I have managed to get to week five without too many scars and actually felt pretty good running week 5, run 1. The next two, however, are really scaring me! How did people get through? Why do the runs increase so dramatically? I need inspiration, and help!
Week 5 is petrifying!: I have managed to get to... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 is petrifying!

Petrifying but OK. You'lll do fine. No one knows how the body works, but it does. It's amazing. There's no secret. You just do it. And you can!

You will do fine, honestly. Don't be worried about the next forthcoming runs. Have some self belief, because that's what these podcasts are about. They are aimed at giving you confidence and you have come this far already. Rooting for you 😊👍Embrace it with open arms, lol.

I'm going out on W5R2 later today, also slightly petrified!! But I'm sure we will both make it! I found the first one quite ok which surprised me so maybe there are more surprises to come...

Ok, repeat after me: It's all in my head, it's all in my head.
The program has prepared your body for this even without you realising it. Just go slow and steady, control your breathing and just plod on.
You can do this, trust the program, believe in yourself.

Don't worry about why the increase is there (other people can explain it much better than me), just trust in the plan and know it works.
You CAN do run three, believe in the plan and yourself. It's mind over matter and you'll feel amazing when you have done it.

As everyone has said, you can do this. I felt the same at this stage but you will do it. Keep it slow and steady and you will be ok.

Seriously, I have not the foggiest how this works, but it works. I ran for 20 minutes straight today (W5R3). Yes, me. I did it. For the first time. Heavens! You don't need help, honest. The last four weeks have prepared you for this. Believe me! Believe you can do it and please don't be scared at all - futile emotion, changes nothing! Try. Don't overthink. Trust. Run! 😘

You can either trust in the plan, and how it's built you up so far (and everyone else's responses)
or, if you need stats to convince you...
check out your total running time each session over the week. It's not that dramatic an increase, you've handled more! When I approached this I thought of it as "closing the walking gap" between runs.
Thanks everyone! I'll let you know how I go. I can do this! ☺️

I just got back from W5R2 and it's 2 x 8 minutes with 5 mins walking in between, so not so terrifying after all! The only problem I had was not physical - my podcast crashed during the 2nd 8 min run and Laura disappeared! I tried to fix it whilst running but couldn't and I really didn't want to stop, so just tried to guess 8 mins based on the first run. So I think I did it, but I'm not sure! Can't run without Laura yet that's for sure....
So today I did wk 5 run 3! I actually did it! It actually wasn't as hard as I thought. I feel good. Have you done it yet? How did you go? 😀
I am about to brave it in about 30 mins. W5R1 was where I stopped a year ago. So...hopefully we both make it through!

So you are petrified of repeating a run that you can't complete?
That is the worst thing that can happen to you.............you chose to do this and if you don't want to get to 30 minutes of running then just stick where you are.
Time to drop the histrionics, believe in yourself (look how far you have come) adopt a positive I can attitude, relax and just do it.
W5R1 is 21 minutes of activity between warm up and cool down. W5R2 is 21 minutes and the doddle that is W5R3 is only 20 minutes......so there is no dramatic increase..........in fact you move for fewer minutes at the end of the week than you do at the beginning.
Go as slow as you need to...........stop flapping.......this is not flying training.
I successfully completed wk5 run 2. Thanks all the encouragement, it helped! I actually ended up running around 12 minutes on my second run as I lost the app, and didn't realise. So I guess I can do it! I feel good!