So I’ve only managed to do week 2, run 2 and was supposed to do my 3rd run today. But my shins are so sore I can’t. I’m so disappointed 😢. They’re sore to touch and running would not be much fun
Shins hurt so bad 😩: So I’ve only managed to do... - Couch to 5K
Shins hurt so bad 😩

Ouch. You poor thing. Not uncommon though.
First thing is to rest up until they're not tender any more. Wrap a bag of frozen peas in a tea towel and hold it on them if they feel a bit swollen. And take some Ibuprofen.
I'm assuming that you've got the appropriate shoes for your running gait (yes you ARE running) and that your route is flat and you're not running up hill.
[If either of those assumptions is untrue, then visit your local running shop who will sort you out appropriate trainers and find a nice flat route with grass underfoot if possible.]
Then slow down when you go out again. Sore shins are a classic sign that you're trying to go too fast too soon. It's not a race so you can take your time and embrace your Inner Snail.
Other think to check is what your feet are doing. When we walk we walk faster by putting our leading foot out further in front of us. Running needs a different action. If you think about riding a bike, your leading foot comes back towards you slightly as it comes down. When your leading foot touches the ground it should be in line with your hip, not in front of it.
Having your foot further forward leads to what's called "over striding" and is the classical cause of shin pain.
So rest up, get comfy shoes and a comfy route, go slow and take smaller steps.
You'll be fine!!
Thank you! I did get a gait analysis and trainers to suit me. The only thing I can think of is that I have slight scoliosis. So my right leg is longer and my left hip is higher. I don’t know if this is significant or not.
I have been running just on the road. I do stretch before hand and before even doing the 5 min warm up walk. So I’m obviously doing something wrong.
I was outside playing with my kids earlier and even a small run to get the ball was painful.
Might well be worth finding your local sports physio and get them to have a quick look. Probably better than a GP who might just say "Don't run". But you need to take it easy for a few days to let your shins recover.
They're nasty things, shins...

Well I don't know if I'm a proper grown up, but I am old enough. I think that sallenson sounds right to me. Rest, take it easy, let your body heal and ask an expert to take a look and give their opinion.
Oh dear..that doesn't sound good..I would suggest trying running on a treadmill maybe be a bit kinder on your bones all the other advice on the posts here..

Oh no that's not so good when you were just getting into it. I had sore shins one day last week too, wk 2. I read up on shin splints thinking my running was maybe going to have to stop too. But I reckon it was more just muscles /ligaments that weren't used to being used. I had a couple of days rest and then wore a different pair of trainers on the next run and, touch wood, they've been ok. I've been trying to think about how I run and size of steps I take when I'm out. I think I was running on my toes too much. Hope they get better and you can get back to it ☺

Hi, How are your shins feeling?

Hi there,how are your shins? have you managed to get back to running? I'm getting on OK, in fact I'm actually surprising myself! As you say 'who knew!'

Have you managed to get back to running? 🏃 ☺