Today I learnt that my best friend has breast cancer and I felt the sudden urge to start running. My ultimate goal is to run the Angkor Wat Marathon in August 2018 to raise money for good causes. The first stage is couch to 5k. I’m trying to put a positive spin on the darkness of life.
Netflix Binges to Running on Ice?: Today I... - Couch to 5K
Netflix Binges to Running on Ice?

Welcome to the nicest running club in the world, here you can start on Couch to 5K and beyond... It is such an honourable thing that you are thinking of doing and you will find a lot of us on here run for certain charities and causes. I hope you enjoy your runs - choose your coach, get your trainers on and run! oh and any advice or posts from either of our site mentors Oldfloss or IannodaTruffe is always worth looking at. They have so much experience to help us newbies.

Thank you. I’m excited for this new chapter in my life. So good to know that so many others are in the same boat
What a lovely friend you are. I hope your friend’s prognosis is good and that she overcomes her challenges. And welcome and enjoy this journey.

Wow, that is a challenge.
With such a tight timetable, I would suggest that you make contact with a local running club, who may be able to offer advice beyond the experience of most of us on this forum.
I do remember another C25K graduate doing a marathon within her first year of running, but do not underestimate how much training and dedication this will require.
We will be proud to help you through the first stage of your journey.

Out of darkness comes light, many on here have stories so welcome and you've made a start just being here.
Keep us updated on your progress
Great sentiment .. out of the darkness comes light

Wow, that's a great challenge you've set yourself and I understand your motivation. (One word of warning, please don't say to your friend that you are running "for her" as cancer patients can be sensitive about this for obvious reasons.) Good luck and keep us posted with your progress
Yes I’ve recently learnt this. Sorry, I didn’t mean to get offend anyone. Just want to feel helpful.
No, I'm sorry to hear about your friend's news; I understand the shock you must be feeling and good for you for wanting to do something positive. I was just saying that you need to be sensitive about stuff like running for charity around people going through cancer. I speak from experience. Good luck to you and your friend x

Good luck, to you and your friend 🤞
Good Luck 2017runnernat - take it slowly, and you will really enjoy it (Maybe not all the time, but you know, most/some of the time)...the real fun comes when you get to do the longer runs, they feel so much more natural than the stop/start runs you start off with. Good Luck