Hi I’m New!: My name is Wendy, I’m 37 and been... - Couch to 5K

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Hi I’m New!

Lovinit profile image
39 Replies

My name is Wendy, I’m 37 and been out of shape for 10years plus. As a teen I was in great shape. I have no excuse for being out of shape. I do want to share it’s hard getting going and I hate the way I feel. Last 2 days I did a fast walk slow jog around my neighborhood block. Not very far but it’s a start. I’m intimidated to begin the couch to 5k challenge because I’m afraid of quitting. Hope to have people’s support on here. Make some new media friends

Thanks for reading!

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Lovinit profile image
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39 Replies
Oldfloss profile image


Check the post out... lots of advice... take it steady and slow, and get loads of support fromthe other runners here:)

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you I’m going to check it out now

Fishypieface profile image

I've just written a post today about how I was afraid I would quit but in fact it's changed my life completely... big changes can be made. Have a read, I hope that it might help. You can absolutely do this slowly, surely and on your own terms. Everyone on here is so supportive, all you have to do is give it a go and trust yourself to the programme. Good luck :)

Mummycav profile image

Yesssss...read Fishypieface ’s post from today...she’s an inspiration to many...her journey is worth a read, infact, everyone on here has a story to tell...you will find so much support, advice, inspiration, kicks up the butt when needed & a hug when you need that too...welcome to the best forum ever...you won’t want to quit with this many friends!! 😉

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to Mummycav

Thank you. I want to change. It’s not going to be easy

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Lovinit

But even more rewarding x

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate in reply to Lovinit

Wanting to change is the first step. No 2 is to follow through with action 👍🤗

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Bad food habits too. I’m going to stop buying cookies and get carrots for snacking

Nictwit profile image

Hey Wendy! Getting out and starting is the biggest hurdle to overcome so you're doing good! We'll keep you going 😊

You can have all the support and advice you need on here. This bunch of guys and gals are awesome, there’s loads of experience on here to get you through. C25K is the way to go.

Slow and steady jogging and breathing, if you feel like you can’t finish a run just walk the rest and repeat it to gain the confidence to move onto the next one. It’s your journey and not a race, do it to suit you, if you think you need two rest days......take two😊

Good luck, we are here for you ok

Decker profile image

You will be awesome if you give yourself a chance at this Wendy. You’ve already taken the first step, so you may as well keep on going 😊

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to Decker

You know what really sucks right now is I gained 15lbs in one month because of a medication my doctor put me on. I’m out of control with my eating. I don’t want to be on this medication but at the same time the other benefits of it I still want. See the doctor in a month and we’re going to talk about other options

in reply to Lovinit

Me too! I had to give up last year due to exercise induced migraines- they've now put me on beta-blockers. I'm back exercising (only just) but I've put on half a stone. I know it's not a massive amount but I'm so depressed about it - I worked so hard to lose 2.5stone & now I feel like I'm going backwards. Flipping menopause doesn't help! Sorry - end of moan!

Decker profile image
Decker in reply to Lovinit

I am no doctor, so its hard to speak to your medical side. But I would guess that if you can modify your eating habits and possibly look at other medication options with your doctor, then that, combined with gently moving into the habit of running with the program, could only help. It's worth a try, right? Maybe speak to your physician about your plans around fitness and running to get their take on it? The admins IannodaTruffe and Oldfloss would certainly have some helpful advice along these lines as well. I wish you all the best - you can do this.

HelsN68 profile image

Hi. Don’t be intimidated by it, just take it one week at a time. Try and plan when you can go out in advance so it becomes part of your weekly routine. I go out first thing in the morning as I know I would wimp out in the evening, after a long day at work. Find a time that works for you. Trust me you will start to love it! Good luck. 😀

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to HelsN68

Yes! That’s a good plan. And first thing in the morning it’s cool out and I can now see myself too tired at night

RuthL profile image

Welcome Wendy and you’ll find tons of positive support here. If you are already jog-walking I’m sure you’ll breeze through the first week. Do remember to take your rest day after each run. Run slowly and Just follow the programme. You’ll do it.

Emma9137 profile image

I am and always have been very out of shape but since having kids I’ve gotten worse I always blamed asthma but truth is it’s laziness. I’m on w1r3 today and I won’t lie it’s challenging but I feel better for it! Keep it slow and steady don’t push too hard to begin with and you can do it! I didn’t think I would get on with the app but I actually really like it so far 😊

Fabft profile image

Hi Wendy, you will be brilliant. I am only on Week 2, due run 2. So many other things I could find to do but decided to get out there even if it means I can only walk the whole circuit. Look forward to watching your progress and success.

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to Fabft

Thanks for the message. I really appreciate reading it. It make me feel my along and also it makes me realize i going to take it one step at a time. I’m not going to start and succeed at the start

IgaT profile image

Hi, I was petrified by the fact that I would quit / stop / give up. I started the journey over a year ago. I had loads of ups and downs, non running injuries, health issues, so I haven't finished the programme, not yet. But I am still going out there, I am still here, I am still on my healthy journey, and I feel so much better than couple of years ago. This forum gave me power, gave me faith, confidence, and all support that I needed.

So congratulations on getting started!!! And on a great choice of coming here and posting.

Looking forward to your future posts. Happy running!

Birdsong53 profile image

Hi Wendy, I think once you start C25K you won’t look back, you’ll probably find it easier than what you’ve already done. In W1R1, the longest you will run/jog will be one minute and you’ve already done that. You say you went out on consecutive days. You need to have a rest day in between. For example I run on Sunday’s, Tuesdays and Fridays, and so far I’ve stuck to that and look forward to the challenge. Today I completed W3 R1, so I’ve kept on track for seven runs.

I’ll look forward to hearing how you get on once you’ve started week one.

Good luck 😊

mairi1 profile image
mairi1Graduate in reply to Birdsong53

Hi Birdsong, I have also done w3 R1 tonight, found it hard going, but did it😀

Pancakes profile image

This is me Wendy except I’m 52! I’m hoping to start tomorrow after work but I’m filled with anxiety and doubt - I read the post by fishypieface and that’s helped - good luck on your journey! 😀🏃‍♀️

Seasidepanda profile image

Well if you quit, you quit...nothing bad will happen to you for quitting, but something good will if you don’t! don’t think you need to be afraid of that. Anything you do do is a good thing and will get you fitter.

Just go in to it with an open mind. It’s nobodys challenge but yours, so do it in your way.

Something that’s helped me hugely is running with others- could you try that?

Good luck, just take it one day at a time!

AngieCaine profile image

Hi Wendy.

I'm new too, started yesterday. I'm 37 too and also completely out of shape now.

I didn't manage all the runs yesterday as the last 2 were uphill, so I will retry tomorrow and see if I can't find a better route (although ultimately living at the top of the hill means I'm always going to finish coming up! 😂)

I ache from yesterday but took my rest day today instead going for an hour's walk. Dreading re-doing the run tomorrow, but I'm going to try. Nothing that's worth it is easy to begin with.

Good luck on your journey... mine is to be fab and fit at forty 😁. x

Willie42 profile image

Was the same when I started and at 68 and never ran before thought I would not last the course,but I'm òn week 6 now and looking forward to completing the programme,Just find a good pace your comfortable with. You can do it🏃‍♀️

stpehlittle profile image

Hi Wendy,

Snap! I've managed w1r2 and honestly I think it's because of the beautiful people here on this forum and because I've been speaking kindly to myself.

It sounds like you're being hard on yourself, but you've already made a start, and that's a pretty big deal after 10 years! I've been negative on myself too for way too long and I've found that taking a second to congratulate myself for small things works better. You're doing really well Wendy and it's ok to believe that!

For me, even 2 runs (well, actually I didn't complete the first 1 so I'll be repeating) has me feeling good and my esteem has gone up a notch. I think yours will too. And nobody here is judging you if you fall behind or need to take a break. We all believe in you and are proud that you've got going.

Let's stick to it together! ❤️️☀️

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Use the app. It will feel easier than what you've already started on your own and you'll feel even better as you complete each session.

I don't think you'll quit. This programme is fantastic and it teaches you more than just how to run. It's also addictive so you'll be hooked before you know it. 👍😁

18Windmill profile image

I completely agree that the app is the way forward! Good luck, get out there and go for it!! 👍👍👍

Weekenderbedford profile image

Hello Lovinit, don't be afraid of quitting, and don't be put off by a run maybe feeling not as easy as the previous one. The programme is really good for steady progress, and you can always repeat a run as many times until you feel comfortable to move on. Good luck and well done for starting. 😁

Wendywill profile image

From one Wendy to another " You can do it"! I am older than you, I started the programme last August and was astounded to actually complete it in the 9 weeks. It was hard at times but I soon realised my body was managing fine it was just my head that was full of negative thoughts. I have never managed 5k in 30 minutes, my best has been around 39 minutes, but I don't really care about the time anymore I am just proud to be able to do it at all. I now run 2.5k three times a week and that suits me fine, I feel healthy happy and proud. You can really really do this! Just be positive and take inspiration from all of your supporters here!

Fiona_B profile image

Anything is better than nothing! Don't overthink it, take each week as it comes and move on when YOU are ready. The forum is great, you can search for the answer to any running question and find it, and more besides. Best of luck X

Amandana profile image

Go easy on yourself Lovinit! No matter where you're at, now is the best time of all possible times in the rest of your life to get started. The programme assumes you can briskly walk for 30 mins, so that's a great place to start if you don't feel like that's already under your belt. Try to let go of beating yourself up, you can't change the past but you can take hold of things now and change the trajectory of your health! :)

rszumowski profile image

You can do it! What you’ve done already is great progress, well done 🙂

SaxPlayer profile image

Good on you for starting the programme. You’ll be great! I’m on week 2, planning to do run 3 tomorrow. The first week is finding your feet (no pun intended). I’ve found just in the first few runs that trying to stick to a routine helps. Weather permitting, of course. I’m also taking a longer rest between runs 1 and 2 each week as the first run in a sequence is more of a shock to the system. Everyone is different, of course, and it’s early days for me too so don’t take too much notice of what I say! All the very best with your efforts. You’ll be great!! 👍🏻

astrozombie profile image

I am older and was equally out of shape. If there is one tip I can give it is keep going and don't worry about how you look. One of my neighbours said I looked like I was about to have a heart attack. I like to think I look a little better now but that is how bad I was when I started. To those that say take it slow they are right but I still remember those first weeks and I only had one speed which meant I would burn out in 30 seconds. I found it very difficult to pace myself. My legs wanted to go faster than I was able so I would end up gasping for air. I have since found pace is key but it was beyond the programme when my body realised that fully. My body is a slow learner but one thing I had was perseverance. Very little skill but lots of perseverance. Also I was never afraid to repeat runs but that is in my nature. I go back and read a whole chapter sometimes and when studying I will go back over old notes before moving forward again but this may just be me. I completed the programme but not in 9 weeks Good luck.

Lovinit profile image
Lovinit in reply to astrozombie

Thank you. I went out this morning for 10min. I know my shoes don’t fit properly now and jogging on the ground, so much harder then a treadmill

astrozombie profile image

I took a free gym pass and jogged for ages and thought this couch to 5K is going to be easy and then I took that attitude outside and struggled in a way I could not understand at first. I never signed up that gym. I did all my running and still do on pavement. The surface may be harder but gyms are misleading.

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