A week or so back I was over the moon, couldn't wait to share my success, - my running app showed I'ld run 5k in under 30 minutes. Amazing but what I was aiming for - surely.
Then down to earth with a bang. Flicking through the run stats I apparently did 1 of the k's in about 4 minutes -no way. Zooming in on the map of my track, it looked like a gps had been attached to a dog, zig zags, backtracking etc. The distance I had actually run was being grossly exaggerated, I felt absolutely gutted. The tech was misleading I hadn't run any where near 5 km, never had, never would.
I reverted to the couch and a good book. After about a week my left hip was sore as well- so not only had I failed at running, my abysmal effort means I need a hip replacement too. Everyone warned me that running would damage my joints etc. The gremlins had won.
Then yesterday I had a morning off work so blitzed the housework - felt surprisingly better, no sore hip. This morning got up bright and early and decided to go for a run, even if it was going to be slow.
Easily managed 30 minutes despite the break and I felt great. App still lies - 5.7km and sunny apparently. So I'll be out again early on Saturday for my next run with a timer and some music.