FAQ POST……..HOW DO I GET FASTER?: Photo by Veri... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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IannodaTruffe profile image
22 Replies

Photo by Veri Ivanova Unsplash

Most runners want to be faster because we use the metrics of speed, somewhat erroneously, to quantify our progress and fitness. The major lesson to learn is that just trying to run faster on each run is NOT the recognised optimal route to being capable of setting ourselves new pbs, whether we are new runners or elite athletes.

To be able to run faster we need our bodies to function more efficiently and there is no magic formula to make an overnight adaptation to do this. It requires months and years of appropriate training, which will show incremental improvements over this time, so patience is required and we have to say this repeatedly to new graduates who somehow seem to expect that they will now be able to get faster in a few weeks, when they still have only a handful of hours of running on their legs.

For me, my all time 5k pb occurred three years after I completed C25k and was less than three minutes faster than my time at graduation. By this time I was running between 20 and 30k every week. It doesn’t happen overnight.

If you are still in the middle of C25k, then please, for the sake of your body, forget about trying to be faster and follow the optimal route to develop your stamina, strength and endurance and do all your running at an easy conversational pace. If you cannot speak full ungasping sentences as you run, then you are going too fast and will be increasing your risk of injury as well as exhaustion.

This easy pace is the one at which your fully oxygenated blood can transfer oxygen to your cells to develop greater capillary density and more numerous mitochondria, which in turn will be employed when you want to run faster. You can actually damage muscle mitochondria by running too fast…….undoing all the slow miles you have put in…….so you need to preserve a balance and this is generally reckoned to be approximately 80% at an easy pace and only 20% working on speed.

Have a look at this training pace calculator and you will probably be surprised at how slow it recommends you do most of your training. runnersworld.com/uk/trainin... Most runners are neither slow enough for long enough, nor do they push hard enough when doing speed work. A “comfortable” middling pace is not optimal.

Some trainers will forbid runners wanting to become faster from running at more than an easy conversational pace for many months, simply because they believe it gives optimal returns, only allowing them to pick up pace once strength, resilience and injury resistance have developed. Be warned, speed work will increase your susceptibility to injury, so don't rush into it........build your body first.

So when you are ready to introduce speedwork, what is the best way to do it?

Intervals and fartlek are the simplest ways to start working on pace for new runners. When I first completed C25k, I remember programming intervals into Runkeeper and gleefully setting off on a run only to find that I could not sustain my fast pace for the required durations, especially when encountering hills. The recovery periods were also not adequate after some intervals. All my time programming was wasted.

For this reason, I suggest that fartlek is more appropriate for new runners. This Swedish word translates roughly as “playing with speed” and is far less formal than programmed intervals. You decide when you want to pick up pace and when you want to slow down. On my home 5k run I cross many fields and have employed fartlek by picking a particular tree or field boundary to run to at fast pace, followed by a slower easy pace recovery run, before finding another landmark and repeating the process. This enables you to find out how long you can maintain the fast pace for and how long you may need for recovery, without requiring a timing device. On subsequent runs you can either find another landmark that will increase your fast interval duration marginally or decrease the recovery run, while not being dictated to by a merciless timepiece.

Of course, the information garnered from fartlek can be used to set up intervals if you wish, but fartlek does maintain flexibility. The overall duration of your speed sessions needs to be balanced against your overall training load and your ability.

Three things to bear in mind when you start speed work are to ensure that you are fully warmed up prior to attempting any high pace intervals, so at least ten minutes of easy running is advisable to precede the speed, to keep injury risk minimised. Also, as mentioned above, you need to push hard in these intervals to maximise adaptation and your VO2 max, which is your body’s efficiency in utilising oxygen, working well in excess of 85% of your maximum heart rate, preferably higher. This is in contrast to your easy pace which should be at approximately 70-75% of your MHR. Thirdly, to run faster do not be tempted to lengthen your stride…….this will cause undue stresses and increased injury risk……...so increase your cadence or number of steps per minute.

Working consciously on form, posture and running efficiency will also pay dividends. As will hill work, good diet and hydration habits, strengthening exercises and increasing your long run.

Working on a four run cycle, rather than a weekly cycle, is a good way to make sure that you never follow a hard run by a hard run. The following might be the basis of your cycle, not forgetting rest days which remain essential for new runners for an absolute minimum of six months, especially when working the body hard. This is assumed as starting from a base point of three 5k runs per week.

DAY ONE Long run. Increasing by maximum of 10% of total mileage each week. Although run at an easy pace, this is considered a “hard” run, because it is pushing your boundaries.

DAY TWO Easy pace 5k, or possibly shorter.

DAY THREE Fartlek or intervals. This is a hard run………...intervals are hard work!!

DAY FOUR Easy pace 5k, or possibly shorter.

If you Google “How to run faster” you will come across a plethora of articles, many of which will give you extra tips, but which ultimately boil down to the bones of this post. All will tell you to slow down, get strong, eat well and work on posture and form.

I referred earlier to my all time 5k pb, set in the same year I set my all time 10k pb, at the age of 60. In the following years I have had to deal with critical illness and injuries, including a knee which is not going to respond well to speed work and so I have had to come to terms with no more pbs, which does not worry me in the slightest. In fact I would now say that speed is overrated. To be honest running fast is hard work and now I am in my mid 60s I enjoy my gentle plods probably far more than I actually enjoyed the pb runs when I was doing them.

This article suggests that slow and short distance runners live longer than the average non runner, but also longer than those who run hard and fast womensrunning.com/culture/s...

As I said, speed is overrated.

Do you really want to get faster?

There are more FAQ posts giving general information here healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

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IannodaTruffe profile image
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22 Replies
Mummycav profile image

You are a mind full of knowledge & anyone who doesn’t heed your advice is heading for injury IannodaTruffe …i have, over the last 4 years, luckily avoided injury…apart from the odd niggle now and again, I’ve never had anything that has put me on the IC for more than a couple of days because I have been sensible & read all the advice on here that has now become my running bible…x

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Mummycav

I have spent far more time than that on the IC............so am I really worth listening to?

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Absolutely…you are speaking from experience here..that’s priceless x

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Mummycav

Well, I am still running, despite everything that has happened to me and I am still learning about my body and how to keep it working.

Staying alive, staying alive................

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Your body is amazing! You are amazing …..all I can picture now is you swinging your hips and pointing a finger in the air!! 🕺🏿 🎵…that song is on every one of my playlists & makes me smile every time it comes on because of you! x

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Mummycav

Mme da Truffle et moi are off to run on a nearby common this morning, followed by a swim in the sea and a picnic on the beach.

Life is good. Life is for living.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Ohhh, that sounds fantastic!! I wish I lived closer I’d come with you!! That’s what it’s all about, enjoying every moment ❤️ x

Mummycav profile image

As for me…I’m going to be sitting in the car most of the day teaching 17 year olds how to drive!! I love it though 😉 x

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Mummycav

Great bonding time. No chewing those fingernails, now.

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Haha….it def has its moments!! I’d rather be sat on a beach with a picnic listening to staying alive…

Voldatort profile image
VoldatortGraduate in reply to Mummycav

That's a good workout for your heart rate! I remember it well 😎👌

couchvssofa profile image

Great post, thank you.

Oldfloss profile image

Superb post...and since it is I, replying...you may not be surprised that I think your statement..."speed is overrated " is absolutely perfect. X


I post this photo, not from pride...athough I was chuffed, but to emphasise some of the points made here by IannodaTruffe ...infamous for my slow and steady , mantra....the truth is, it really will get you to where you want to be x

First HM..age..69
IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Oldfloss

You never said a truer word, Hil.

Voldatort profile image

Thank you for writing this, it's a really helpful post. Still owning my slow, dropped all concerns about speed and it's improving on its own.

ButterCookie profile image

Thanks to you, I'm trying to make recovery runs even slower. I used to run only 5k but now, I'm moving on to 1 speed run with intervals, 1 recovery run and 1 long run. I'll try this for a few more months before I increase the number of days I run in a week. The rest period is very crucial since I am still building strength. Can't wait to have good injury resistance!

alpacagirl profile image

Great post thank you - very informative and reassuring - for us slow plodders😅

BaddieThePirate profile image

Thank you for posting this. Very interesting. I’m even happier now to be a snail 🐌 I have to admit, I found increasing distance much easier than increasing speed last time I finished C25K. I do like the NHS C25K stamina podcast. I think this time I’ll stick to half hour runs, rather than 5kms.

Frenc profile image

What a great, informative, and wise 🦉 post. Thank you very much. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Dexy5 profile image

Very good advice IannodaTruffe. I do like a little bit of speed (or what is speed for me) but it’s the balancing it with the longer slower runs that is so important.

MerryLynette profile image

Thank you so much!!! You have answered questions I hadn't even asked yet.

I was wondering if, once I've completed the consolidation runs, whether I should increase distance to 5km or speed up to try fit 5km into 30min - obviously over time. I see now that increasing distance to 5km is the way to go.

So far, unlike in the past, I have stuck to this programme and I have made it injury free, so I will continue to stick to the programme - my ego is now firmly under control!!!

I am absolutely blown away by this forum, I wish I had found it years ago!!! I have never belonged to a running club and now that I live in the middle of nowhere there isn't one to join, but belonging to the C25K (or C230min as I like to call it) certainly makes me feel like I do belong and with people at my level - instead of feeling like the underdog trying to fit in with those who are way above my abilities.

Thank you!!!!


SueAppleRun profile image

I think I’d read this before but found the link in one of your answers so came to read again. I’m reminded that intervals are important and running back down the hill flat out laughing today was probably foolhardy but oh such fun. Thank you

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