We might get to start faster on the official c25K plan than we thought.
Last night, in the rather slippery frost, we were out for a full 30 minutes. Last time my wife's wheezing did for us about 10 minutes after we started the jogging portion, which was in the middle of the session. This time we put the running into the last 10 mins and did the 60s on 90s off for that whole 10 minutes, walking briskly to start with for about 20m.
So we managed a full 30 minutes of exercise - a bit more actually as we ended up a few hundred yards from home, and we did twice as much of the running portion as before. And we sped up a little despite the slippery surface we didn't face in r1. And it was no worse in terms of bodily effects than before! So all in all pretty good.
We will look to gradually increase the running portion, putting it at the end of the 30 mins, throughout next week so we are close to w1r1 position by next weekend, or maybe reach that performance before next weekend. Then we can start properly.
Meanwhile its pretty damn slippery while frosty on the pavement so were are off to decathlon to make ourselves a bit more luminous if we chose to jog on the gritted roads from time to time.