.

Hmmm.... not sure if I'm entitled to but I think I'll be going back to Runners Need.

I had it a while ago (before this programme) I stopped running & did other stuff - static bike & cross trainer, etc. Did the exercises religiously & had acupuncture & sports massage & it went. You prob don’t want to hear this but resting it is prob the best thing. Think short term pain for long term gain - you don’t want to rush back too soon & end up on the IC for months. It’s really frustrating I know. Good luck whatever you decide & I hope it gets better soon.

in reply to

Thank you. I hope it stops soon too. I had it years ago and wasn't even running at that time but it just seemed to sort itself out. Think I'll make an appointment to see my GP asap.

SandieF profile image

Oh no. I’m sorry I can’t help but can imagine how frustrating it must be. Hope you get it sorted soon 🤞

More than frustrating. It is never plain sailing is it. I hope to get it sorted soon though. It really is uncomfortable.

sallenson profile image

Ohhh nooo!! Honey!! Find yourself a sports physio sharpish. They see PF all the time and they'll give you some exercises to sort you in no time. But the longer you leave it without treatment the worse it gets. Doubt it's the shoes at this point. Don't worry. You'll be sorted out fast xxxxxx

What does PF stand for Stephen?

My foot was fine until I changed my shoe. Oh I don't know.... maybe I'm just getting old and also my job doesn't help.

Will be sure to rest up tomorrow though and Google some exercises in the meantime while I wait to see a professional.

sallenson profile image
sallensonGraduate in reply to

Plantar Fasciitis = PF. I couldn't begin to spell it right so made up some shorthand. I cannot begin to tell you how sad I am for you.... Promise you'll let me/us know how you get on?

If you think you're escaping, you are dead wrong. And also wonderfully tall :-)

in reply to sallenson

Duh... I must be losing it.

Don't worry, I will be graduating on Saturday. I'm not going to let this beat me this time.

I will rest up tomorrow and hopefully it'll be manageable on Saturday.

I'm disappointed to say the least but I'll survive this.x

Fabulous450 profile image

Hope you’re feeling better soon Donna and stepping on the podium! Good luck to you! ❤️

Millsie-J profile image

Plantar Fasciitis....PF. I had a severe case a few years ago. Steroid injections did nothing and were soooooo painful!

I eventually saw a physio, she gave me exercises including excentric heel dips (Google them), 3 times each set of five ( 15 in total), at least three times a day. Use either a ball or a frozen bottle of water to roll under your feet several times a day.

Never wear completely flat shoes ( just a small heel is fine) but definitely steer clear of flip flops and slippers etc.

Running shoes...... a heel to toe drop of 12 mm is recommended for PF sufferers. I use a 10mm drop and have been fine for the past few years but I would not go any less than that. It may be that the drop on your new shoes are less than your old pair and this is now causing pain. I hope you sort it out soon Donna, I know from experience it can be incredibly painful.

in reply to Millsie-J

Funny you say that, my new shoes do feel flat. Think I'll get some insoles for them but I will go back to the trainer shop 1st and see what they say.

Thank you for your advice.

ToughBean profile image

I’ve had mild plantar fasciitis before my running days, it always went away with massage and stretching (esp. calf muscle). I do exercises from Katy Bowman’s book “move your DNA” which includes calf and feet, but she also has a book called “simple steps to foot pain relief” I haven’t read it but has good reviews and I really like her work. If you read it I’d love to hear how you get on!

Hope you feel better soon!

Antilala2018 profile image

I do. I had a gait analysis and shoes recommended last year and since starting C25K this year things have been much better when running. but I have problems if I am on my feet in “normal shoes” for too long. I guess the pressure on my feet counts even though they are protected in running shoes. I’ve bought some shoe inserts which are comfy but don’t work well with the design of a lot of women’s shoes. I now see the attraction of Clark’s sandals. ( my internal teenager is screaming indignantly).

I’ve seen another post which suggests that shops vary in their expertise. The person who did mine used video and my over pronation was very marked! But there was a big difference on video when in the new shoes. Quite embarrassing for some reason and I definitely wouldn’t have got in the army!!! I had problems with my heels, toes, hips and knees. 😂 and felt about 90 through it so I think it’s important to get it right.

Did they use video when you had yours fitted?

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to Antilala2018

I dont think a gait anslysis would identify tendency to PF. It can be caused by a tight achilles tendon or inflammation of the thick band of tissue that runs between your heel and toes, or more commonly both (they are connected). People will only know they have a tendancy to PF when they get the pain.

Antilala2018 profile image
Antilala2018Graduate in reply to Millsie-J

Ah ok. So we can’t assume a link between the two. I’ve never understood whether the PF causes the over pronation or vice versa. We have a podiatrist at the end of our road and I keep meaning to go for some advice. Especially if I have a bad day!


Thanks for your reply.

Yeah I had to run on the treadmill for a minute or so and was showed the video playbacks of my feet while running in a new neutral trainer that was given to me to wear for the short run.

I think I'm going to get myself some heel inserts and see if they help.

This is soo very annoying.

Eiralas profile image

Ouch I'm sorry to hear that :-( I've had it once and fortunately it went away with rest and rolling a tin of beans under my foot whenever I was sat down. I've heard a frozen water bottle is even better. Now if the soles of my feet start to feel tight I roll them on the tin of beans to loosen them up and, touch wood, so far it has not recurred. Good luck!

in reply to Eiralas

Thank you for your reply. I will try out all these tips and see if anything works for me.

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to

Do try the heel drop exercises Donna, I had a really bad case of PF but when I did the heel dips regularly it soon made a difference. The best path of action would be to see a good physio as soon as you can .

Eiralas profile image
EiralasGraduate in reply to

Yes a physio visit would be a good idea as they can recommend exercises specific to your issue. For lots of people the calf stretches help massively and you could well be one of them. If mine hadn't sorted itself out with the tin of beans then I would have booked an appointment.

Uniqhorn profile image

I've had this for a year now. Try ice/heat, stretching foot and calf. Doc told me to take ibuprofen for full 2 weeks which eased it off for a while. Good insoles for work shoes if appropriate. I spent an hour in a sports shop til I found the most comfortable trainers they had for running and training. Wild tiger balm also helps but don't buy the tubs that cost a pound in discount shops, almost certainly not genuine. Hope yours clears up quicker than mine 😉

maureenl4 profile image

Try sleeping on your stomach with your feet stench out. It sorted my problem.

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