Solo Parent - Fitting Runs In: Hello, I’ve... - Couch to 5K

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Solo Parent - Fitting Runs In

6 Replies


I’ve completed week 1 but I’m finding it hard to do the runs every other day as I’m a solo parent to a 9 month old (I take him out in the buggy with me whilst I run).

I ended up with 3 ‘rest’ days between run 2 and 3 and felt the difference (harder) so not sure how I can manage this as the runs get harder each week. It will have even less time when I go back to work !

Any ideas? Should I perhaps repeat each week before moving up?

Thanks in advance!

6 Replies
Lizzienzeb profile image

I often struggle to fit the runs In every other day and completed most of the c25k in 2 runs one week 3 runs the next. I don’t think it was detrimental and running twice a week is better than not running! Keep at it, just do it your way.

AnnieW55 profile image

Well done so far. You don't have to run every other day 3x a week is enough - and if times an issue just do what you can when you can. Some runs just do feel harder for no real reason. It shouldn't be because you have left an extra day between runs. Even running at a different time can make it feel harder. Don't repeat. If you have completed a run it's onwards and upwards.

When you return to work planning will be key and you might find odd bits of time - before picking your son from nursery/minder? And check to see if there is a Parkrun near you. They are Saturday mornings and free. You don't have to run the whole way, just build it into your plan. Best wishes for your continued running.

l3grj profile image

Is a treadmill at a gym an option for some runs

Amandana profile image

As mentioned, a gym is an option, some have childcare. Also, once you're back to work you'll have childcare and if hours are flexible you may be able to run before or after work 2-3 times a week while your child is at child care. :) I have a partner but often run between work and picking up my kids. For me there was a bit of a guilt hump to get over there - that I was leaving my kids in daycare longer, but if it means I'm healthier and more sane as a result of exercise, I think it's well worth it! :)

tony_a profile image

Sounds like you’re doing amazingly well.

Just remember you need to leave at least one day between runs but nothing says you can’t leave more. And there is no rule to do all three runs of a week within seven days.

As you get further into the programme you may actually find leaving a few extra days helps your body recover better. I did for sure. You won’t lose fitness until a couple of weeks not running so don’t worry about that.

If you finish a run there’s no need to repeat it. Just move on to the next one. I think you’ll surprise yourself at the progress you make. Good luck.

Thank you everyone for your replies. I think I will just continue as I am and fit in as soon as I can but not fret if it’s 2-3 days between runs. Good to hear this shouldn’t be too detrimental which is what I was worried about, and wondering if I should make adjustments for that but sounds like it should be ok.

Gym isn’t an option as I live in a small town so none of them have crèches and the ones closest that do are too far to drive (may as well just take him in the buggy!)

I’ve realised I will worry about work when the time comes!

Parkrun I am keen to do but want to build up confidence first as I’m slow, overweight etc so once I’ve got a few weeks under my belt I may go then. Long term I’m picturing getting a proper running buggy and making Parkruns a regular fitness event!

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