I kind of went awol for a while - a lot on and not much time to do it in... But the good news is despite stupid tart syndrome and a really stupid injury as result of said syndrome, I am back running again and my latest effort was a slightly slow 5k - but a run is a run is a run as Irish-John always says. Yay. Run report such as it is - jancanrun.com/2017/10/28/ha...
So for the 80s addicts amongst us, I have updated the retro runners 80s play lists on Spotify. We now have Razouski - the original 68 track list and followed by its younger sibling Deck of Ginger Ale, all named after Decker GingerBohemian lardofale with extras from Polly2810
If you want the full listings of the playlists, to see if they meet your 80s needs, please go to jancanrun.com/retro-runners... - as it saves my fingers typing them again!
Next up, aiming for the 70s definitive, glam rock, corny classics.... any ideas gratefully received. Ginger Bohemian - yours are already noted...
Whether you run to the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s - happy running all.