After doing three 5k all grass runs including the race for life last week , my legs feel heavy & stiff , I haven't felt like this since the early days in October . I was supposed to be doing park run tomorrow , but I'm thinking maybe I'm going to give it a miss . Did 5k on weds. No problems but don't want to risk injury . What do you lot think ? Is it coz I'm not used to grass running ( what I won't be doing again ) I hasten to add ? They feel as stiff as boards ! Any advice gratefully accepted .
Achy : After doing three 5k all grass runs... - Couch to 5K

I usually run on grass, because I feel it is kinder on my joints, but I run much faster / less slowly on hard surfaces. You probably use muscles slightly differently on different surfaces, which might account for the stiff legs, especially if the grass is soft and/or uneven, as your muscles have to work harder to compensate for the uneven surface, and keep you upright! Personally I'd think give your body time to recover - just my opinion as a non expert. If you do decide to do park run, good luck!!
Sounds to me like you are a bit tired - go to Parkrun and walk it !! Have fun and encourage the backrunner/walkers .
Ha ha bazza I am the back runner

It sounds to me like you overdid it a bit last week; 3 x 5km runs plus a Race for Life. I'd give the Park Run a miss and take a few extra rest days. Interestingly I was listening to a couple of Canadain Heptathlon and Decathlon Commonwealth Games athletes last night and they were saying how important it is to rest
Yes think your right ,
70 hours at work and clocked up 20K of running last week eh? Rockette - I suspect you are just a little bit tired... Rest up young lady - you know you'd tell me to do the same thing... Go and walk the Parkrun or just go and watch instead...

If you're not used to grass then I suspect all those little irregularities will be pushing and pulling your feet and leg muscles in all sorts of ways that may show up as "tiredness" in your legs. The best thing is probably to go out there and do it again and again until your legs are used to it and then you can call yourself a multi surface runner.

Maybe just see how you feel tomorrow. You've enough experience as a runner to recognise what is just a little niggle or what may be more serious. Just listen to your body. No harm in an extra rest day