I just want to advocate how much c25k has changed my life. I did not post any progress reports, but I completed the programme 2 months a go and my life has completely turned around.
I am a 42 year old diabetic and asthmatic and who had not exercised seriously for 2 decades and I was seriously out of shape and overweight. My cousin suggested i downloaded the bbc app and although i struggled, i never gave up, running at 4.30am, 3 times a week.
I still can not crack the magic 30 min mark but the c25k app and cutting down on carbs has helped me lose 10% of my body fat, a stone in weight and reduced my blood sugar hb1ac from 77 to 48,all in 4 months!
If anyone reads this and is struggling with c25k, if i can do it, anyone can! Yes its hard work and sometimes you want to stop, but keep going!!! The rewards are really really worth it, and your whole life will turn around.
I hate running, but the achievement after finishing is so worth it. pick the right motivating tunes and persevere. You can do it too.
Good luck and feel free to get in touch.