First they tried to stop me going at all by playing me my favourite violin concerto (so that's quite a big delay and a great opportunity for procrastination). Next, whilst I was doing my warm-up walk, they ganged up again saying that Laura was going to tell me to run any moment now and that I shouldn't be so silly! When that didn't work they concentrated on persuading me that just half way through the first 10 minute run would be OK for a Sunday. At the walking break in the middle of my W6R2 I was sure I hadn't recovered and the gremlins didn't think I had recovered either. So they tried again with the "just until she says you've done 5 minutes" tactic. They were pretty fed up when I got to the end but sloped off muttering that they would get me next time, because they would have a full 25 minutes to stop me. We'll see - W6R3 to come ..... despite what Laura said today, it's scary to me. Wish me luck, should be on Tuesday.
The Gremlins changed tactics: First they tried... - Couch to 5K
The Gremlins changed tactics

You are clocking these runs up beautifully David...W6 R2 already done and banked.😊 Well done..and also for keeping a lid on those pesky gremlins..they know to how tough and determined you are.😆
Great run..will look for your next report on Tuesday. xxx
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Thank you, hope your weekend is/has been good too. Started with a violin concerto this morning, about to sip a coffee for early evening with Nicola Bernadetti playing Massenet's Meditation de Thais. No good at all as a running song, but a haunting and wonderful reinforcement of that glorious smug feeling I've still got at the moment.
You are doing fabulously, and you can get past those pesky gremlins.
Look forward to hearing how you vanquish them next time.

Well done David.
Remember when 8 minutes seemed impossible? You are doing just great, nice and slow and those 25 minutes will tick by quicker than you expect.
You are close to breaking the gremlins' will.
I sort of know you're right but haven't still got my mind round this running stuff yet. As I've said elsewhere I reckon that it's "40% physical: 60% mental .... that 40% hurts a bit and I'm not sure if I like it, that 60% I really have no idea how to deal with". Still, that's my whinge of the day done so thanks for the opportunity to get it out of the way early ..... on I go! W6R3 tomorrow, all being well.
The Park pathway I regularly run is pretty much a long continuous oval of slightly over seven tenths of a mile.
From any particular part one's sightlines cover almost 100% of it, the middle being occupied by several Baseball diamonds and soccer pitches so you can see all you have to run to complete a circuit.
I used to look at the four tenths of a mile marker and think what. A miracle it would be if I ever made it that far without stopping...And if you read my early posts from when I started running you will see why "painful" and "physical" in your post resonated so greatly with me
The mental part is HUGE sometimes

Well done!! You can do it, just keep doing what you've been doing.

C25k is like giving birth. You forget all the pain as soon as it's over. And it's nearly over David! Well done you.