Any advice please from C25k folk who have heart disease and stents fitted following a heart attack? Trying to persuade my husband to give the programme a go to help him regain fitness and lose weight. The heart attack was years ago and he’s done long distance walking since then but I think he’s scared of running. Thanks in advance.
Running with heart disease: Any advice please... - Couch to 5K
Running with heart disease

I 'run' with complex cyanotic congenital heart disease. Below is a combination of advice given to me and advice heard given to people with coronary heart disease while I was at rehab:
1) Always exercise at a level that you could hold a conversation with a little difficulty, Never more intense than this. For me this has meant more C25K runs not complete than I would like and week repeating but we're slowly getting their.
2) Symptoms of any form is the end of my run- the advice I heard given to those with angina was to stop until it passed and then restarting would be possible- subject to common sense.
3) If I want to run anything more i.e: half marathon I am first asked to discuss this with my cardiologist first so they could stress test me. I would recommend your husband spoke his GP at least if this was the case. It is unlikely they would stress test-this is done due to my specific diagnosis- but seeking medical opinion is never a bad plan.

We are not medical experts... so, the first stop at the GP is important
Maybe, show this to your husband too...
There is so much info on the NHS Heart Health site also... and I am sure there will be helpful replies here too.
But first stop.. the GP and then... maybe if all clear.. a jogette out together Keep us posted please?
Many thanks. I probably posted too vague a query - absolutely clear that he should consult his doctor before starting any new exercise regime. Really I suppose I was hoping to hear from people whose stories might inspire him. Like many of us, he believes he’s never been able to run ( even tho he played cricket for years...)
I think you may get a few replies for him.. and if he checks out similar forums and stories online he will see for himself But as IannodaTruffe says, everyone is different.. and what suits on may not suit others...
Taking expert advice and then taking that first step, however hard it may be seems the way to go

While you may receive advice from those who are running with heart conditions, please consult those professionals who are dealing with your husband's health. One person's experience may not be appropriate for another.
We have had new runners with just about every health condition going take part in C25K, with superb results in almost all cases. This plan builds both physical and mental strength and well being and is a brilliant way to get life back after serious illness.
This guide to the plan may help
Best wishes.
I had a heart attack 16 weeks ago and I've done thec25k with no problem and run every day now