Question about jogging/running technique... when your foot hits the ground, which part should it be? Heel or flat or ball and how should you take off? Want to male sure I'm doing it right to reduce injury. Tia
Jogging technique: Question about jogging... - Couch to 5K
Jogging technique

Just do what comes naturally and see how it goes. I know as new runners nothing comes naturally, but imagine that you were running for a bus. You'd just run. You don't really think about it
The sessions only need to be done very slowly so don't worry. Ideally we should land mid foot I'd say. Not everyone does though, we're all different 🙂

Avoid heel strike, it jars the leg joints. Shortening stride can help to avoid this. Your footstrike should be under your body not out in front.
Push off should be from the inner toes not the little one. I only discovered that I was doing this incorrectly watching my gait analysis video. It was all corrected with the appropriate support shoes, showing the importance of gait analysis.

Another thought... when running you shouldn't be able to see your feet!! If you have a good tall stance and your feet land below you (not ahead of you) then your feet are moving from directly underneath you to behind you. A slight lean at the ankle will also help, some people think of running as controlled falling. You might want to take a look at Chi Running... some good technique there that I'm currently having another look at.

Just go for a jog! 😃👍