Started yesterday, nearly killed me stiff but determined!!
Just begun: Started yesterday, nearly killed me... - Couch to 5K
Just begun

That's just how I felt on W1R1 but starting W4R1 next week and loving it so keep at it😬
...if ever there was a person that thought they couldn't run for toffee...that was I'm at the end of W6..I've just done my first park run this morning, although that didn't leave me feeling elated, I did it...and you can too...keep at it, you'll be continually surprising yourself with your'll have your ups & downs but you'll get've already started!! Happy running

I think we all felt like that at the beginning, I know I did and now I've just done WK4R1!! Stick with it and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve!! 😊😊

Stick with it
It is the truth when I say it is far FAR easier for me these days to knock out a 5k run than getting through Day One was last year
Read the Beginner posts of us Graduates and you will quickly see darn few of us had much hope we would succeed - but between the programme and this Forum it really is eminently doable.
Run slow and steady, at your own pace and sooner than seems likely to you right now you too will have the "graduate" badge beside your name.
Wishing you many happy miles in your future
Thank you for your kind words. I am feeling old and unfit right now but I'm sticking with it!
Just wait until the day that you are running and get what I call a "Runners Contentment"
You can keep the "Runners high" - those magical runs when you suddenly realise your age, fitness level, physique etc is not stopping you from experiencing one of the most satisfying experiences you've ever had....well, you'll understand soon enough
Wishing you all the many happy miles that await in your future

I struggled with W1R1 but I graduated last week! This programme is amazing and you can do it - if I can then anyone can. Good luck.
It didn't kill you though! ☺ Stretching straight after along with rolling out the painful bits in your muscles helps. And a hot Epsom salts bath is wonderful for aching muscles.
I've only finished wk 1 this morning, so I'm hardly the voice of experience, but I've been reading this stuff forever and I'm a bit brainwashed!
Well done on getting started. That really is a hard thing to do!
Ah that's so sweet of you. It's good to hear from someone recently started. I'm on day 3 tomorrow using a slightly
different app I looked at this one as I am looking for one that will play music whilst you're running as the couch to 5k app I'm using now doesn't play anything and true silence is hard when running.
I'm not sure if I've used this one correctly - it's not an app as such, I've had to individually download podcasts for each week and save them in downloads (I'm not too technologically retarded usually but struggled to get going with these). But am very pleased with them. I had some American app for run 1 (no music) and this one for 2 and 3. Love the music and Laura just sounds so calm and encouraging at the same time!
Whichever you use, good luck tomorrow. We'll be starting week 2 together 😎.
The start and stopping in Week 1 is a killer but it conditions you. I was exactly the same. By Week 4, you will be able to run for five minutes. It sounds crazy but you will. Keep going.

Thank you. I shall try! I bought some leggings today as my trackies kept falling down today as I've lost some weights recently!!! It was funny and made the 2nd attempt at running a laugh!
Oh dear. Those trackies needed to go. I was paranoid about wearing shorts in public (no idea why) but lighter clothing helped. Whatever makes you comfortable.

Keep going ... just getting out there and doing your first run is an achievement that many can't complete (or even contemplate!) keep going and the benefits will pay off.

Well done for starting. I just complete week 1 run 2!

Welcome welcome 🤗
I echo these posts as when I did my wk 1 I was so unfit and felt like pants after 1 min ... I have just done my 25min run and literally feel incredible . My hubby doing it too and both said within 6 short weeks we feel so much fitter , invigorated , alive and loving the forum and program .
No more couch for us ..... you have just joined the most supportive running group ever 😃
It is hard doing it alone but I'm a bit of a loner and hate the very concept of a gym at 52. I'm way too shy. So the old railway line near me is perfect! Cheaper too it's free!!
Your not alone ...... as loads of us on here to talk to about your journey - I am the same re gym however , we have a treadmill and cross trainer at home in the garage
Congratulations!!!! You've done the hardest part, good luck with the rest 🏃

The start of this great programme floors many folk... just keep it very slow and very steady and follow the programme.. take your rest days and put some extra strength and stamina exercises in there too.
You will survive!
That's so encouraging! Thanks

You've just done the hardest run you will ever do. That was the one where you took a leap of faith into the unknown but took it because you wanted to make a change.
Well done!!!!
And welcome.

Well done...keep going, its definitely worth it 🎉🎉😀

Well done you... slow and steady and follow the programme
Make sure you take your rest days... Are you doing this NHS C25K one.. there is music..( some people would disagree that it is music:)) it is fun
Know just how you feel. I have just finished my day 3 week 1. No easier than day 1 lol!!!!
But I am so pleased with myself for completing week 1. Keep at it.

That's what I've just completed today day 3 wk 1 it's so much harder than it sounds! I haven't run in 15+ years!!! Nice to know I'm not alone in this!! 😃
I havnt ran since I was at school. Here's to our 2nd week!!!!!

Well I haven't I mean I have 4 grown up daughters aged 25- 31 and we had horses etc and then 8 yrs ago I divorced their father and then it went downhill. I'm not fit at all. I walk my dog daily 3 miles plus but as far as running goes I can't even recall how long ago I ran!!! 😁😁😁😁😁😁
How you doing with your week 2?😁