Day one done! Am 20st and very unfit. Have started this alongside weight watchers. Did day one and 8 mins of running (slow jogging)! And the lovely Sarah millican as voice coach in my ear - I did it. Was so so knackered though!
So so unfit : Day one done! Am 20st and very... - Couch to 5K
So so unfit

I also started weight watchers and this app and I'm 20st. I am planning to set half stone goals to make it feel manageable. Good luck.

Well done. Just take it slow and steady and trust in the program.

Great job! You're awesome for even starting it so keep going.

I did the programme while on WW. Still going to WW class and running regularly. It works!

I barely managed D1W1, and a while later used to look at the path I run around the Park and think how bloody marvellous - but unlikely - it would be to be able to run as far as the 4/10ths of a mile marker I could just make out in the distance...
Now 5K is a regular run and I am building back up to consolidate the 10K I ran a couple of weeks ago
Read the early posts of graduates when they were in the early stages - tons of wisdom there and a heck of a lot of encouragement and inspiration

Good for you! That's part of the battle won just getting started. Keep going and it gets easier and fun, trust me 🏃🏼♀️😊

I'm probably going to repeat what others have already said but well done for starting. The knackeredness will improve but will also continue because the effort expended will also increase! I have come from 19.5 stone to 11.5 (one to go) and I can say for certain that if you stick with the weightloss EVERYTHING will improve (took me years, I'm rather embarrassed to say). Some people find running helps with weightloss, some not so much. It helps me stay focused on my food choices - if I put this much effort in to one area of my life I'm not going to sabotage it in others. Good luck. Keep posting and maybe have a look at he weightloss forum as well (Weightloss NHS).
Wow great post thanks for your reply. What a success story. Did run 2 today and have run 3 scheduled for Wednesday. I'm more concerned with weight loss and the moment as for a big person I've always been reasonably fit bit over the years the weight crept on and the inability to move with ease kicked in! Am seeing if the c25k helps with weight loss. If it doesn't I'll stop and pick it up again once I'm lighter!! Thank u
My pleasure! I did lots and lots and lots of walking before I started running! I was 12st 9.5lbs when I began to run. I got to a point about half way into the weight loss when I felt I'd already lost so much weight and was resentful about doing more - I stagnated there for a few years. Oops. One of the reasons it's taken me so long is I like food and cooking and everything that goes with that!
Well done for getting out there again.

Well done for getting out there. I'm a similar weight and just graduated last week. Take it slow and you'll do great. Enjoy

Wow take it easy. That's an amazing start.
If you begin too hard you can pick up injuries.
My advice is - be careful 😊

Well done for getting started. Slow and steady is the way to do it. I'm overweight too, but I've made it to week 6 - still knackered but getting there. My running style is hillarious- not exactly Usain Bolt. I am very, very slow, but as I see it, I'm faster than I was when I was sitting on the couch. There's loads of encouragement here, keep it up and you'll do it!

I feel so much better than I ever did, and I am nearly 60. I gave up alcohol completely as my joints were aching really bad. I joined WW and lost nearly 4 stone, started walking a borrowed dog, learned to run with this programme to keep up with the dog, and lost a further stone. I just kept running, walking a heck of a lot more too - I hardly use my car. Healthy eating becomes second nature as does exercise. I run every other day, or sometimes every third day, depending on what the plan says. I entered a race and now I love the buzz of it. It's proper fun.
If you have children then you have every incentive. You need to set a good example. If you lead a healthy life then your children will too
Good luck