Different direction: Hi guys I absolutely loved... - Couch to 5K

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Different direction

21 Replies

Hi guys I absolutely loved my 1st 2 weeks of couch to 5k but can not get into the rhythm properly. After a discussion with my brother I have found a new running plan I wish to try. And want to see if i succeed.

21 Replies
Millsie-J profile image

Good luck in your new venture. Im sure you will succeed in your ambition.

Oldfloss profile image

Go for it... if it doesn't work you can always come back into the programme as you are not that far on yet :)

in reply to Oldfloss

I will keep you updated on how i do. my brother sent me a detailed run regime where month 1 he runs 1mile everyday, ten 2mile every other day with 1 mile run in between, 3miles every other day with a mile run in between until he hits 4 mile then rests he does 3nruns a weeks at 4-5 mile. its 4/5 mile depending on his distance then a 2 mile then another 4/5 mile and then weekend off. He does 15 mins warm up exercises and 10 cool down too. I think this may work for me as c25k lets u run so long then walk but when i do the walking bit it kinda puts me off my running stride. Anyway will keep u all posed after 1 month from tomorrow

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Sounds interesting, but the distances would have been too much for me that soon... running nearly 5K, three times a week and a run in between.. I would not have survived.. but then I am am old snail :)

Good Luck :)

MarkyD profile image
MarkyDGraduate in reply to

Hmm. Complicated. Why not stick with C25K for a bit longer... it has proven to be successful.

Millsie-J profile image

That sounds very hard core. As i was a new runner when I started C25k I wouldn't have coped with it Im afraid. I still struggle to run more than three times a week.


JaySeeSkinny profile image

Running every day does not give your body any time to recover and as a new runner it's probably a recipe for injury. Running every day, even if it is only a mile, is very tiring. Take care and listen to your body!

Dunder2004 profile image

You are probably not going to listen but I can only echo what has been said above and without sugar-coating it:


wizzbang profile image


The simple fact is you are not ready! the plan your brother does is even too advanced for me and I have only just graduated. The idea of c25k is to build you up slowly without injury. I know your main aim is to lose weight but you will end up injuring yourself.


Sandraj39 profile image

Sorry, I agree with the comments above. This does not sound like a beginners programme. New runners should not be running every day - the rest days allow your body time to repair. Please take care, the comments here are all well intentioned.

Ok maybe won't try brothers way but found this beginners guide on line

Week 1:

Day 1: Run easy 1 mile (1.6 K)

Day 2: Rest

Day 3: Run easy 1 mile (1.6 K)

Day 4: 40-45 min cross-training

Day 5: Rest

Day 6: Run easy 1.5 mile (2.4 K)

Day 7: Rest or 30 min walk

Week 2:

Day 1: Run easy 1.5 mile (2.4 K)

Day 2: Rest

Day 3: Run easy 1 mile (1.6 K)

Day 4: 40-45 min cross-training

Day 5: Rest

Day 6: Run easy 1.5 miles (2.4 K)

Day 7: Rest or 30 min walk

Week 3:

Day 1: Run easy 2 miles (3.2 K)

Day 2: Rest

Day 3: Run easy 1.5 mile (2.4 K)

Day 4: 40-45 min cross-training

Day 5: Rest

Day 6: Run easy 2 miles (3.2 K)

Day 7: Rest or 30 min walk

Week 4:

Day 1: Run easy 2 miles (3.2 K)

Day 2: Rest

Day 3: Run easy 1.5 mile (2.4 K)

Day 4: 40-45 min cross-training

Day 5: Rest

Day 6: Run easy 2.5 miles (4 K)

Day 7: Rest or 30 min walk

Week 5:

Day 1: Run easy 3 miles (5 K)

Day 2: Rest

Day 3: Run easy 2 miles (3.2 K)

Day 4: 40-45 min cross-training

Day 5: Rest

Day 6: Run easy 3 miles (5 K)

Day 7: Rest or 30 min walk

Week 6:

Day 1: Run easy 3.5 miles (5.6 K)

Day 2: Rest

Day 3: Run easy 3 miles (5 K)

Day 4: 40-45 min cross-training

Day 5: Rest

Day 6: Run easy 3.5 miles (5.6 K)

Day 7: Rest or 30 min walk

Week 7:

Day 1: Run easy 4 miles (6.4 K)

Day 2: Rest

Day 3: Run easy 3 miles (5 K)

Day 4: 40-45 min cross-training

Day 5: Rest

Day 6: Run easy 4.5 miles (7.2 K)

Day 7: Rest or 30 min walk

Week 8:

Your first 8K (5-miler) is this week! Try to take it a little easier this week, so that you're well-rested for your race. Good luck!

Day 1: Run 40 min

Day 2: 30 min cross-training

Day 3: Run 30 min

wizzbang profile image
wizzbangGraduate in reply to

to be honest, if you are struggling with c25k anything else will be harder! The plan you have listed I have also seen, if you think you can run 3 times a week covering those distances as a complete novice then good luck to you. I know you are half my age, but c25k is the way to go to build up your strength. That plan is designed to be a run only not a run/walk plan, but you could modify it, but then why bother, that is what the c25k is all about.

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to

5 miles in Week 8? You will knacker yourself, unless you are fit now and running already? Sorry, I'm not aware of where you are in the programme so I don't mean to sound negative and I'm sorry it I do, but if you haven't yet completed C25K then this is an over-ambitious programme and even then, your joints and muscles need time to build up. So many of us have suffered by rushing it, that's why we are cautioning taking it easier, I think.

annie1970 profile image

I have to agree with all these comments. I was new to running when I started c25k and there's no way I would have been able to run a mile straight off. Just running 60 seconds was rough at the start but now.I have graduated I'm running 5k 3 x a week. It really does work and I cannot praise the programme enough. Your suggested programme sounds too much amd you are less likely to stick at it if it's too hard. Just saying.

misswobble profile image

I would STICK with this one. You are doing ok at it. It works! Don't fix what aint broke! LOL

Chopping and changing things so early on is not really sticking. Bit like diets. You have to be a sticker. Once you start losing focus you're sunk

aliboo70 profile image

I agree with miss wobble. .. just stick at it! A mile is a pretty long way to run on just the initial 2 weeks training! By week 5 here you'll be running 8 mins at a time with the 20min run at the end of that week. You've got to build these things up gradually to suceed. Many people who dont end up injured ...... plus c25k has the support of this forum and lots of people who can give good advice and help you through.... head on to week 3 gets my vote!😊

Simmypie profile image

When I first started running back in June a mile was an impossible dream! The thought of doing one after only two weeks would have made me give up.

I don't think there's such a thing as an "easy mile" if you are a beginner.

The C25k weeks build you up slowly, at first one or two minutes seems hard, then you gradually get to 5 and then 8 minutes.

Then the dreaded 20 minute hurdle appears on the horizon and gives everyone a panic attack!

Your program has you running 4.5k by week 4, which is half the time of this one.

Like the much more experienced and knowledgeable people on here, I think you may be heading for an injury if you do too much too soon.

And it may put you off further running for good which would be a shame...

stevy profile image

Good luck on the new running regime.Yes, as humans we able walk and run,but if you are not familiar with running continually....hmmm!l know running is good for losing weight and keeping fit but,from my own experience;l was a regular runner 30 plus yrs ago coupled with the fact I have the body of a body of slim skinny man of 62yrs old.I have found this C25 course nice and gentle to get back into running.i have just completed W3 and have found I lose about 3to4 pounds after each session ; now,if I were to lose half astone I would know about it as my head starts to spin and I get the symtoms of the so called M.E. My body weight is normally about 10 and ahalf stone,which my doc sayes is OK.I am constantly having to check my weight...but I,ve always loved running and this has been the best course ..so far. Best of luck,again Chella...Stevy

MarkyD profile image

I forget the details, but in C25K, week 1 is running for 1 minute, with walking breaks, eight times. The week 2 is running for 90 seconds, again with walking breaks.

If you are 'not getting into the rhythm' of C25K W2 then the new 'online' plan that you've found has you running for 1 mile at a time. That is totally unrealistic for you as a new runner and you are going to damage yourself. The running sections in W1 and W2 of C25K have you running for at most 150 meters at a time.

If you want to continue with your running, please take heed of all the comments on your post. Please persist with C25K. Repeat weeks 1 and 2. Perhaps try week 1 with walk/fast walk strategy instead of brisk walk/slow run as per the program. Keep at it, repeating each week until you 'do' get into the rhythm. You'll be pleased that you did.

poppypug profile image

Yes I agree with all the above comments

Please stick with the programme Chelle. It is a proven programme and thousands of us have learnt how to run safely without risking unnecessary injuries .

Those programmes you have quoted look too intense for a beginner runner. xxx

Dhiny profile image

I totally agree with all the comments on here Chelle. Those plans sound like a C2 A&E plan unless you are an experienced runner. I would never have coped with running a mile in my 3rd Week. Which C25K are you following? There is the One You app and the Laura podcast? Maybe you would find changing to a different coach would help, I just couldn't get on with the Laura one but completed the One You program having chosen Michael Johnson as my coach. If you are starting to run from scratch, then I would definitely follow a structured plan because it safely & gradually builds your stamina. It is ultimately your choice but just think how many people on here have followed C25K and are now running regularly.. Good luck with whatever you choose to do. xx

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