Shape changing: Part of the reason for starting... - Couch to 5K

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Shape changing

Jay66UK profile image
96 Replies

Part of the reason for starting C25K was to lose weight. That is now slowly happening (and seems as much to do with less comfort eating as it is more running). With weight loss I hoped for shape change - lose the belly, slim the thighs, tone the calves.

Today as I was getting dressed I realised my belt is now doing up one notch tighter from the notch it used to strain at and, if I tried and put up with mild discomfort, would go the the next notch too.

My trousers are looser around the thighs.

My shirts aren’t “slightly strained” at the buttons. (Sounds like part of a recipe for a child’s cake!)

My watch is doing up one notch tighter - what used to be my “running” notch (tightened to ensure the heart monitor works) is now my regular one and when running I am now regularly losing heart rate data again.

Things are happening. And it’s really nice.

Enjoy your next run x

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Jay66UK profile image
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96 Replies
David_G profile image

Hi Jay, that's great! You're achieving what you set out to do and you're noticing it. Guaranteed, if you're noticing it, others will be too! Keep up the good work and enjoy your running - you can see positive results now and there's no reason to stop.

Good luck with it all.

Ripcurlrana71 profile image

That’s great to hear. Always a boost for the self esteem and huge sign to show you are working hard! Makes you want to run more! 😬 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

_SimonT_ profile image

Nice one Jay. Same here. A big thing for me was when I started I couldn’t do my shirt collars up. Now I can and there is a bit of ‘wiggle room’ too. 😀

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to _SimonT_

Looking forward to that one.

My neck seems to put on weight first and lose it last. So I end up with 18.5” collars on shirts which seem to be designed for 8ft tall gorillas!

Fortunately I rarely have to wear a tie these days and get away with shirts that fit everywhere except the top button!

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

Haha! My boyfriend has a very large neck and has to buy extra slim fitting shirts otherwise they're just massive. He's short too - about 5'6" but he says his billed height is 5'10" 😂😂

_SimonT_ profile image
_SimonT_Graduate in reply to Jay66UK

I know! M&S shirts are the worst. If you get a collar that fits the rest of the shirt looks like you’re wearing a tent!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to _SimonT_

Yeah. You’ve spotted my formal shirt shop!

I learnt how to tuck the shirt in so the spare fabric disappears round the back and invested in some of those expandy things you wear half way up your forearms to stop you looking like Dopey in a suit...

_SimonT_ profile image
_SimonT_Graduate in reply to Jay66UK

I get my work shirts from Asda. They are cheap so they have less material!

BossLadyTinaK profile image

Wow! Inspired

Flaraflarkin profile image

Yay Jay66UK !! makes all that hard work worth it ~ well done you! You need that boost as a reward for all your efforts 😊 I'm interested to know about your 10% increase strategy (or did I dream that??) are you basing it on adding 10% in time or distance? I'd like to try something like that ~ see, you're an inspiration! X

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Flaraflarkin

I’m adding 10% time to my third run each week, so two lots of 30 then an increasing run - 33, 36, 40, 44 mins. At my pace, I should pass 5k in the 44 mins. That should be next week.

Then I plan to consolidate the 5k by doing two 30 min runs (or a 30 and a 20) and a 5k every week for several weeks.

Then I might put on my big boy pants and try the Bridge to 10k.....

Flaraflarkin profile image
FlaraflarkinGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

Ah ok you sound like you've got the logistics sorted out ~ I'm going to try adding 1minute on to each run (I can actually remember posting that I was going to do that ages ago, and never did! 🤣) starting with my next run so that by the 3rd I'll have hopefully added 3minutes - and hopefully that'll help! Thanks for your help, and whoop whoop to big boys pants!! 😬🤣🤗

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Flaraflarkin

Sadly not in the Linford Christie sense!

Flaraflarkin profile image
FlaraflarkinGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

🤣🤣 never say never!!

Pippayoungart profile image

I started for similar reasons but although i have noticed a general ‘firming’, i am disappointed that i haven’t turned into one of those wirey gazelles who overtake me on the coast path! I think i know why though - before i started i didn’t really drink alcohol much because it gave me evil headaches. Sadly, now can thoroughly enjoy a glass or two of wine at the end of the day with no adverse affects. Those extra calories are neutralising the benefits of the run. So no weight loss, but two new activities for the price of one!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Pippayoungart

Are there other dietary changes you can make to “swap calories”?

I recognised that I would sit and eat eg a sharing bag of Revels “because it’s open”. So I buy a large bar of chocolate and have a “strip” of blocks and make the bar last all week.

And I’ve stopped buying ice cream and get fat free Greek style yoghurts instead.

Biggest one, I’ve stopped making/buying sandwiches for lunch and have a Huel shake instead.

Pippayoungart profile image
PippayoungartGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

I gave up sugary things a while ago because i found it also gave me headaches. I don’t eat processed foods, snacks and not alot of carbs. I feel like i eat quite healthily most of the time big on vegetables and salads - just need to reduce my portion size! The problem is that my husband is quite a good cook...!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Pippayoungart

This is also my downfall. I wouldn’t say I was a good cook but I enjoy cooking. And eating.

Penelopesimmons profile image
PenelopesimmonsGraduate in reply to Pippayoungart

Why oh why do we have to have partners who are great in the kitchen???

I need to be running twice as far and twice as fast to lose much weight, I think 😂

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Penelopesimmons

My ex couldn’t boil water...

Chrisj31 profile image
Chrisj31Graduate in reply to Jay66UK

Hey Jay, take a look at the keto diet :)

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Chrisj31

I will investigate. I had great success with the 5:2 diet. But then piled it all back on again as my marriage fell apart.

Forestgrump profile image
ForestgrumpGraduate in reply to Pippayoungart

Lol that is soooo me 😂😂. I’ve swapped to those tins of diet G&T’s and a glass of red or two at the weekends. Slowly loosing the weight but I’ll be damned if I’m giving up the booze !

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Forestgrump

Cutting back feels much easier than abstaining. Well done!

Forestgrump profile image
ForestgrumpGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

I seem to be investing quite a lot on the whiskey industry as well 🤔. It’s amazing what 1 dram a night does to a bottle after a week😳. I’ll have to not fill the glass to the top next time .

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Forestgrump

Or get a thimble sized glass? 🤣

Sortyourlife profile image

This is so nice to read Jay, so happy for you :)

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Sortyourlife


Eiralas profile image

Yay! So glad you're starting to see some weight loss results - I bet others are noticing too :-)

Goforitmama profile image

I love reading your posts. Well done on your weight loss, stick with it. you are doing great. Loosing weight is a bit like bailing out a swimming pool with a bucket, as you bail out the swimming pool the shallow end appears first, but the deep end takes a heck of a lot more bailing out. When you loose weight some areas of the body loose their 'excess' faster than others. Typically the face slims quite fast, but other areas (for women it's typically the thighs and backside) take a long time to slim down. Be prepared for some areas to slim quickly, but some body fat seems to linger for ever. It's normal.

Sorry, it's not my intention to sound negative. It's just something I was told once by a personal trainer when I was loosing weight. It just makes so much sense to me. I hope it helps you too.

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Goforitmama

That makes complete sense and is actually really motivating. I’ll know I’m thin when my deep end’s gone!

Goforitmama profile image
GoforitmamaGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

Oh good. I feel relieved about that.

ccarter100 profile image
ccarter100 in reply to Goforitmama

I love that swimming pool analogy! I find that encouraging message, as well. Every time I go on reducing plan, as I am now, I seem to slim out at the edges while the middle holds on to it’s real estate as long as it can! Right now, my wrists, ankles, and neck are rocking it. My tummy, on the other hand… 😂

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to ccarter100


Goforitmama profile image
GoforitmamaGraduate in reply to ccarter100

OH, thank You! I was worried that it would come across negatively. It helped me and I am so glad that it can help you too.

pianoteacher profile image

Brilliant news Jay! There is so much misinformation out there about weight loss it actually makes me quite angry. You're approaching it sensibly and giving good advice to others too x

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to pianoteacher

Thanks - anything I know I’ve almost certainly picked up from you!!

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

Aww thank you! Most of what I know I've learnt from my own mistakes. Things like stopping eating biscuits and chocolate but substituting for about 4 bananas a day and a load of fruit juice then wondering why I wasn't losing 😂

Beccy8348E profile image

Same here! 3 notches tighter on the belt!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Beccy8348E

Way hay!

HoagyM profile image

Same here, played golf yesterday and decided I have to buy some new golf trousers as all my current ones are starting to look silly, they are so big on me. The new belt I bought in January, that fitted perfectly, is now two notches too big. I’ve lost 10lbs since starting C25K, and it is continuing to come off at the same slow and steady rate of about a pound a week.

Lots of comments from friends and family, my sister-in-law has started to jokingly call me “the svelte one” :)

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to HoagyM


theoldfellow profile image

Keep it up Jay, you are the complete inspiration.

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to theoldfellow

Kind. But not a billing I could live up to 🤣

Christianne57 profile image

Wonderful! Sometimes its the small stuff that gives you a big boost 😊

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Christianne57

Especially the stuff that is currently big and should be smaller, like my belly!

Christianne57 profile image
Christianne57Graduate in reply to Jay66UK

You are heading in the right direction 😊 diets don't work long term but getting fitter and doing C25K do 😊

C25K seems to reinforce positive mental attitude and self respect

Keep running!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Christianne57

Reinforce: completely agree. I have changed so much since I started running. Like a different person.

That’s great Jay - feels good doesn’t it?

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to

Feels great. Just need to find that special person to share less of myself with 🤣🤣🤣

in reply to Jay66UK

Ah I really hope you do & I’m sure you will!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to

I’m sure I will too.

in reply to Jay66UK

Keep us posted- well - if you want to of course.

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to

“Woman 2 Date 3 - this is the run everyone warned me about. I did my warm up...”

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

I could do a spreadsheet too! 🤣

in reply to Jay66UK

Ha ha! That might be a bit unfair! Good luck.

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Jay66UK

Dang!! Are you doing the "Wicked Witch of The West to Raquel Welch in 9 Dates" programme also Jay?


Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Irish-John


Lovely post and well done you. Keep going Mr Positive!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to


Well done Jay. Apparently once you start running over an hour it drops off even faster, so by the time you get through the bridge to 10k program your Deep End should be virtually drained! 😆

I didn’t start c25k to loose weight, although I was hoping to see it as a happy byproduct, so I haven’t changed my diet. I don’t weigh myself very often, but I think I was around 17:12 at Christmas, got as low as 17:06 but am now heading back up towards 17:10 again. But, since January I have lost 2.5 inches from my chest, waist, calves and thighs, so like you, all my stuff is starting to fit with less bulging. 😊

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to YoureDoingGreatPet

Excellent. Except perhaps the chest bit 😳🤣

YoureDoingGreatPet profile image
YoureDoingGreatPet in reply to Jay66UK

Still got some to loose off the moobs, might try to cut beer out for the duration of the bridge to 10k 😭 but to be honest I was disappointed to see id lost it off my thighs and calves. I always thought I didn’t carry much weight on my legs, turns out I was wrong. I lost an inch off my head too since I started, yep, I was a fat head. 😆😆😆

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to YoureDoingGreatPet

Didn’t know you were a bloke, so chest loss completely great. My thighs were/are clearly fatter than I thought too.

Fat head - I could lose 2 inches around the neck.

YoureDoingGreatPet profile image
YoureDoingGreatPet in reply to Jay66UK

🤣🤣🤣 I have a very asexual user name 🤣🤣🤣 I was mucking about measuring myself and put the tape under my chin and over the top of my head. The last place I put weight on is my head, so I know if I tap my head and can’t feel bone, it’s time to lay off the McDonald’s

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to YoureDoingGreatPet

Haven’t had a McD’s this year 😳

YoureDoingGreatPet profile image
YoureDoingGreatPet in reply to Jay66UK

How have you survived?

YoureDoingGreatPet profile image
YoureDoingGreatPet in reply to YoureDoingGreatPet

Longest I went without one was when they closed it for refurbishment

ccarter100 profile image

Congrats, Jay!! I take a lot of inspiration and support from your posts.

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to ccarter100


LuluLogue profile image

That’s fab it’s so good to see results isn’t it. I like the sound of your 10% plan too. I think I’m going try that. I’ve been doing slimming world ( just the diet not the classes) and had lost 3 stone but reached a plateau. Running has kicked started my weight loss 🤸‍♀️. So I’m feeling chuffed too.

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to LuluLogue

Excellent, well done!

Jell6 profile image

That's great Jay, I am pleased for you 🤩

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Jell6

Thanks 😜

Ang33333 profile image

It's great you're seeing a difference. Makes it all worth while!😊

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Ang33333

Thank you.

Kar43 profile image

That's great jay 😊well done

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Kar43


18Windmill profile image

👍👍👍 good news!!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to 18Windmill


GoGo_JoJo profile image


Great isn't it? You'll be noticing those toned buttocks next 😉

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to GoGo_JoJo

I can’t see round corners!

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate in reply to Jay66UK


Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to GoGo_JoJo

I just sat down in the smallest room at work and banged my bum bone on the loo seat. And instantly thought of your post! 🤣🤣🤣

Brilliant Jay! Finding similar things. Seemed to happen all of a sudden. What's with the watch though, didn't think I had weight to lose on my wrists, but fastening the Fitbit one notch up too 🤔

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to

I wonder if the arm pumping action is toning it up? I’m glad it’s not just me - I wondered if the strap had just stretched!

in reply to Jay66UK

I'm glad you said it first - weird huh!? Mine had been flapping about for a few weeks. I didn't want to tighten it in case it messed with my stats 😀

Elfe5 profile image

Great! 😃

Dee2609 profile image

It’s a great feeling isn’t it? Especially when people notice you’re shaping up/ slimming down. I’ve discovered 3 friends who’ve all downloaded the app months ago to help weight loss but haven’t started for fear of negative comments whilst running. Encouraging them to just go for it as I did. 10kg down and feel great! Also selfies at weekly intervals are quite motivating 😊

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Dee2609

10kg? Well done!

Dee2609 profile image
Dee2609Graduate in reply to Jay66UK

Thank you! And we’ll done you too!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Dee2609

I think I’ve managed 3k. But it is still slowly coming off.

Bridget007 profile image

Only just seen this post! This is brilliant news inches are coming off all over! Well done!

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Bridget007


Tinker5393 profile image

Fantastic well done slow and steady . I use my fitness pal. And of course this wonderful c25k app . All free .I'm a cheapskate. Lost about 8 pounds so far and my summer clothes now fit me. Hurrah.

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate in reply to Tinker5393

That’s brilliant!

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