I've just done my first 8wk run...somewhere along the run I lost power on my ear phones. So I carried on until I had completed my route including getting back to the car. I lost all prompts and didn't want to get my phone out because it was pouring down. So I got in the car and looked at my phone,according to c25k I had 3 mins left of my cool down which means I must of been short of my 28mins for the run 😩 according to runkeeper I ran for 36.56 mins 3.77 miles with av pace of 9.44 per mile....is the runkeeper accurate enough to take timings for c25k if this happens again. Thanks
Runkeeper/c25k apps: I've just done my first 8wk... - Couch to 5K
Runkeeper/c25k apps

I use MapMyFitness. It's the most accurate app I've tried. I used to use runtastic but found it to be way out. I can't comment on c25k apps because I dismissed the programme very early on.

Well done on keeping going, particularly with the Electronic issues and the rain!
I use Mapmyrun which does the job!

I used Runkeeper from the beginning for about a year. Then I got a running watch and am using both at the moment. I have noticed variations, but in the long term my distances come out about the same, if anything Runkeeper is sometimes shorter than my Garmin.
This is interesting,I don't really suppose at my stage of my running career 😂 it is detrimental that it be super accurate,and voice over says what is important is the distance covered not the speed yet we are running up the minutes in c25k for the 9 weeks! I considered a running watch but went for a Fitbit instead 🙄 I bet your running watch is water proof too??

I use Runkeeper which judging from Google maps is fairly accurate, I've also got S Health on my phone (in built app on Samsung's) which tends to come out slightly less but the variation is usually negligible as they both come up with almost the same pace (usually 3-5 seconds per km difference)