I cant quite believe that I only have 2 more runs to graduation ....... as always at beginning of new running weeks the pesky gremlins came to visit ... this time around the 14-15min stage but determined and not feeling out of breath and legs going strong I pushed them away in seconds .... not sure why they visit each time I increase my time.. I actually could have kept going at the end of 30 mins as felt my rythm ( despite being slow) was steady and controlled ... not saying it was easy and still a lovely shade of pink when finished ......
I am buzzing for next run on wednesday yehhhhh !!!!!!!! swim and steam tomorrow night
Treadmill tonight and maybe wednesday (late working days) then back outside for graduation yehhhhhh with my lovley husband who has done the program too.
People noticing changes in my weight and more importantly my shape.... whoop whoop !!!!