Was supposed to start week 9 yesterday but haven't been able to run since last Wednesday because I have had knee pain in my right knee for the last few days.
It all started around week 7, No pain at all when running but later that evening I would feel a slight niggle when going down stairs, nothing at all when walking or running and I didn't really think much of it.
It has now progressed to the point where it very occasionally feels unstable and a little wobbly when standing, im aware of the niggle when driving but again no pain at all when walking or running, it's now taking 3 or 4 days after a run to feel normal again, its not a strong ouch sudden pain its an irritating dull niggle itchy pain around and behind the knee cap and it is at It's worse when I'm sat doing nothing and lay in bed! It's slightly swollen too and occasionally feels warm too touch.
I have done some research and it looks like "runners knee". I found some stretches to do before and after each run, I've ordered a support bandage and I'm going to start icing and elevating it. I'm hoping I can finish week 9 next week and then take a few weeks rest doing strengthening stretches before starting the programme again on the hill track. I really don't want to stop at week 8 run 3 but i also do not want to cause a more severe injury.
Any one experienced this and got any advice?