It could be said that in the thinnest sense of the words the day dawned, which always sounds as if it should be sunny. This morning was not and, despite Mr PSycho showing a considerable amount of bravery in going for a brisk walk in the sheeting rain and cold, I was somewhat more skeptical as I headed off for work (got damp on the way there due to aforementioned rain) and despite feeling that I could've happily gone into a sleep coma and not surfaced for the next few months, I made it through work and chatted to Dhiny via Messenger on the way home - she was considering not going for a run as even though it'd stopped raining, it was still cold and the road where she lives is not well lit. Not feeling into it but determined to go for a run anyway (misery love company), I said: "why don't you come and run around where I live? It's pretty well lit"
Thus, a little while later, we both set off from my house and our respective runs went well, though I got a cramp in my foot, a stitch and could not get going the way I have done the last few weeks (probably from not sleeping very well. I go through bouts of bad sleep now and then) my legs felt like lead too, it's very hard to obey RuPaul and put the 'Bass in your Walk' when you feel that way.
But I made it to 30 minutes, which is the important bit and Dhiny (aka Mum) thanked me for getting her out the door to do her run.
Then Mr Psycho came home and all was right with the world for me. We enjoyed a lovely WeightWatchers supper (chicken and potatoes that I baked in the oven with rosemary and black pepper, so tasty, I'm going to have to make it again soon.)
Hey-ho, onwards and upwards.