So last week I graduated but did all but 2 of my runs on the treadmill at the gym - the 2 I attempted outdoors were a disaster. I really want to be able to run outside, so tonight I went back to Week 4 run 1 and did it outside. It was actually pretty easy but I was glad of the intervals of walking. I even did an extra 5 minutes of running at the end. I can't decide if I should be pleased that I have found a way to move forward with running outside or sad that I have had to go so far back to achieve it. Oh well at least I am still running - although I didn't enjoy the addition of midges to my running experience
Hmmmmmm.....: So last week I graduated but did... - Couch to 5K

I'm running on a treadmill at the moment as not confident outside and not many places to run. I want to run outside but will wait till I finish then like you will try outside, as long as we continue to run and hopefully enjoy it and build our strength and endurance to make the move to the great outdoors that's the important thing??? X

I'm sure that with the running experience you now have it wont take to long to find your outdoor legs and brave of you to go back a little rather than be silly and potentially injure yourself, then midges aside you can enjoy the pleasures of running outside

Have always found running outside completely different to treadmill running. Obviously the elements come into play but to me, outside running seems more difficult. Good luck with the experiment. It won't be long until you are a dedicated pavement pounder 👍
Thank you. I'm not sure I'll ever be dedicated but I am determined to keep going until I can manage the full 5k outdoors. It is definitely much harder outdoors without the airconditioning and having to judge your own pace rather than have the treadmill do it for you.

Midges, as you say... extra protein Well done you... you are running and that is what it is all about
Treadmill trail or tarmac, it's all running and it all counts. Outdoors is less predictable and can throw up obstacles, like midges. They seem to me to be a good reason to stay indoors! Seriously though, in any event a new surface really requires you to think about how you 'convert' i think people who have run outdoors and then decided treadmill would be in need of some adjustment time too. If you found it relatively easy, then maybe you can look at the W5 runs. I think you have been really sensible at finding a way to run outdoors. Well done you

Good for you!
Your approach seems eminently sensible and who knows, you may be able to dispense with some runs as you get used to the great outdoors.
Did you have you treadmill set to a gradient, as is often recommended?
No I did the whole thing on 0%. I knew nothing about running when I started so I had never heard that advice. To be honest it was so hard to start with that I am not sure I would have carried on if I had a gradient as well. Definitely a case of ignorance being bliss! I'll keep going, I want to work up to 30 minutes of running outdoors and then maybe brave a parkrun. Thanks for your support.
Yes I had the same disaster, I was away and no access to a treadmill so tried outside, hoping to do maybe a small run not the 30 mins ! legs wouldn't run couldn't breathe really disappointed . I am due to graduate this week just done the first run on the treadmill and will do the rest on the treadmill, then I will follow your example and go back to wk 3/4 and work up but also carrying on in the gym on a couple of sessions
I can't believe how much harder it is to run outdoors! I want to be able to enjoy the scenery along the river but between the midges and not being able to breathe, I have my head down plodding along. Still I will keep at it, determined to make it to 5k and to do it outdoors. Good luck for your graduation. Thanks for the support.

Great idea, well done for facing what might have seemed like a backward step, but to my mind, really wasn't, as you're training for something a little different. I too have done most of my runs on a treadmill (week 6 now) but I'm starting to mix it up a bit, as I find running outside hugely difficult, but ultimately that's where I want to be.

Thanks. Determined to keep going until I can do my 5k. Good luck.