Graduated and not sure whether to progress... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Graduated and not sure whether to progress...

KLHg profile image
49 Replies

I graduated about 3 weeks ago. Still a slow, fat mum- 2 1/2 stone down on before... I still run hidden away- early or late, in black. My best time is 36 mins for 5 k. I am not brave enough for public runs as I still feel too fat. Not sure that 5 2 10 is a good idea. Want to be braver but stuck. Love running but only if I can't be seen. What next? any ideas?...

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KLHg profile image
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49 Replies
SueKen profile image

Sounds like you are being a bit hard on yourself! 2 1/2 stone down is a great achievement, and I still aspire to 5k in 36 mins! I think you are ready to go out into the world and be brave😊 what about trying park run?

Maztink profile image

Wow I am impressed!! 2 1\2 stone lost and a 5k time of 36 minutes!! I am a very recent graduate so have no advice but I am sure some of the clever people here will have. I just wanted to tell you how awesome you are xx

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to Maztink

Thank you. I think all graduates are amazing!!

Oldfloss profile image

Yes... you are a runner... so just get out there :)

Folk are too busy with their lives to look at you... unless they are jealous, or runners themselves...:)

Slow is very good... so forget the 5K, forget the time and enjoy the running. Vary your routes and distance and just make sure you throw in some 30 minute runs...:)

Take a look at C25K+ podcasts they are great, helping to build up speed and stamina and pace... :)

"Self confidence is the best outfit, Rock it and own it! "

Maddee_6333 profile image
Maddee_6333Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

And if other runners are looking we're probably thinking "in, 2,3,4, out 2,3- Oh hey another runner😀 hi other runner! In 2, 3, 4"

Oldfloss profile image


Go you!!!!!

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you. Your posts have really inspired me over the last few weeks. Hope you are feeling better soon!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to KLHg

Thank youx

DawnRun profile image

I think 36 minutes is a good time for someone who considers themselves fat, so you must have ability. And it would be a shame to not use all of that progress and just let it slide. If you did a few park runs you wouldn't be at the back, and whilst' you wouldn't be at the front either you will be hidden in the pack if there are a lot of runners. I suppose if you are really phobic about it you could find a 'virtual running buddy' and challenge them/ compare times etc. The best way would be to encourage a friend to take up couch25k, and you could focus on getting them up to speed.

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to DawnRun

Thank youx

Pauline17 profile image

I'm not able to get my 5k done in less than 45 minutes so go You!! People are too busy doing their own stuff to look at you running so forget about what others might think and run when and where you please 😁

36 minutes is a good time. I will be very happy to do that when I graduate. Try a park run if there is one near you. You don't need to worry about how you look because everyone will be running. You can also check how fast people run. My local one which I plan to do for the first time in a couple of weeks loads of people do it really fast but at 36 minutes you would also finish ahead of lots of people.

Jalapenolover101 profile image

Go you!🎉✋️🎉 I'm nowhere near 5k and been at it for6 months.

I used to run in the dark too, small community, loads of super fits🙄, their giggling really got me down 😩 I'm about 3 stone overweight ☹️

But...... it's about us! Not them 😀✋️🎉✋️💪

I'm a Mam of 5 and recently became a grandma 😳 (Obviously far too young😁 ) , wasn't happy, hense more sniggering from the super fits! 🙄

My advice is get out there! There is always something going on in someone's life, no one is jogging without something going on in their head, everyone has some sort of family or relationship or workplace drama. Its just life! Good luck 🍀😊🌶

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to Jalapenolover101

Thank you!! I want to not care but still need to get over it. I want to shout- "if you can do this then come and join me!!!" Never going to be a super fit but my 4 year old now says that his mummy has "shrunk a lot!!" I'll take that!! Good luck to you too, One foot in front of the other got me to 5K. You'll do it tooxx

Maddee_6333 profile image
Maddee_6333Graduate in reply to KLHg

Your 4 year old is old enough to do Junior Parkrun! I think maybe parents are allowed/ supposed to run with them??? Most 4 year olds like running. Maybe running could be a thing you do together?

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to Maddee_6333

My 8 year old has started coming as my personal trainer! Fortunately my boys take after their dad, little sporty fitties!! Great idea - will research junior runs!X

Maddee_6333 profile image
Maddee_6333Graduate in reply to KLHg

Well done that 8 year old 👍 I bet you have a great time together. 🙂

Jcab profile image
JcabGraduate in reply to Jalapenolover101

What a lovely reply. And great advice. Ignore the sneers, they're only jealous. Xx

Joy57 profile image

36 minutes is great, nothing to be ashamed of. Be proud!

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to Joy57

Thank youx

misswobble profile image

Fast 5k's are so hard! Your time is really quite fast for a new graduate., you should be chuffed 🏃‍♀️✔️😃👍

You could do with going along to a running race, or Parkrun, and you will see runners of all Different shapes, sizes and ages. You could be doing it too, not hiding yourself away, missing out on all the fun 🙁

jesseker profile image

I second (and third, and fourth!) what others have said about parkrun. I'm sure there will be one in your vicinity and there really are huge range of people there; it's very friendly! The other option for you, and by far the best thing I've done on my running journey, is to join a local running group / club. Although daunting at first, do some research on your local area and try to find one which caters for all abilities. My club always have various levels of difficulty at each session - from recent C25k graduates, to those actually going through the C25k programme, all the way up to the super-speedy athletes (who I watch in awe every week!) When you're running with a bunch of other people you tend to not feel self-conscious - in fact, we often get cars beeping and waving at us when we're out and about :)

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to jesseker

I'll do some research, thanksx

wez70 profile image

Ditto to all of the credit to your achievement ... you are a new you mentally as you are now a runner so like everyone sdays, ditch worries about appearance, time, speed etc and now learn to love the freedom of doing your own thing, When I graduated I just stuck to 3 5k runs a week for a few weeks, ensuring that I was getting the routine of regular runs into my system as I think that's the easiest thing to slip up with, now that you've completed the programme, you can lose the discipline of being 'told' that this week you will be running this amount for this long ... only then did I start to stretch it out a bit ... I still do 2 relatively short runs a week ie a 5 or 6k, sometimes a 7 if the day feels good but leave the longer run for the weekend or wherever it fits ... you're amazing and you're doing it so well done and from this point wherever your running shoes take you is yours to discover! :-)

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to wez70

Thank you for your support!!

Millsie-J profile image

Thats a great 5k time !

I agree parkrun is grand, give it a go.

Also, try running somewhere quiet but where there are a few people about. The canal tow-path is lovely this time of year for example. Build your distance a little each week and gradually you will think.....what the heck, Im a runner and I shall run proud.

Also......,,time to change out of black my love! You are now A new you, enjoy !

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to Millsie-J

I fear black will be around a bit longer!! :-)

IannodaTruffe profile image

Parkrun, parkrun, many times do I have to say it.

You may have to steal yourself to do it but you will find it liberating and life affirming. You will discover a supportive community made up of runners and walkers of all ages, shapes, weight, sizes and abilities and you certainly won't be the slowest. And it is all free!!!!

It will be the making of you as a runner. Please do it!

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

A friend of mine from work asked today. I said I'd have a go at his as it's not local to me. He agree's with you... I just need to stop being a wuss!! Thank you!

Maddee_6333 profile image

36 mins is a great time. And losing 21/2 stone is really great achievement. You should celebrate by going out and treating yourself to some bright, funky* new running kit - there are some excellent patterned running leggings out there (patterns are great at hiding our lumpy, bumpy bits 😉)

If you don't feel ready to go onto 10K, don't. It isn't compulsory. Maybe you're one of the people who want to consolidate your 5k before going further. Maybe you never want to go further, and that's fine - you're running for your enjoyment.

I'm pretty sure all of us have worried about being seen running but seriously? You have everything to be proud of. It might seem counterintuitive to take part in an organised run when you don't want to be seen, but the atmosphere at those things is very supportive - total strangers cheering you on feels amazing😀.

I can recommend Parkrun for a first outing - everyone is very welcoming, and though I've only come across Great Run Local as a spectator they seem to have the same kind of vibe. Other options are taking part in a fundraising fun run of some sort, where lots of people will be walking.

*it doesn't have to be funky if funky is not your style

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to Maddee_6333

As I'm reading all of this support, (and being bullied by my work colleague) I'm thinking I should have a go. What's the worst eh?!! Not a funky though- black is staying for a bit yet :-)

Maddee_6333 profile image
Maddee_6333Graduate in reply to KLHg

Have a go - you can do it *waves pom-poms in the air*

Entirely your choice what you wear, but when you're ready for it there really are some gorgeous running leggings out there 😉

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to Maddee_6333

Cheers- I'll take a look!! ;-)

june67 profile image

hi KLHg, you shouldn't worry about how you look you can run 5k in 36 minutes and that is great I bet when people see you running they don't think she's fat I bet they are thinking she's fit!!! you are running and doing your best to get fit so don't worry just get on out there your fantastic :)

mixindave profile image

get your *** outside. nobody cares if you are running, they will look at you once and go on with their business. :) great work with the weigh loss. im about 20lbs down since i started my running journey in march :) and yes! PARKRUN

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to mixindave

Well done you too!! Thanks!!

Minty4 profile image

Oh wow! You are amazing! I want to be you! I need to lose at least 5 stones. Tonight I ran 2.5k outdoors. I don't care what others think but the only comments I have received have been 'well done' and 'I saw your sister about half an hour ago'. People are well meaning. Give outside a go. It's lovely. Xx

Minty4 profile image
Minty4Graduate in reply to Minty4

PS my 2.5k took me 25 mins.

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to Minty4

So!!!! ;-) 25 mins on the sofa wouldn't have the same effect!!

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to Minty4

2.5k is brilliant. I know how much work it takes but the weight is now falling off me and despite still hiding, I am loving the running. I really recommend sticking with the program- it really works- us girls can!!

Minty4 profile image
Minty4Graduate in reply to KLHg

How long before you started losing weight. I need to know how it's done.

KLHg profile image
KLHgGraduate in reply to Minty4

Week 6/7 a little... To be honest 8/9 and the 3 weeks since it's really happening. But I've dropped from a size 28 to 20 (I have a really massive frame so I'm aiming for 16/18) I can wear suits again and am confident enough to be a fat mum at the swimming pool with the kids.(rather than an obese lump-which is how I felt) I hadn't exercised in soooo long. My only real advice is (not exciting) keep doing it, rain, shine, cold, dark. Keep the gremlins at bay and imagine the life we could be living if we were fitter!! It is happening for me, you can too. Looking forward to seeing your progress :-)

Minty4 profile image
Minty4Graduate in reply to KLHg

Wow. Well done you. I'm at my heaviest ever. I squeeze into size 18s. Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement. 😊 Don't give up. Get that park run under your belt.

Matlins profile image

A massive congratulations on losing 2 1/2 stone, don't worry about what people think, you can go out there with your head held high and be extremely proud of yourself.

Ray801 profile image

KLHg you are doing really well. everybody loses weight at a different rate and exercise is important to your progress. One thing you will discover is that nobody cares what you look like when you are running. The vast majority of it is in our heads. For me I'm a bag of bones so do not have the weight loss challenge that you are working through but I still had the thought of what will my neighbours think? They have always seen me walking the dogs but never in running gear pounding the the streets. Eventually they started to notice and apart from a couple of regular naysayers all were impressed at what I was doing and most now the first question is either where I have been running, or the next event.

Another thing I found useful was joining my local running club. The local club has a variety of experience levels so I started out with people of a similar ability to myself. I have also seen some other local clubs running C25K sessions to encourage new runners.

Keep running and do not worry about what others think, you are out there doing what it takes to make a difference to your health. There is also a Facebook page where we have a great support group

You are too hard on yourself. You are a runner and a good one by the sound of it. I'm 59 and still aspire to getting to 36 mins. I get to 38 ,39' 40 mins,and I think that's not too bad.

Sometimes it's not all about the times but the actual doing it.And as for feeling self conscious ? don't be ! People that see you running probably think "that's something I could do" and you are an inspiration to many I'm sure. So just enjoy and forget about other people! Go girl!😀😀

Aquila12 profile image

Don't pressure yourself to go further unless you want to. If you keep doing what you know you can it will still be good for you :)

Frosty50 profile image

Well done you, i have never posted on here before but thought I should do after reading yours, I finished another c25k programme about 3 weeks ago (comments an this forum helped me a lot), don't consider myself fat and was more than proud to achieve 5k in 30 minutes at the end of 11 weeks, and I'm not getting much further in 35 minutes to be honest but finding the distance a little easier, the programme is not easy and you've done it be proud of yourself and get out there and run what you can, you're a runner now, 5 to 10k can wait for a while look what is done for you already!!!!

ColdSteel profile image

Been on a few half marathons since graduating last year and there are always several larger people running. It's a confidence issue.

Get in the neon shirts and no-one will blink an eye.

Not what you're looking for?

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