How do I get more positive?: Now on week 2 and... - Couch to 5K

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How do I get more positive?

Guineapig59 profile image
10 Replies

Now on week 2 and every day I know that I am going to go for a "run" I find that I am spending a lot of the day on the toilet with a stomach ache. My husband says it's nerves and that I'm making too much about it, which isn't very encouraging really. We run together and I'm very slow still (approaching the big 60, a nana and I haven't run for about 20 years!). The thing is I really want to carry on but not sure how I can make myself feel more positive about the whole exercise, any suggestions greatly received.

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Guineapig59 profile image
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10 Replies
RainbowC profile image

Would it help to think of what you've achieved already? You've presumably started this because you were very unfit, and I guess that W1r1 was a bit of a shock to the system. And yet you did it. And runs 2 and 3. If you managed all the planned run segments each time, that's probably more running than you've done in a very long time (if you're anything like most of us at our starting point!). So you're doing really well!

Hopefully you're feeling some sort of achievement and reward, if you're wanting to keep going despite the current issue! Focus on the good, on the enjoyment and satisfaction you get afterwards, even if there might not be too much enjoyment during the running yet ;)

Koraline profile image

Have you thought about going out on your own, or at least taking a different route? If your husband is finding it a bit easier than you perhaps you are putting too much pressure on yourself to keep up. I'm on week 7, and a total non runner and my run is probably no faster then my brisk walk, but i'm still thrilled with the fact that I can 'run' for 25 minutes now. If I was doing it with someone else I don't think I could help but compare myself, and, lets face it, who are we doing it for? Ourselves of course, so it doesn't matter how slow or fast we progress, the glow of achievement is still the same :)

Try to should enjoy it (if not during, at least after!) but it's no biggie if you find it's not for you. Plenty of other ways to keep fit!

TiredOldMan profile image
TiredOldManGraduate in reply to Koraline

Week 7 and you consider yourself a non runner! That's super modest. When I get to Week 7 I'll be telling everyone I'm a runner 😁

Now-runner_NeedsAttn profile image

I think your husband is right, you are making too much of it if it's making you that nervous. Being a little apprehensive is natural, particularly for the first few runs. Try to work out what's worrying you, if it's trying to keep up with your husband I second Koraline 's suggestion of running by yourself (for a while at least). Everyone's progress through C25K is uneven, everyone's is different; I did it by myself and wouldn't have wanted the extra peer-pressure of running with anyone else.

toria36 profile image

I have to echo the above replies completely. We're all different and all have different abilities in everything we do so you shouldn't feel bad for one moment - you're out there 'doing it' and have already conquered something amazing - you're running no matter how fast, slow, long or short and you should consequently feel so proud - you're amazing, our bodies are amazing - enjoy it. Having said all that, I have to confess that I too get the flutterbugs before I go out and I've recently graduated - I don't know if it's nerves ("can I do this, what if I can't run for 30 minutes non-stop blah blah blah") or excited anticipation of being out there in the fresh air getting fitter, enjoying, hopefully, shedding pounds but I'm now hooked and loving it, to the point that on the 'rest' days, I wish I was out there running - but you MUST stick to the rest days. You should go at your own pace - never ever try to measure up to anyone else's ability because there are just so many factors why one person may run faster (or slower) than another and it's not just about fitness or age. They are an amazing bunch of people on here and we're all here to support you from start to finish and beyond - to summarise, all I can say is ENJOY IT and don't worry about anything - just listen to your body, that is the best and should be the only barometer. Sending you a virtual hug of encouragement and support xx

davelinks profile image

You don't want your OH dominating the speed on your runs, or have him saying you need to go faster! you must do the runs on c25k at a pace your comfy with, let him run on if need be or do the programme on your own, slow and steady is the way forward. Try to devise a flat running route if at all possible, as hills at this stage will also make c25k harder, it's hard enough already! Yes?! In time hills will benefit you, If you can't avoid them then slow down more. You maybe overthinking the programme, try to stop that and take each week & run as it comes, it's built to build you for each coming run, so, relax!😊

nikkiwabit profile image

I can only think that some relaxation/meditation before would help. Paul McKenna as part of his "Easy Weight Loss System" has a CD called "Exercise made easy" which focuses on not thinking of activities as "exercise" and relaxing so that you can start to enjoy what you are doing. This may not be your thing but perhaps worth thinking about.

Don't get yourself in a vicious circle of worrying about keeping going to the loo and then because of it going to the loo more. Hopefully just telling people on here will help.

I also agree that you should not try and keep up with your husband.

Oldfloss profile image

Slow is brilliant... I love it.... I loved it all the way through C25K and I love it now :)

I have a few years on you... 7 to be exact and I am a new Grammy now, to a small runner in training ... so I feel okay advising you...kind of like a big sister :) If you are okay with the idea of running on your own, then that might be the answer... slow as you like... a snail on a go slow...:) If you don't want to run alone for some reason, and husband is speedier, then he can run ahead and walk back to you in his walk bit.. then run ahead again..:)

I get excited the day before the day that I am going to run... I set out all my gear the night before... then I know I will be all ready to head.

Many of us have little routines; I have a cup of tea, two naughty digestive lights, and about half an hour to 40 mins, after, I get all my gear on... I have to have two quick wee visits.. one before I get my running shoes on... then one after, then a sip of water and off :) Always the same routine :)

Maybe try to get a routine of your own going...excitement is good, it makes ups feel primed and the trick is to turn that into positive feelings... nothing to lose but so much to gain. more worry about this, it is supposed to be fun...honestly, don't think about it... when you head out think about all the folk here running beside you..think about me when I started, and Old Grey Snail, going so slowly that the real snails passed me and giggled :)

Come on... you can do this... the programme is meant to take you forward... trust it and just forget about it :)


Plus, the other thing you might be able to do, is run early I and many of us do.. that way, you don't have all day to get worried... ( bit like me and the dentist visits ) It is so lovely first thing :)

Guineapig59 profile image
Guineapig59 in reply to Oldfloss

The idea of running in the morning is certainly more appealing, I remember I used to do all of my weight-training etc (when I was younger and a lot fitter) in the morning then have a shower so that I'm ready to face the day. I'll see how I go this week and then maybe try some on my own, it's just that he wants to get fit aswell but is a bit more impatient than me!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Guineapig59

Well... give it a go :) It really does set you up for the day... I always feel I can take anything on :)

The mantra on here is slow and steady.. it is the way to get through the programme.

I always love this,

" Fast enough to get there, slow enough to see ".

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