My squished toe is starting to improve and the call of running was loud! As I was about to set off I heard 'The Food Programme' announced on the radio - all about porridge. So having had a good Scottish upbringing I abandoned my beloved run playlist and off I went with radio 4 playing on my phone.
As I ran past the fields I heard about porridge from the West Indes made with spices,( must try it - mace, nutmeg, cinnamon & bay). As I padded along past shaggy, muddy ponies there was rye porridge from Scandinavia. As I chugged along by the adventure playground I remembered eating different types of porridge in Finland ( rice, rye, oat,) and as I turned for home I remembered the( very) old Scottish practice of making the week's porridge in the bottom drawer of a large wardrobe and a seventh of it being scooped out for each day of the week. Happy 5k including warm up and cool down walks. Must have porridge for breakfast - With apple grated into it. Yum! 😀