I started Week 1 last Saturday and completed the 3 runs. Should I wait until Saturday to start week 2 or can I go tomorrow morning? Was wondering as the plan says 3 times per week
Question? : I started Week 1 last Saturday and... - Couch to 5K
You just arrange it to suit you... and your lifestyle..
I run Sunday, Tuesday and Friday As long as you take a rest day in between you are fine Some folk prefer Monday, Wednesday and Friday and have the weekends free.
This is your journey and you run it how you feel it is best for you Just, never miss a rest day
Thanks: I did Sat, Mon and Wed.Thinking I need to try week 2 asap as I want to keep the momentum going and nervous about it. That's why I'm thinking of doing it tomorrow which means 4 runs within the week but have had rest days
You don't have to take two days between, one will do. I didn't start taking 2 days sometimes until week 5 or 6 when I began to get more tired. But don't skip the one day!
I tend to run Mon, Thurs, Sat because that is what works best for me and my schedule.. but that's only because my original Tues, Thurs, Sat plan didn't work out... as long as I get a rest day (or two) in, i'm good!!!
If you want to do tomorrow, I say go ahead! And make sure you post about it!!! We love reading everyone's posts!
I'm only on run 4 but have done it every other day, I repeated run 1 because I didn't do it very well. Moving on to week 2 on Saturday and plan to keep on running every other day.