Some really bad prep for this one, at least that why I hope it felt so hard..
Took daughter to Lego land on my days break and my legs weren't happy with me, but I couldn't let that put me off.
It's really hot and sunny today and the wind was against me. Put on my favourite amazon music station and at the start of the running bit on came Novacane. Far to depressing and messed up for the start of a run. Had to tell myself, at least its at the start of the run and not half way though.
Managed to tap in to every bit of my stubbornness to get though it. Must be the first time I've ever managed that with out really annoying someone....
Looking forward to only running for a max of 8 minutes on my next run. A few weeks ago that would have sounded as messed up as that Novacane song!