Or so Mr Johnson tells me, and who am I to argue?
Week 6 completed this morning. 25 minutes-probably the hardest run in the last few weeks, not helped by my failure to have some drink before I started. Not sure why I missed this out, but at 20 minutes I was seriously flagging and developing a banging headache. Realised the problem and learnt a little lesson. Kept going and luckily got a second wind, rewarded by the bottle of ice cold water at the end. Not rocket science and a simple error.
And so 25 minutes is clocked up. 5 minutes on from last week, and ready for the consolidating runs of week 7. Nearly there.
And. As I'm a runner (according to Mr Johnson) time to retire the non running shoes I'd borrowed off my son. Down to the local Sports Superstore to be patronised by a 20 year old. Pfft. You'll be middle aged soon enough Sonny Jim.
Photo is de rigeur round these parts I believe.