Is this what the running community thinks of us? - Couch to 5K

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Is this what the running community thinks of us?

TJC7 profile image
33 Replies

The January Joggers are here, and they are a plague upon our pavements

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TJC7 profile image
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33 Replies
Langley-Loper profile image

That's it - I'm never buying the Telegraph again (well, reading the copy my Dad buys every day). Shame on them for publishing this article! I hate running snobs which is why I like this forum as I haven't found any on here yet.

Lizzisforliving profile image

I think we are the running community and Jonathan Eley is on the outside looking in. Come on in, Jonathan, the banter's lovely x

TJC7 profile image

I graduated c25k in November and when I read this it made me feel really silly to be so proud of what I had achieved. I know my pace is slower than most and I'm often overtaken by "proper runners" when I'm out. I hate to think this is what they think of me as they pass by.

Lizzisforliving profile image
LizzisforlivingGraduate in reply to TJC7

I am a way off graduating, but I'm proud of what I've achieved - you're a complete star. I know I'm not as fast as the other runners I pass, but that's okay - I'm faster than all the people sitting indoors thinking about doing some exercise.

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to TJC7

You are a proper runner. The writer is actually not representative of the runners I’ve come into contact with. They are always so pleased to hear there is a new runner amongst them, all want to know how I’m doing, how it’s going, would I like to run with them sometime etc.

Stay proud of what you have achieved. Let these type of nay sayers pass on by.

Millsie-J profile image

That is so disappointing! What gives this writer the right to make a judgement on new runners. Some of those new runners will be the future marathon runners, we all start somewhere, and need encouragement not ridicule and disrespect.

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Pah, we are not JJ's, we are in it for life... How very dare he assume that all new joggers don't know what they are doing...he was a beginner once and should embrace that 'normal' folk are doing something to aid and benefit themselves..Go January jogger, and February and March....😄😉x

roseabi profile image

Erm, I detect a tongue in the cheek :)

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to roseabi

If so Roseabi it is clearly not being picked up by all, perhaps he needs to improve his style of writing.

roseabi profile image
roseabi in reply to Millsie-J

Possibly people are feeling too angry to read as far as the final two paragraphs, where it seems to me that the man is sending up either himself or the entire running community! I may well be wrong of course (often am!), but anyway, as the kids say, haters gonna hate. Just ignore it :)

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to roseabi

It certainly wont impact on my life and loved ones 😆😆😆

runswithdogs profile image

Gosh. I'd love to get a flash mob together when he's out for a run and do W1 together. In my ill-fitting bright coloured Lycra. I can run real slow, and I walk even slower 😈

Well, for starters, we aren’t joggers, we’re runners. And if his knees and back are giving up, then he’s doing something wrong.

Pm3eak profile image

You have probably heard the theory that if you gave a bunch of chimpanzees a typewriter and left them for long enough they would eventually produce 'The Complete Works of Shakespeare': that is now disproven and we now know they would actually produce 'The Telegraph'.

So I wouldn't worry too much. Taking onboard Telegraph opinions is akin to eating computer hard drives: it is indeed taking in information of a sort but it is hard to swallow and generally sticks in your throat.

But, for balance, I must point out the newspaper's good points: there is a huge amount of it for lighting the log burner and its broadsheet format makes it an ideal size for bedding the ferret hutch.

I too wondered if this chap was attempting to write in a jocular, tongue-in-cheek style. After closer examination I am convinced he either isn't or that particular module was missing from the online writing-course he got for Christmas.

I've been involved in an awful lot of sport in my life-several minutes of it at a reasonable level: I have never yet met a genuine sportsman who did not delight in seeing people take up a new sport or aspire to improve their physical well being. I am therefore concluding that this bloke's other sport involves The Caber.

So, carry on regardless goodly running folk: in your running, writing and mentoring you are doing a lot more for the health of the nation than the boy Jonathan.

(And no offence to any Telegraph readers out there)

Oldfloss profile image

No way..because we are not...!

I don’t think the article is talking about us at all and the writer also refers to himself as a jogger. I read this to be saying that January is the time of year when we all get new diets, give up the booze and join the gym. Most people don’t keep it up otherwise we wouldn’t need to do it all again next year. We are not January joggers we are proper joggers too!

Maybe just a bit of fun. I wouldn’t get to exercised about it (geddit)

If the article annoyed you, then keep on jogging all year! 🏃🏾‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️

Irishprincess profile image

I just think it's funny. But then I'm a very thick skinned runner 🏃🏃🏃

Sandraj39 profile image

Awful article - but thanks for posting it! I graduated over two years ago and continue to run regularly "in all weather". I know that this programme got a 49 year old, who had not run for years, back out there again and am eternally grateful for all the support and laughs I have had on this forum, both at the time and since. I love seeing others set off on the same exciting journey and watch as the running bug takes hold! There may be some that fall by the wayside (for a variety of reasons) but the new year is as good a time as any to take the plunge and get out there.

For anyone who truly worries that this is what the running community thinks - please get down to your local Parkrun and see the amazing camaraderie and acceptance of all ages and abilities that takes place every Saturday, usually on your own doorstep.

..and to all those just starting out...keep going, you are fab and the journey is amazing!🙂🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏻🙂👏

mrrun profile image

Irrelevant opinion from a guy who needs to sell his paper. If he was any better he'd be a successful writer. He knows that hence the bitterness and coming from him, we know we are onto something good.

Terimanning25 profile image

What an idiot... never see yourself as a jogger... we are all runners, we all do our own pace and no one should ever feel the need to put us down... keep going people and show prats like this we are in this for the long run 👌

in reply to Terimanning25

What’s wrong with being a jogger?

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to

Nothing, but me personally I like to think of myself as a runner... we are all runners, just at different speeds x

Rignold profile image

I am surprised anyone can read this article and not see the tongue-in-cheek tone, tbh.

That said, the reality of the thing is really quite shocking. I have been researching the numbers on 'New Year's Resolution Fitness' this last week for a blog article I have been writing (of a more encouraging, less mocking nature, however t-i-c, I hasten to add before you get the pitchforks out) and they are quite astounding. Of all the new gym memberships taken out in January, 92% do not come back by February 1st.


One of the bigger gym chains I looked at said they had 390,000 new memberships last January. That's just one gym chain. and 312,000 of those would have given up within the month. No wonder gyms make you sign up for the whole year. And gym owners go off on nice holidays in February.

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Rignold

True, unfortunately. As much as l encourage anyone to take up exercising or give up smoking or listening to terrible pop music, l come accros people who save those decisions only for 1 January. I can only talk about people l know, l haven't researched anything further apart from casually reading about it, and not one remained (out of 8 l know) on their chosen program shortly after. Ok, listening to terrible music is a serious illness and at times beyond help but the other mentioned stuff can actually prolong your life.

It's about the mindset. You quit smoking on, say, 3 May, take up running on, whatever, 7 August, you take your decisions on any day on the calendar based on your choice and will power. And then, then you stick to them.

New Year's Resolutions, as noble and well intended as they are, often result in what you've discovered.

You can probably guess that I'm totally against Father's Day too. Why can't they buy me something on any other day?

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to Rignold

Thanks Rig, I’ve now found a positive point to the article! Those pavement pounders are not paying gym membership to try running! 👍🏼🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏻🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏻🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏻

Kingfisherk26 profile image

"According to a recent survey conducted by Sports Marketing Surveys Inc, the UK’s running population has reached 10.5 million people. "

10.5 million!!!!!! the future is ours! lol

Haha typical journalism...twisting things as usual. As the saying goes..."jealousy gets you nowhere"

Come on all - lets hit the roads!

misswobble profile image

I don’t mind being called a jogger. I jog! I am a member of a jog club. I think folks are are too touchy

I didn’t take the article seriously.

in reply to misswobble

Absolutely. We need to run and smile. That’s hard if you are unnecessarily cross/touchy

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to

Hope you don’t think I am touchy or cross. I am deliciously laid back and very happy with my life.

However I have opinions on things, as do and can anyone else, including Jonathan of the Telegraph. Neither his or my opinion is right or wrong, it’s our opinion. In my opinion if people want to try a new activity in January or any other time of year, let them. The intention is good whenever it happens.

The journalist clearly was encouraging debate, which is what he has. There is no right or wrong way to interpret what is said as the piece doesn’t come with instruction, neither does it set context.

I run, jog, walk, live, love, laugh. That will do for me 😃

I have real life things to focus on, Jonathan’s money making musings is not one of those.

I’m off to smile along my run/jog.

Happy running everyone.

Theziggy profile image

I can't read this article without subscribing to the newspaper. Other upcoming articles include:-

January joggers

February Footslogging

March Marathoners

April Athletes

May Milers


TJC7 profile image

I have to say if this was tongue in cheek I totally missed that. Possibly because I recently had a negative interaction with a faster / fitter runner while out recently and the views in this article would go some way to explain it. I'm really enjoying running outdoors and that won't change. I think being a relative newbie it's hard not to feel self conscious about what people think when they see you. I still haven't been able to work up the confidence to park run yet. Thanks for all the replies, interesting to get other points of view on this.

misswobble profile image

TJ. Parkrun is lovely. Go along and have a look first if you want 🙂

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