What are you training for?: Is everyone training... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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What are you training for?

38 Replies

Is everyone training just for the accolade of running 5k?

If so, what happens when you achieve it?

I train martial arts buy have recently added running to my regime. In martial arts, I'm training towards my black belt. In running I'm training towards running 5k in a reasonable time. I'm aiming initially for under 40 minutes. I haven't achieved either of those goals yet. I think both are some way off.

But those aren't really my goals. They are just kind of benchmarks to aim for.

I have 2 real goals. Neither are about running or martial arts.

1. Become and remain fit enough to be a fun dad for my two kids.

2. Be a role model for my kids, to help them to grow up thinking activity is fun and fun is important.

That's it. That simple.

38 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

I am training for the next run...........

DawnRun profile image

Can't get better than that for motivation. There are lots of possible goals. And you change them as time goes on. Running allows you to be freer than most sports I know.

I thought week 5 Run 3 was a greater achievement than finishing the entire thing. And then when you get to running 28 minutes and you reach a point where you just know you are going to do it, is also a great part of the course. I am not lost after finishing week 9 but am looking at other things to do with running. If you are past a certain age, I think running just to the clock doesn't bring so much motivation for most people, but it sure did help me focus on pushing myself during the middle part of the couch plan.

If I had said to myself the only goal was to get to week 9 Run 3 I wouldn't have enjoyed the result as much. My goal was initially a 30 minute 5K and I know I will get there but I am floating around 32 minutes but they are getting easier, so I know I will get there but once I get there I can't see myself chasing to get 28 minutes 5k , so I am in no rush to get there, it just seems like too much hard work.

One thing I realised was how relatively unfit I was after a number of years not doing much activity at all. I'm still trying to get that fitness back. If you take your own health and fitness seriously you don't need motivation to do more. Everyone will have different reasons though.

ju-ju- profile image

I think those are perfect goals....I started C25k with my son 4 years ago when he was 11. It has helped our relationship no end, his 5k time is now 21 minutes and he is my personal trainer and coach ( in the way a 15 year old can be!!!) . He helped me achieve my goal of running a marathon. Without the running I doubt we would be so close....

Whatsapp profile image

My goal was simply to be able to run 5k in 30 minutes. I did that by the time I graduated. However, the last few weeks since have been resolving an ongoing issue with my knee. Now that is improved, my short term goal is to get back to running 5k 3 times a week and do a couple of park runs.

At the end of the summer I will probably reduce down my running (maybe 1 per week) and increase my HIIT training for 2-3 months. take a break over Xmas and plan for next year then. By which time I might want to jump up to 10k; or just improve my 5k running until I can get to somewhere around 25 mins.

Lstace profile image

What martial arts do you do? I'm a second Dan black belt in Shotokan karate but I'm taking a break from it at the moment as I was also teaching and it just took over my life!!! I'm now focused on running and I do have an ultimate goal to run a marathon by my 40th birthday (only 3 years to wait/train!!) 😀👊🏻

in reply to Lstace

Tang soo do. My only knowledge of shotokan is based on my own passive (reading) research, so I might be way off, but I believe the two styles have a lot in common, in terms of historical influence, with both drawing extensively from the less mainstream aspects of okinawan karate. Except for us, the Korean political influence has pushed a lot of emphasis on the fancy kicks for us.

I can see how it can take over. I find myself training more and more often.

Oldfloss profile image

I am in training for first run off the IC..hopefully Friday:)

Your goals are great..:)

in reply to Oldfloss


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Injury Couch :)

in reply to Oldfloss

Never heard of it :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Keep it that way😉

damienair profile image

My aim is to get comfortable and confident at running 5k 3 times a week. I can do it but I'm not either comfortable nor confident. I too am sitting around 32 minutes for 5k. I would like to be doing 5k in under 30 mins by September. Then maybe try and get below 29 and 28 minutes. I know that would be my limit.

Next Spring I would like to train for 10k and run it in about an hour. Would be very happy to stay running for many more years and just enjoy it and the social aspect.

davelinks profile image

To keep running for health & fitness as I get older!😊

misswobble profile image

Me too Dave 🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to misswobble

A mere youngster...:)

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Yes! You are!😊

Irishprincess profile image

To be able to get to old age still fit and healthy and mobile 🙂 but in the meantime I'm having a ball 🤗

runlikeagirl profile image

Because I'm enjoying the journey! I started the c25k programme because I love badminton but was rubbish at running around the court, so a friend mentioned a 5k charity run and I thought 'why not? It will help with badminton'. Since then I've skipped badminton in case it interferes with my run... !! The moral of the story? The reason why you start may change! Since doing this I've got back in touch with an old friend who's into running, become stronger friends with the person who suggested the 5k and have met two new friends...and all of us have just signed up to next years Manchester great run 10k.

SunnyMummy profile image

Spot on Mr Decrepit. We have to have goals in order to motivate us & give us some structure. But I think, hopefully for most of us, we use these as springboards to bigger lifestyle changes. I have just 'graduated' today & have actually already run a 5k a couple of weeks ago, yet when I started the programme in April I couldn't even do all the one minute runs in that first session. Within a very short time I knew this was something I wanted to do though, not just to train for the Race for Life I had booked in to, but to get & keep fit for life. I have numerous other reasons for having panic moments about not being fit enough or that my lifespan may not be as long as I would like, so now feel I have finally grasped the bull by its horns & regaining some control over over these things. Midlife crisis maybe lol. But I'm still fitter now than I probably ever have been, & will continue to improve, as will you. Go get that black belt & run that 5k then set yourself another goal or two! 😉

Omg 😲 #Nogoalcrisis

in reply to

If it's fun, that in itself can be the goal.

in reply to

I know. Fun is really good and I like your goals btw

runlikeagirl profile image
runlikeagirlGraduate in reply to

Your posts make me laugh out loud sometimes Hidden !! 😂

in reply to runlikeagirl

Glad my angst amuses you Runlikeagirl

runlikeagirl profile image
runlikeagirlGraduate in reply to

:D :D

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to

Just run and smile, Helen.........what more could you want?

in reply to IannodaTruffe

I know: only kidding 😊

quirkybee profile image

Well said to ALL of you, all your reasons are positive reasons and for us all to be fit at the end of this, is the best thing ever.

I just want to feel better and have more stamina to to do more things, my off road cycling and to actually prove that I can run too.

It's all challenging, but as much as we all have busy lives, I recently challenged myself with the 5x50 challenge and the 10,000 steps for Cancer Research per day through June. My time was limited before those challenges, but I did the remaining steps after work and pushed myself every evening. It was a struggle for time more than for actually doing it, worrying about all the jobs I hadn't done at home, but what I gained was the enjoyment of the lovely weather we've had and waving and talking to folk on my travels. How much better could that have been, eh, lol? Totally whacked now though, haha.

Keep going folks, YOU CAN ALL DO IT! 🤗😊x

Jewel84 profile image

I need to end the curse of bad family genes and be there for my partner and kids

Brumgirl profile image

I'm doing it because I'm competing in my first triathlon next weekend and my running was pants

JenniferCMS profile image

Without wishing to bring the mood down, I began this journey as since my younger son's death last year, there seemed a lack of purpose in my life and I spent my home time, well, doing not very much and being very sad. I'd become a couch potato, had given up exercise and developed raised blood pressure. I suddenly came to my senses at Easter and thought I'd better do something so I'd still around for a good few years for his poor, bereft brother!! I also needed to feel 'good' about something more than getting through every day. And it's been fantastic - not there yet, can't say I love it yet either (especially the first 5-10 mins of every run - grrr😓), but feel an amazing sense of achievement every time. Amazed my arthritic knees have held out, (but that could be famous last words as I've still got at least 2 weeks to go).

As you all say, keep plodding on - onwards and upwards towards W9R3🏅

Millsie-J profile image
Millsie-JGraduate in reply to JenniferCMS

There are quite a few of us members who run for similar reasons or because it helps get through tough times being faced. You have done great !

I can so I do, for all of those that cant

AnneDroid profile image
AnneDroidGraduate in reply to Millsie-J

Yes Millsie-J . My friend said this morning that one reason she runs is because a friend of hers who used to run marathons now has motor neurone disease and can't run. She felt that it wasn't right that she wasn't doing what she was physically able to do, when he would love to do it but can't.

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappGraduate in reply to JenniferCMS

Far from bringing the mood down, you post was inspirational - you are amazing, well done. I look forward to seeing you at the graduation table!

Rignold profile image

My goals have changed many any times since I started running. Some I achieved, some I drifted away from onto other things, some I achieved along the way without noticing. Sometimes they have been specific targets: run a HM/ultradistance OCR/lift twice my bodyweight etc. Sometimes they have been more general health/weight related, particularly early on. Sometimes I have just enjoyed being in the moment and training just because it feels good (well "good" in that masochistic 'Painchaser' way, as ju-ju- calls me).

At the moment my goal is largely narcissistic: I am counting down the last six months till my 50th birthday, and I want to arrive on that day with the physique of a Marvel Superhero, preferably not Hulk, as fit and buff a 50 year old as I can be. Oh, and back squat my own bodyweight 50 times unbroken. I was going to go for a 50k run but have abandoned that idea as too time consuming.

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Rignold

You are indeed the ultimate Painchaser...

in reply to Rignold

Well Rignold my aim is to achieve 10k by which time I shall be approaching the big 60 ! So by the time I'm 60 in 7months and hopefully I shall be looking forward to taking part once again in the Hereford running festival doing the 10k So bring it on for both of us ! ha! X😄😄

Like IannodaTruffe I'm training for my next run 10k! I hope!!!!!😄😄

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