Did my first run (or should I say shuffle?) Sunday. Legs are fine but very achy lower back and hips. Do I go for number 2 today and just get on with it or have another rest day? Advice please
Achy! : Did my first run (or should I say... - Couch to 5K

Why not split the difference - and go for a good 35 minute briskish walk. There is no hurry to finish this programme - and those early running days can be a shock to your body!! There is nothing to say that your week1 can't have 14 days instead of 7
In fact, as an older ( but now reasonably experienced runner) , I see running programmes that require running 6 days out of 7 - too much for me but I can get to complete the programme including the different kinds of runs ( fast/long/etc) in a 6 days out of 14 ( with walking on another 6 days)

You could give it a whirl. You could extend the warm up walk as it helps to be fully warmed up and it is cold today. if you are new to exercise then you can expect to feel it. Go slowly 🙂

Well... i would probably head out and really warm up.. and then see how you go..slow and steady and if your body really is giving you a hard time, you can always walk!
Took your advice and went for it and was fine as soon as I got going. Found it easier this time which I put down to having music in the background. Gave me something to focus on.

I'd go for it. You'll start to ache less and less. And you'll feel great that you've done it.

I did my first run yesterday and was surprised that while my legs are ok my hips are a bit sore. Was blaming yoga class on Sunday evening but reading your post, maybe it is the running. I too am fairly active but "allergic" to running. Mine is more of an ache than pain . Keep in touch, let me know when yours improves.
As far as whether you should run today, there are plenty of people here much better than me to answer that but what I will say is that having read a lot of posts, a popular approach seems to be, to out and start, if you don't make it through the whole run, call it a practise run and then do it again another day😀. Any run, even a bad one, is one more step in your journey ( not my words of wisdom)

new to this myself only graduated last week and in no spring chicken (64 years young)
i have done a bit of walking leading up to this and i found that i to had lower back and hip ackes
I was advised by a friend that i was possibly to tense and holding my self to rigid and i found that when i relaxed my shoulders and back i very quickly lost the pain in those areas .
As others say your body will complain a little as its not used to it but the pain i had from bad form and tension went away in 1 or 2 runs
these pains were during and after my runs but are no more