Anyone else skipped week 7 and just increased the one run time after doing week 6? I have just completed week 6 and feel I can go longer now.......
Skip week 7?: Anyone else skipped week 7 and... - Couch to 5K
Skip week 7?

If they are here it's quite likely that they'll be writing from the injury couch.
What you've got to ask yourself is, how many weeks have you got left? Do you really want to risk it?
Don't skip. The programme is carefully designed to take you from no running to 30 minutes without injury. The incremental steps are there for a reason....

Why skip?? Just enjoy each weeks achievement 😜

Nooooooooo....absolute not!! The programme is scientifically worked out & you don’t want to end it all now because that’s what’ll happen if you skip it...INJURY COUCH!! Stick to works...promise 😉

Why skip it? Each run increases your stamina and fitness, you may feel like you can continue afterwards but what's the price you're willing to pay? 6 weeks, 3 months, etc? This are real times you could be on the injury couch.
If you feel like you can go on for longer, increase your pace a little during the run, again, this will increase your stamina and fitness levels.

It's great that you are enjoying your running. I think I read somewhere once, that we build up our cardiovascular fitness more quickly than our soft tissue/muscles, which is why new runners have to exercise a little restraint or risk ending up on the injury couch. I would stick with the programme. It works!🙂

Why skip the runs when you could be running and enjoying them? Makes no sense to me....

You have a lifetime to run and to learn that to be a runner you need to build your body and legs slowly and progressively keeping your injury risk to a minimum. C25k does that for your first few hours of running..........just baby steps, really.
You probably can run longer, but what are you going to prove and what are you going to discover...........that you can push yourself to such a degree, without proper preparation, to the extent that, without warning your body says no and breaks.
Read this from someone who completed the programme and then just did too much too soon and paid the price.
Again, WHY?

Don't skip ... if lots of energy left at end of your runs maybe increase your speed alittle
I have read post where people end up with injuries which hold them back by weeks ... not worth that

If they have, they were silly.. sorry, they were. So many posts and replies on here about missing runs or even weeks.
Stick with it... the misser-outers as you will gather from other replies, end uo inured..and learning the hard way.. or simply disappear..
Stick with us!
OK guys I will do as I am told and do week 7 as suggested! will let you know how I get on!