Hello! And a podcast recommendation. - Couch to 5K

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Hello! And a podcast recommendation.

Sadie-runs profile image
33 Replies

Hi lovely running folks,

Have not been posting much as I am inching my way off the IC, and don't want to jinx things. Injured hamstring in December seems to be healing nicely, and I have started again with a run from week 1 and a run from week 2, building myself back up to 5k gently. Had a physio app for today, but cancelled it as my leg is coping beautifully with this gentle re-introduction to running again – but I am still feeling incredibly cautious. Anyhoops, enough about that.

I have been amusing myself by listening to this fun running podcast:


Two comedians go for runs and talk about running whilst running. What more could you ask for? I love it.

Lots of love,

Sadie-runs (a bit) x

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Sadie-runs profile image
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33 Replies
HeadInTheClouds profile image

Hey my lovely, so nice to hear from you and even better that you are heading in the right direction..!!

Will have a listen to this, sounds like fun 😊

Go steady and take care as you ease yourself back in. Xx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Thanks dearest HITC. I have had to exercise will power these last 6 weeks, have been itching to get out. Hmm. I have learned a very valuable lesson in patience. Running, eh? The gift that keeps on giving.

Hope you like the podcast if you get the chance to listen! It is called Running Commentary. I love their witterings.

How is your running going? Hope ewe are still getting out there.


HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Oh yes, that thing they call ‘patience’..!! I am today, for the first time in 3 weeks, feeling a little more ‘human’ since having this s@dding flu virus. It’s definitely knocked me on my ar$e 🤦🏻‍♀️ Not run since Christmas Day. So, like you, I shall be returning very cautiously. But, hey, it is what it is and the running will still be there... waiting 😂 xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Oh lordy, so sorry to hear you have been hit by the s@dding flu. :-( Definitely take it easy. Short runs only, and walking when you need to. Honestly, you will be surprised at how much stamina you will have retained, I was! And patience is key. Running is for life, not just for C25K. :-)

Roll on spring…summer running. xxx

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

I shall definitely be behaving myself when I get out there again - and I do hope my stamina hasn’t completely b*ggered off and left me..!!

Haha, you’re right there and some spring / summer running will be great for us all... bring it on 🤗

Take it steady my lovely. Xxx

Fishypieface profile image
FishypiefaceGraduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Oh no, sorry you've been so poorly. Hope you are feeling better now. Flu is just the absolute pits. Take it easy starting back x

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

Thank you my lovely. It’s been a b@$t@rd but (as my mother tells me) like all things, it will pass. I have a load of wheatgrass coming my way... I shall juice myself stupid in the hope it’ll get me fitter quicker 😂 xx

TedG profile image

Hello Sadie, good to hear from you 😊

Sorry you’ve been on the IC and very sensible weening yourself back into it 🏃‍♀️

I’ve had my own problems, Peroneal Tendonitis and Shin Splints....a bit too much too soon me thinks and it scuppered my 10K plans 🙄

Did gentle 5k on Sat, felt good but shins a bit sensitive again now, don’t know if a brisk walk on top was too much 🤔

Loving the podcast, will definitely use it on my next outing...nice to listen to others suffering 😂

Enjoy you running and take care 😊

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to TedG

Oh Ted, only this morning I was wondering how you were! Sorry to hear your issues are ongoing. 🙁 But patience - with rest they will abate and you will get back to form. If shins felt a bit sensitive still, do make your next run a shorter one/with walk intervals if needs be.

Exactly how I injured myself I suspect - overdoing it - too many squats followed by a 5k - should have rested the next day, but did a long walk (thinking it was fine), but ended up mincing the last 3k of the walk in pain. NEVER AGAIN! I will listen to every warning sign my body gives me and rest.

The podcast is just lovely.

You take good care too, buddy. Hope you are back to full form soon. xxx

Sarakc profile image

Hi! Thank you so much for recommending the podcast! I’m lying on couch listening to it now!! (Not IC! I’m just having a wee rest! It was my swimming day today!)

Hope you will soon be fully recovered! 😀

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Sarakc

Thanks Sarakc!

These guys are brilliant - they run for ages and still manage to natter! It is most amusing.

Sadie-runs 😘

IgaT profile image

Good to hear that you're back on the path an already doing week 2 without hamstring pain or anything like that :)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to IgaT

Thanks dear Iga. I think it will be a while before I manage 5k again, but heck, I got time. 😀

Oldfloss profile image

Glad things are improving for you.. it is good to get back on track, even if it is slow :)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you lovely Flossie. It does feel good, and thankfully I feel patient. This running lark has taught me that patience wins out every time. 😀

Anthie profile image

It's so great to hear you're feeling better and back to running, Sadie. Thanks a lot for those podcasts as well, it sounds very funny! I need to find out if I can find them somewhere else because I don't have i-tunes.

Wish you some more nice recovery runs, gently, gently...

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Anthie

Thanks dearest Anthie, your kind words are so appreciated.

I hope you can get the podcasts elsewhere - they are funny and quite motivating. Both guys love their running, and it really comes through in their meandering chats.


quirkybee profile image

Hey my lil chicken, glad you're easing yourself gradually back into this running world of ours. I've not been on here much, but have missed your posts, advice and running tales. I'll try and make a point of listening to the podcast, sounds like a bit of fun. Xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to quirkybee

Thanks my lovely QB. Have missed you too! Are you getting out and running? I do hope so. This injury lark has taught me a beautiful lesson in patience. And shown me how committed I am, bizarrely. Next run will be run 1 of week 3 I think. Reckon I will get back to 30 mins in around a month.

Running Commentary is just two middle-aged blokes wittering on about running whilst running around London, but it has such a charm. And they have kept me inspired with their tales of half marathons and full marathon training.


quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Aww bless you Sadie.

No, I haven't ran since end of November. I'm thinking about when I can get out, but with working full time, seeing my mum every day, the dark nights, by the time I get home in the wk day, do tea, it's 9.30 until I sit down. The wk ends are just full on and it's only my son and I, oh and the new pup, lol. So he takes up a lot of our time and I don't want to leave him alone on wk end, as he's alone during the day when I'm working. I'm home for lunch every day though, so we have quality time then and then in the eve.

Still, I haven't forgotten about it, desperately want to get back out there, plus I know I'll be going through part of the C25K again, to build up my stamina, amazing how unfit you become within nearly 2 months of not running.

You'll be back on form soon lovely and your injury will be in the past, just be careful and do what you're doing now to take care xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to quirkybee

Oh you sound awfully busy! And you have a new pup?! 🐶 Lovely. I do hope you find a way to run again soon. I would NEVER make it out if I ran in the evenings, hence being up and at ‘em at 6:15am. That was lovely in the summer; takes superhuman willpower in dark, windy winter morns.

I am currently running one run from each week; gentle reintroduction after 6 weeks off. So far, so good. Maybe you could try that when you get the chance? 😘

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Sadie-runs

Do you know what Sadie.... I think I will try that, I needed to go back a bit last time, I'll definately need it now. It's such a good programme too. We shall be virtually running together lovely 😊 xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to quirkybee

You will have retained some stamina (I had) and your wee legs will remember what to do. 😄 I am happy even starting again; it’s just a joy to get my running back. Keep me posted when you start again so I can cheer you on, ducky. xxx

ebcroquet profile image

Ooh love a good podcast, thanks for the tip 👍 have you tried Walking the Dog with Emily Dean, enjoyed this weeks episode with David Baddiel 🐕

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to ebcroquet

You are welcome, hope you like it! And yes, I love Walking the Dog, too. I listen to loads of podcasts - great for long walks and I find myself totally absorbed. Haven’t tried running with a podcast yet though - that’s my music time! x

ebcroquet profile image
ebcroquet in reply to Sadie-runs

Same I am a podcast addict which is why it was great to get a new tip. Adam Buxton is a fav, which then led to Romesh’s Hip Hop Saved my life, which led to Scroobias Pip! Loved S Town and first series of Serial 😅

Fishypieface profile image

Glad things seem to be ok with the running, long may it continue! :) Thanks for the podcast, I could definitely do with a laugh, especially while running, such hard work in this weather! Good luck with your next run.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Fishypieface

Thanks FPF. x

Chairmanoftheboards profile image

Hope you find your running feet again soon , look after the hamstring first though , best of luck

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Chairmanoftheboards

Thank you! I am easing back into super slowly and the ole leg seems to be bearing up well now. It’s been 6 weeks! I would not wish a hamstring injury on my worst running enemy!

Elfe5 profile image

Hi Sadie, lovely to see you back again. I too am getting going after 3 glitches one after another, but even more limited running is soooo lovely isn't it?

Go gently and enjoy- I'm sure you will! 😀

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate in reply to Elfe5

Hey Elfe! And I’m so glad to hear that you are getting going again! Phew. And yes, even this limited running is wonderful. Just so happy to be back out there again, and building up to my longer runs slowly. It is tempted to launch back into 5k again, but one thing being on the IC has taught me is patience! So gently does it...

Wishing you lots of happy runs to come. xxx

buddie17 profile image

Going to try this podcast today!! Thanks for the link 👍

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