Feeling bleurgh! : Managed 6k tonight... it felt... - Couch to 5K

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Feeling bleurgh!

Terimanning25 profile image
75 Replies

Managed 6k tonight... it felt so good so pushed myself forwards

First time I let the derogatory comments get to me- shouts from cars, laughing and pointing and honks of horns... 😭

Seriously shattered my confidence x

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Terimanning25 profile image
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75 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

The world is full of a**holes............pay no attention, you know what they are full of!

You just ran 6k. I don't suppose they could do that. Be proud, take a deep breath and banish those insignificant beings from your thoughts.

You are way above them.

Well done on the run.

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you... I needed that perspective from someone else... I guess I will feel better when I get back out there x

Midriff_Crisis profile image

Some people are idiots. It's a fact. You'll out-run and out-live them all (probably)

Be strong. We all love ya ...

TJMazz profile image

Don’t let them get you down. Good on you for running 6k! Amazing 🙌🏻🙋🏻😀

ChrisAllen1 profile image

Just keep running and ignore the idiots

What??? I’m seriously surprised since there are so many people running now. You cant move for runners in the small town where I live, all ages, sizes and levels of fitness, and nobody takes the slightest interest. Silly tossers. Probably fancy you! Take no notice.

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to

I know, there's loads of runners where I am... but most are slight and look amazing... I am a big fat bird so I get the attention 🙄

in reply to Terimanning25

I bet you are beautiful and voluptuous, and you can run 6k, which is amazing. You probably make them feel inadequate, so they have to whistle and shout to big themselves up. Ignore! x

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate in reply to Terimanning25

Absolutely not, You are not a fat bird, you are probably just cuddly or a bit too cuddly maybe. There are different stages of cuddliness. You are a warm and smart person who has the guts and strength to do something about her health. Maybe some honks were for encouragement.

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to nhs2015

Let's hope so 😁

Newrunnerliz profile image
NewrunnerlizGraduate in reply to Terimanning25

Nothing wrong with curves 😉

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to Newrunnerliz

💙 definitely got some x

the_tea_fairy profile image
the_tea_fairyGraduate in reply to Terimanning25

The thing is, the same people are rude enough to be derogatory about your body are the ones to heckle when you get out there and start changing it: you literally can't please them either way, so two fingers and chin both firmly up!

And if you get the chance, you *could* shout "in 6 months I'll be leaner and stronger, and you'll still be a twat with no manners" 😉

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsaGraduate in reply to the_tea_fairy

Amen to that!!

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to the_tea_fairy

Love it 😍

Bridget007 profile image

How rude! Take no notice you just ran 6k and that is brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! They are sitting in their cars with nothing better to do than shout derogatory remarks; deep down they wish they could do what you are doing! Well done and do not let their comments get to you!

Terimanning25 profile image

Thank you everyone... it's the first time I noticed it and it affected me and it hurts a bit... I need to get back out there I think and I think that's going to be my way of sticking it to those people... need louder headphones so can't hear anyone 😁

HeleneCorsa profile image

Well done on arriving at 6k - brilliant stuff! As for the comments,I know it is easy to tell you not to let it get to you but much harder in practice. Do try to remember though that it's not about you, it's about them. Those people are cretins who likely cannot run for toffee, let alone knock out 6k.

I actually had a stern word with someone about making mean comments this evening,and it was very gratifying. I was returning home after a run and passed by lots of bars and restaurants that were opening for the evening. A quite large lady passed by, clearly a tourist as she was holding a guide book, and alone. One of the waiters call out to her,asking if she wanted a table for two, then laughed very cruelly. She looked hurt and bewildered and had certainly understood (from the tone of voice if nothing else) but was clearly unable to answer in Italian, and scuttled along as if she wanted the ground to swallow her up. I continued walking but this thing stuck in my craw so I turned back and spoke with the man, pointing out that he was at least 40 and should have found better ways of finding entertainment by now rather tha picking on people who are alone and likely disadvantaged linguistically at that moment. He reacted like an embarrassed kid which was what I intended.

There are idiots everywhere, but don't let them rain on your parade. xx

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to HeleneCorsa

Well done you... I can stand up for others but struggle to do the same for myself x

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsaGraduate in reply to Terimanning25

I am the same - it's often the way, isn't it?

I was also on 'home turf' there and I know the proprietor of the restaurant so I felt able to speak up, obviously in an appropriate way. But when you are the injured party it's entirely different - generally I just want to get away from the situation.

Oldfloss profile image

Well done you! Ignore the gremlins... human ones:)

Oh no, so sorry to hear this :-( but look at your stats. You did 6k. And in a very respectable time. Those horrid people weren’t out to get fit and improve themselves, so you’ve already proved that you are better than that. Please don’t let it put you off.

Personally I in awe of anyone who can run 6k at that pace. I struggle to hit 5k, and I’m slower too.

You take care, ok?

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to

Thank you... if someone had told me in September by Christmas I would run 6k, I would have laughed... sometimes I need outside perspective to make things make sense to me...

Btw, keep doing what you are doing and you will get quicker... it doesn't matter about speed though as you can only do your best 😘

Millsie-J profile image

I am a similar build to you so know what you mean.

Try to let it all pass you by. I tend to just smile and a little wave with an ‘hello’. It puts them on the back foot. If you have earphones in they have no idea what you can hear.

You can always ask if they want to run with you......bet they would sheepishly walk away!

You are doing great. Run and be proud.

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to Millsie-J

Thanks... I picked up the wrong headphones (I have several sets and none are very loud) but these were quiet so I was more aware... I definitely need louder headphones... I like the whole offering them to run with me, will have to try that 😉🙂

HeadInTheClouds profile image

Terimanning25 you are bloody awesome..!! Really well done for smashing that 6k, that's really impressive.

As for the ar$eholes... I really don't know what to say... apart from the fact that they are definitely ar$eholes..!!

I'd wave excitedly at them as if I knew them, or give them a flick of the fingers, or write on the back of my T-Shirt "I've just run 6k - have you"..??

Or take me running with you and I'll punch them in the face..!! 😵

However you deal with it, there is one thing you must do ... hold your head high and keep on running..!! Be proud that you are bloody amazing..!!

...and be safe with those loud headphones...


Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Thank you

I take my headphones in and out in areas for safety- darker areas I keep one in and take one out and in a few places have both...

I need a personal top- "I run 6k! Say what you want? I will be gone when you finish" 😁😂


HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Terimanning25

I wear on-ear headphones and they spend most of their time resting on my face in front of my ears.

I love the idea of that T-Shirt ... put it on your Christmas list..!! 😂

Chin up, lovely, don't let anyone bring you down. Xx

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

I need to look at headphone choices definitely... and I think I shall... my partners trying to help my running and I think that is needed 😁 I just need to get over the blip in my head and get on... I think i will be ok when I get back out there... I just need to muster up some confidence to do so...

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to Terimanning25

You've smashed it this far, you will continue to smash it.

Next time you go out, we will ALL be with you - by your side - every step of the way 🤗

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds

Thank you 😘

Anthie profile image
AnthieGraduate in reply to Terimanning25

Definitely something you can get someone to offer you for Xmas! WELL DONE you for being so committed and running 6K... Amazing! And all my admiration for putting up with those stupid people. I don't know how I would react: give them the finger... but then it would put you on the same level? Be proud of yourself and ignore them. I hope you'll feel better after you next run and if those ass... are still on your way, think very hard that all the people on this forum are giving you the cheer for achieving so well!

icklegui profile image

Love the t-shirt ideas - one with "well how far have YOU run today" (on the back, naturally) perhaps? Really love your "say what you want, I'll be gone when you're finished" :D

Those people are gremlins in human form and you are an awesome runner x

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to icklegui

Thank you 🙂

pollyp1 profile image

Crikey - you got to 6k two weeks after graduation: that's really impressive from where I'm sitting. Don't let the b*stards get you down - you're doing something for you and no-one's got the right to take that away from you. Most people have no idea what dedication and application it takes to get fit and lose weight (speaking as someone who's done both I know exactly what it takes). Stick with it and, as IannodaTruffe said: ' take a deep breath and banish those insignificant beings from your thoughts.'.

Have at it!

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to pollyp1

Thanks... that's exactly it... I have been through some stuff in life and came out with two kids and a few stone heavier... the last year I have focused a bit more on me and lost 4 stone and the running has been my saviour to get some time away from everything (3 year olds and 20 month olds are hard work)..

I feel like 6k was significant as I never thought I would get past the 5k... I feel like I am making such progress overall so it's nice to get Perspective from others x

pollyp1 profile image
pollyp1Graduate in reply to Terimanning25

Running definitely helps with stuff! Well done on the weight loss and the babies (I don't have children but can imagine the work involved...) - what an inspirational mum they have.

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to pollyp1

Thanks... I just want to be able to run around with my kids and show them they can make the change and achieve something if they put their mind to it 💜💙

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsaGraduate in reply to Terimanning25

Woah! A four stone weight loss is a major achievement, well done! And doing all this while your children are still so little (and close together in age too) is even more praiseworthy.

Keep going as you are, you're doing amazing stuff.

My kids roll their eyes at me for this as I probably say it far to often, but I am always insisting that one of life's golden rules is never to scorn a person who is seeking to better themselves, as their efforts are sacrosanct.

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to HeleneCorsa

Thank you... no time like the present to make the change... 😘

Honestly...you should be SUPER proud of yourself!!!as i still new to all of this i struggle & must look a right state when i am out & about!!!i have HUGE respect for people i see out running...& the more that person is struggling the more respect i have for them because i know how hard they are working!!!i always make sure i give them a huge smile of encouragement.you have done BRILLIANTLY & people who enjoy making fun of others are not worth wasting your energy over.i bet they couldnt run across the road without getting out of breath!!!you ROCK 😊 xx

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to


CAWF profile image

Ignore the nasty comments. I’ve never been honked at and I make a point of not looking at people in cars. I’m sure there’s a few sniggering though, because you always have idiots around. Hold your head high and next time someone says something just do 👍 and show them you don’t care. Well done you running 6K.

ruralfrance profile image

You are way above them, terimanning, and above me, I would love to have your stats!!! I don't underestimate the effect this can have, but just think of what you've accomplished. Stay positive, keep doing what you're doing. Good luck and keep posting.

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to ruralfrance


EmmaRunning profile image

Wow! Seriously impressed by your stats, would love to be able to get that far/fast at some point. Thanks for being inspiring.

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to EmmaRunning


rolysmate profile image

Seriously shattered your confidence, my goodness you just ran 6k something that possibly 75% of the population couldn't manage including cretins in cars who think (wrongly) that they are clever, so come on fat bird (to use your words) get back out there and join this little pot bellied old man and show that we're runners and proud of what we can do, ps I notice lots of fat birds and a few fat lads out there running , my response --- get on there, well done!

secksy34 profile image

feck em , they are idiot losers and most defo non runnrers as runners always encourage and admire us larger ladies because they know how hard it is , your a winner and need not listen to small minded cretins xxx happy running and fab time and distance x 😁

quirkybee profile image

Hey there 🤗

You're doing far more than I am. At the moment, so be proud of yourself.

Ignore those that give horrid comments and those that honk etc, you're out there running and doing a good bit of mileage. They are silly people, you are the wise one, keep going girl 😊

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to quirkybee

Thank you... keep going, as you improve your stamina, your mileage will improve... I used to barely manage 3km... 😁

quirkybee profile image
quirkybeeGraduate in reply to Terimanning25

Will do my best, thank you.

Some people are full on c*ckwombles! Ignore them, they couldnt do what your doing! Like the ever wise HeadInTheClouds says, flick them the V's next time!

Or carry a big rock, and next time they honk...put there windows through! :-)

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to

I would like to point out that neither Hidden or myself condone violence in any way..!! ;)

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to HeadInTheClouds


in reply to HeadInTheClouds

I definitely do!

HeadInTheClouds profile image
HeadInTheCloudsGraduate in reply to

OK, but only in extenuating circumstances ;)

PashleyPedaller profile image

Hey there - sorry to read this. I know it's hard not to take it personally - I get loads of shouts and honks when I'm riding my bike to/from work, usually from blokes in vans and boy racers in hatchbacks - I've even had things thrown at me. My immediate reaction is to feel hurt and close to tears, but I refuse to let them win and make me feel like sh*t. Hold your head high - you've just accomplished a stonking 6k run - and ignore the cheap jibes of these cretins. They're not in your league and they know it. Keep going, girl x

in reply to PashleyPedaller

they have small willy syndrome

OneDayMaybe profile image

I see you’ve had lots of great replies already but I’ve only just seen your message and was compelled to reply too.

Read your message as if you’re reading it from someone else and what would you be saying?!! Exactly, what numpties and how great you are.

Maybe it’s an age thing cos I’m 51 and 15 stone, so clearly there’s plenty of me to jiggle as I run. I started running 7 weeks ago and can now run 30 mins. I’m so proud of myself so no 20 year old idiots in a van (always at least 2 males of course!) will stop or hurt me. I am ace, as are you. I’ve got a long way to go - next year is weight challenge - and you are already so much further along the journey than me.

Sounds like something in life has battered your confidence and this event caught you at a weak moment and you let it in and hurt you. We all have days like that. But you’ll rise above it again and if ever you feel low, write down your achievements and see how rubbish you are then - NOT!!

Take care. I think you sound amazing and your next challenge from the weight loss and running is renewing your confidence. Xx

Downtwo profile image

Saw all the great comments but had to say something too. You really are amazing what you have managed to achieve on top of putting up with that abuse. I am sure I would have cracked. Can you do another route sometimes to allow yourself to enjoy your run without the crap comments? Also can anyone else go with you? Meanwhile get those headphones and imagine we are all running along beside you when it gets tough. xx

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to Downtwo

No one round here to go with me... I variedy route last night as I don't know my area very well (despite being here two years) so trying different routes so I can get an idea of distances etc and to be fair I ended up near an industrial estate with truckers coming in and out... cardinal mistake I think x

misswobble profile image

folks might well just be tooting their horns in solidarity Fellow runners in their cars not able to be out running, but pleased you are

I ran on the main road the other day and there was much tooting. I didn’t take it as anything but positive reinforcement 😃👍✔️🏃‍♀️

Arseoles don’t bother me. They’re just tw#ts. That’s their problem not yours 🙂

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to misswobble

Toots aren't so bad, it's the rude remarks and laughing when people have shouted something x

ancientrunner profile image

Don't let them put you off. They are just ignorant and you have done brilliantly.

I always take a toot as a sign of support - who knows if that is how it is meant but it helps me.

SlowLoris profile image

All the above and more.

There are people in your life whose opinion matters to you.

The people you describe in your post are not the sort of people whose opinion matters to you or us, or anyone with half a brain.

Next time you pass anyone like that have a little sympathy for their small ignorant lives and smile to yourself. Forgive them for their ignorance.

(If that doesn't help imagine yourself hitting them in the head with a baseball bat. And smile to yourself.)

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Well done on that 6k Terimanning😊..thats a brilliant acheivement.

Agree wholeheartedly with all the lovely running peeps on here, those numpties who called out think they are funny, but have no idea how much determination and effort goes into what you can do. Do not let them bother you. Run tall and proud. You are amazing and a fabulous mum too.😊xxx

Shelby1973 profile image

ignore them bloody idiots think they’re funny . Xx

AnneDroid profile image

There are some great comments here! I just wish they knew we were all laughing at them in return; it would serve them right.

When I started running, I convinced myself (I don't know how) that I was invisible because I was self-conscious. This worked so well I was amazed when any friend said, "I saw you out running the other day". :)

But now I genuinely don't care. And, seriously, learning not to care what others think is VERY liberating. Something else to work on during your running journey!

Great time for 6k by the way. You're a star.

Surreyjelbel profile image

It is bound to be upsetting, but lovely lady you are out there doing it and running 6k in the time it takes me to run 5k, be proud of yourself!

There are far more good people in the world than those ignorant gits doing it for a cheap laugh, and you have all of us good ‘uns on here which have got your back, so just ignore them.

Keep it up!

Wolfger profile image

I'm not sure which is harder to believe: that people actually do this (and I know they do), or that I've never personally been subjected to it yet. Just keep on keeping on. What comes out of their mouths is worthless.

wez70 profile image

I'm convinced this is why we have such a problem with inactivity, obesity etc today ... people are downright bloody horrible to each other! Who should give a flying f**k what anyone else wears, looks like or does in their efforts to move, be healthier and make changes to their lifestyle, other than the person doing it? This is why people are scared to go to gyms, run outdoors, put themselves in the public eye in any way other than to drink, fight or appear on Jeremy bloody Kyle ... anyone else should just shut up and worry about their own inadequacies that make them so horrible in the first place. Good on you, ignore it, it's their problem and definitely not yours and at the end of the day, who needs the approval of anyone else for anything in life? Not you, not me, not any of us who know what getting your kits on and getting out there means. Keep up the fabulous work x

Pirateferret profile image

What a-holes! Bet none of them were running ha! You're doing amazingly keep it up :)

Seaskimmer profile image

I'm so so sorry to hear you're having to put up with this kind of behaviour. I really shouldnt be shocked to read it because i know what some people can be like, but i still am. But as shocked as i am about them, I'm much more impressed by you! Graduating from this programme is a real achievement (so I hear - on wk 5 myself at the mo!) and to have done that while getting this kind of trolling at the same time is nothing short of brilliant. What a woman! I hope it's ok if I start following you? You can inspire me 😊

Terimanning25 profile image
Terimanning25Graduate in reply to Seaskimmer

Thank you... it's nice to inspire others... you are more than welcome to follow me... I remember week 5 as being the week I ran without aches after for the first time... any one who has the discipline to finish the programme is a star because human nature is to quit 😉

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