Just completed W4R2 and I’m finding the first half of the runs a real struggle and on Monday night I was so close to stopping but I didn’t. I feel that I’m literally dragging my legs when I’m running as they feel so heavy and I’ve been getting cramps in my feet too. I do seem to improve though towards the end of the session which seems odd 🤔
Struggling...: Just completed W4R2 and I’m... - Couch to 5K

If it’s a real struggle are you going too fast? Slow is good on this programme, we all improve at our own pace. It’s also normal for the run to get easier as you go along, I run a lot slower during the first part of any run and always think it’s going to be dreadful. Then it’s fine. Keep going, you can do it 👍🏼

Slow down is the only advice we can give. You can run much slower than you think.
Thank you. I may slow it down and repeat week 4 to see if I can improve. I’m not sure if I maybe need to warm up for longer than 5 mins as I feel I’m just getting into the run when it’s time to stop! 😩
I would do the opposite. Press on. You may find the long run at the end of W5 suits you better.

Ah the toxic 10 where your body has a temper tantrum a toddler would be proud of! As you have found your body does eventually cave and accept this run is actually happening.
It's apparently something all runners deal with but (good news) also doesn't happen every run
Yup it was a tantrum alright lol. The only reason I didn’t give in was because my determination kicked in and I just kept inwardly repeating to myself “I CAN DO THIS” which got me through ☺️
You might find an extra warm up helps. Things like high knees, butt kickers, walking lunges, side steps and alternating step backs are all a bit more effort than walking and may ease your body into the run.