I followed everyone's advise but still can not get this run done! Can only manage 10 mins without stopping, this is where I gave up last year, want to get past this! I get a burning sensation in my throat and chest that lasts for about an hour. Any advise?
25 min too much!: I followed everyone's advise... - Couch to 5K
25 min too much!

Is it the burning sensation that is making you stop? Is it extremely uncomfortable? Does it happen every time you run?
I have no idea what it might be, but if you want to succeed and this persists then I would suggest seeing your GP, unless it is something that you can ignore.
Did this happen on W5R3, when you ran for 20 minutes?

If the only thing stopping you is the burning sensation.. try taking a water bottle and taking a sip..or sucking a sweet
Other than that.. slow down, and squish the gremlins that are telling you that you cannot do this, under your feet.
Focus on short targets, the lamppost, a tree, the corner.. forget the time, make up rhymes, sing a song in your head... just go steadily and slowly and you will do this !

Did you have the same problem when you gave up last year? Did you stop for the same reason? It's hard to determine if it's physical or a really persistent gremlin! You already know you can run for 20 minutes if you've completed week 5 run 3. I think you may have to resort to mind trickery! Remember you're also dealing with the 'toxic ten' that first ten minutes where you're thinking 'I can't possibly do this' but if you push through that barrier your muscles all start to go with the flow. I really know how we can mentally block ourselves - I convinced myself very early in the program that I could not possibly run for 20 minutes and so, when week 5 run 3 came around, guess what...I couldn't! Eventually I had to trick my mind by running the second run again but continuing through the walk break. Somehow because I hadn't set up for running 20 minutes (just continuing through a walk break), I managed to keep going and nail it but it took me weeks!
Everything Floss says works, if you let it. Counting is good (just another 100 steps), just 'til the next song, tree, puddle, whatever but if your throat is the real reason and slowing down doesn't help then a trip to the GP would be sensible.
I really hope you find the answer. I was ecstatic once I found a way to beat my head gremlin! Good luck and don't give up😊😊😊

Certainly don't give up. You've come a long way. A visit to the GP is a good idea. There is also the chance that you've repeated this one enough times that you've let it get in your head. It happens. If it was me, I'd go out on my next run with a different plan. I'd do 5 minute runs, with a minute walk break, and do that until I hit 25 minutes of running, so an outing of 30 minutes or so. See if that works - you can tinker as you see fit.
I do enjoy solid chunks of running, but giving myself permission to walk and not viewing that as a bad thing has opened up my possibilities. You can go for longer, it lets you play around with faster run bits, and there are absolutely no issues doing races or Parkruns with generous amounts of walking. Just go out and enjoy yourself. I often love to run to the early weeks of the program because I love how they feel. I'll even load them up back to back if I want the structure plus a longer outing.
The important thing is to keep up the habit of running. It doesn't mean you'll never run for a solid chunk. But for right now I'd go out for the enjoyment and the exercise.
Good luck. You're doing just fine.
My instructor told me last night that the best speed for such programmes is somewhere between a fast walk and very slow jog - that burns the most calories (and for me is easier to achieve). I'm wondering if the burning throat is because you're not hydrated enough - do you drink loads of water before you leave for your run? If not, you could try that and take more water with you, ensuring you just sip the water as you run - personally speaking, I found that if a gulp too much water when running, that doesn't help so now I just take little sips as and when I need them). As others have said, if this issue persists, see your GP just to put your mind at rest - perhaps that is the 'gremlin' that is holding you back? Take care, you CAN do it