Week 4 run 1 due to start tomorrow managed the 3 minute run on week 3 bit dubious on whether I can run for 5 mins
51 and feeling great: Week 4 run 1 due to start... - Couch to 5K
51 and feeling great

Of course you can - trust the programme and take it steady. Good luck!☺
Thanks for the support never run before so this is a first for me tired wen doing it but the feeling afterwards really spurs me on to want to do it again

As Sandraj39 says... of course you can... focus on how far you have come and where you are, not on what is to come... trust this wonderful programme and have faith in yourself.
You can do this
Hey joolz66, I'm 53 and also set to do wk4run1 today. Also a bit apprehensive about 5 minutes!! My son's a runner and says don't think about the time just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Will be trying that in about an hour. Good luck to you!
My favourite quote from 'Running Like a Girl' by Alexandra Heminsley ( great read btw) is "It turns out that to survive, you just have to keep going" - applies to running and life in general, I think!🙂 Good luck from another 50- something runner🙂.
Hi 399mjm, how did it go? I'm on the same day as you and have just done it. Will you please thank your son for me?! One foot in front of the other is exactly right! I genuinely didn't feel it was awful today, but my head had built it up to a massive deal beforehand. I gad the biggest smug grin on my face when I completed each of the 5 minutes.
I am 55 and just graduated. I felt like this every week. Well I managed this week just but look how far it is next week. I'll never manage that. But I did so I know you will too. Only times I struggled were when I tried to go too fast. Good luck and enjoy that feeling of achievement when you crack 5 minutes.
I'm mid way through W4--was also highly sceptical about the 5 minutes bit! But I've done the first two runs of W5 and officially NOT DIED. 399mjm's son is right: putting one foot in front of the other is the way to do it. And keep a clear sense of why you're doing it. Heck, if I can do it, anyone can. I'm sure you'll be GREAT.
You won't have a problem doing it I promise - every time there's a ramp up on time, your body has been prepped for it. I cant think there's anyone here who doesn't feel /hasn't felt like you do, regardless of whether you're at Week 1 or 9. We all get beset by doubts, but just read the 'after doubt' posts from folks and you'll see it is achievable. Best of luck next time out

well done, trust the programme, nice and slow and just do it
Oh and...lovely thing I read today: there are good runs, difficult runs, and practice runs, but no failures. So if, for whatever reason, you don't get through the 5 minutes, it's just a practice run 🏃♀️😊

Hey Joolz66, I'm just getting ready to do week 4 run 1 now. Aaargh! I feel a little apprehensive too, but I'm going with the one foot in front of another theory. Slowly too! Wish me luck. I'll let you know how it was in about half an hour!!