I've just finished W9R2 just one more to go, still on my treadmill as still not confident to go out in the open world!!!. When I started running 8 weeks ago I struggled just doing the 1 minute run and now I'm running 30 minutes non stop, I'm the kind of person that gives up half way through if I haven't seen any improvement so I'm really proud of myself getting as far as I have. I just want to thank everyone for all your comments in my first post a few weeks ago, very supportive and encouraging comments that kept me going. Knowing I'm not the only person out there struggling with the runs but by tomorrow I can finally say I have complete couch to 5K and would recommend this to any and everyone. Good luck to all those people just starting out, If I can do it then so can you.
W9R2: I've just finished W9R2 just one more to... - Couch to 5K

Well done. I hope the final run is fantastic and that you keep the running going afterwards.

Fantastic Banksy23! You’re an inspiration! Can’t wait to hear how it feels when you graduate too! ❤️

Well done. I'm planning to graduate on Saturday. This is just the start.

Well done! And I hope you will venture out into the fresh air soon! So much to see and hear when you run outside. ( I didn't say smell as I have no sense of smell! )

We are dusting off the graduation podium ready for you! Putting out the bunting and the band has been booked. All we need now is for you to do your run and then post us.
Looking forward to reading your next post telling us that you've done it! Then you will officially be a runner and as such you can go outside or not as the case may be. It's all your decision, you run where you want.
I like outside because I like to hear the birds, see the neighbours gardens, get the fresh air etc. Then running inside is good because I set the treadmill and then my pace is set and off I go, no whimping out by slowing down. The weather does not interfere with running inside either. Each has its own challenge.
Good luck !

I’ve got week nine run 2 tomorrow and like you I struggled with the minute runs in week one. Well done and hope you smash it tomorrow. I’m on your heels. X

Very well Banksy. Brilliant post and very encouraging . Good luck with your final run- enjoy it!