I do find running fun now but there was a definite period where I just thought, what’s the point, I can’t do it, I’ve never been able to do it and I’ll never be able to do it. About week 4, and again about week 7.
If that’s you, this is what got me through, in hopes that it may help. It’s the same thing that eventually got me through my 8 year slog on a PhD. 1) I really really thought about quitting, and in doing that I realized how important this programme was to me. How I wanted, really deeply, to live well in the second half of my life, to not get dementia, and diabetes, and heart attacks, as well as eventually to look nice and enjoy looking at myself in the mirror (half deep, half shallow?). So, think about quitting. Think about what you are giving up. 2) if you really decide that you really want to do it, then the answer is just — not to quit. You really can’t fail this programme, since it really works and it doesn’t matter if it takes you longer. You can of course fail a PhD, but there I decided that they would actually have to kick me out before I would stop... (they never did, and I got it, so there!)
The bad parts of this programme aren’t that bad — they are temporary and you can just drop to a walk if it all becomes too much and then try again, and magically the next time you try you will be better. The good parts are really very good — improved mental and physical health, sense of achievement, better fitting jeans, renewed fortitude against life’s troubles. Just grind out the difficult bits and don’t give up. You don’t need to give up! You can’t fail! You can do it! And you deserve all those good things.