so today i did a proper race , it was quite local to me and it was a challenge event so basically as many / few 5.3k laps as you wanted in a 6 hour time limit , as im already training for the colchester half marathon and have 11 miles to do on my planned long run anyway i signed up for it , as i was going to run the miles anywoo , i was so nervous , about registration , wearing a bib , would the other runners know i was a fraud etc , a lot of them were ultra distance runners and everyone was so supportive and freindly i couldnt have asked fr a better first race , so i did 10 miles in 1hr 54 mins on the out and back course and left with my goodie bag and fabulous medal , i did have to walk over 2 miles home so i think that still counts off my plan as it was difficult to run with my medal round my neck and a little bag !!!
i had a fabulous day and am so glad that i pushed myself well out of my comfort zone , as i now have a lovely little new group of friends !! i LOVE running and i love all the support that most runners give no matter where you are in your running journey , i ran with people doing marathons ultra marathons 5ks and everything in between today and everyone was so encouraging !!! , onwards and upwards to colchester stampede and colchester half , then to just chilling and running for fun with the hubby who has now also started running so we can be together ! ... sorry for the long post but im so happy at the mo i could pop !!