Week 27, Eddie the Running Earthworm and a ver... - Couch to 5K

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Week 27, Eddie the Running Earthworm and a very orange shoe...

Runon profile image
42 Replies

So I have just graduated (again) - this is my third time and I think it's because I like Laura's voice or it could be the broken leg stopped me running for a bit - they do that because they are spoilsports. So third time lucky and altogether 27 weeks of Laura to get here. Now Poppypug promised me a very special badge for this momentous occasion - when I say promised I mean she may have perhaps just thought it and forgotten to mention it to the 3rd time graduate badge makers but I'm sure her people will speak to mine and rectify this.

Of course in the latter stages of my 3rd graduation it was necessary to allow a new pair of Mizuno Wave shoes to accidentally fall onto my feet - (see legally required picture of new running shoes) - unfortunately these got a speck of mud on them so I had to accidentally find a pair of ASICS Gel Sonoma trail shoes as these can deal with specks of mud - however on the internet the picture of these very comfortable shoes was light tan not fluorescent orange - so I apologise to anyone I may temporarily blind during my runs. As I seem to be running on farmers' roads that are halfway between tarmac and a good imitation of the battle of the Somme I feel it is probably best to run with one road shoe and one trail shoe - is this a good idea? - perhaps an expert could let me know.

Now I'm a bit of an expert myself in terms of falling off motor-bikes and thought running would be miles safer - but no... two weekends ago I was running along my country road only to hear the familiar sound of shotguns. This was followed by a deceased bird falling from the sky to within a few feet of me... now I do not wear a bright yellow jacket and orange shoes to be a target, so was a little peeved that people continued to shoot, possibly expecting me to be sensible and stop - but hey I couldn't stop - if I stopped I would never start again - so I kept running and they finally stopped shooting - I looked to the nearby field to see chaps with guns all in a line - covering about a third of a mile - all looking at me - all waiting for me to pass - all looking very impatient with itchy trigger fingers - wondering who is this yellow thing preventing us from killing - and for some reason I started to run as fast as my little legs would carry me and think I may have performed a PB.

Now finally, coming back to this site after a little absence - I am awestruck by the number of dogs who have joined the forum - at least you would think so from the number of avatars picturing the cute little things - it's more like K9 to 5K - obviously this is down to PoppyPug - and it would be fine if I too had a canine friend - but I don't. However I did see an earthworm this morning which I am thinking of calling Eddie and using as my avatar - possibly an improvement!

And now - onwards and upwards - I am hoping to meet PoppyPug and Friends at the Manchester 10K and HM so I shall have to put my skates on and increase my distance for the end of May or Poppers will be leaving me in a cloud of dust...!!!

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Runon profile image
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42 Replies
poppypug profile image

Ha ha ! :-D

Many Congratulations to you on your 3rd ( yes 3rd !!! ) Graduation ! Truly, you are a first among men Runon, and I bestow upon you a extra special award for your valiant and sterling effort ! ( I just need to get my people to tell me what it is and then contact your people )

Well here you are, frolicking around the countryside dodging bullets and having things fall at your feet ( not for the first time ha ha ) Ah Country Life, don't you just love it ?

I reckon Eddie can become your talisman, you can carry him around in the pocket of your shorts , or maybe pop a collar and lead on him and let him run beside you . Fab !

I have just come back from a 10.5k run , and you will never guess how many calories I burnt - 666 !!!!

I have frantically been checking behind my ears with a mirror since Ive been home ! :-)

Now for the serious bit :

Really Well done David, coming back after breaking a leg is no mean feat . You have done amazingly well , and I shall look forward to seeing you ( and Eddie ) in Manchester !

Good to see you again on here, and looking forward to hearing how the trainings going xxx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to poppypug

Oh dear Poppers or will you be changing your name to Damien? - we'll be needing an exorcist at this rate - 666 calories - could this be a new film franchise - 'The Evil Die-t', or 'Diet of the Damned!'...

Very well done - 10.5K - some people would say that's showing off - not me of course :)

Actually you have done so brilliantly I am seriously impressed and really think you are a star - so there.

Eddie's can live up to 8 years and probably run forever as they don't need lungs so I see no reason why he can't come to Manchester in his little t-shirt.

Take care dear lady and keep checking behind those ears!!! xxx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Runon

Ha ha , thank you , you too, take care David :-) xxx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to poppypug

PS. Just so your people know - my people say that The 3rd graduation trophy has four wheels and is an anagram of Ferrari - or perhaps there's no anagram :)

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Runon

Ha ha , Hmm , as long as you promise not to go too fast , I will get my people onto it at once ! :-) xxx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to poppypug

In dark blue please - or is that presumptuous? :) xxx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Runon

I don't believe it ! We have run out of the dark blue !

All we have got left in Ferraris is the flourescent orange ( it will match your shoes ! ) :-) xxx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to poppypug

I'll take it and do a respray :) Ah but no - I would have to spray the shoes too - Hmmmm... thinks....

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to poppypug

I've missed the two of you bantering.......

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Welcome back - please keep posting, I love your writing!

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Thank you - I will try JaySee - shootouts and accidents permitting :)!!

misswobble profile image

She sure will, asics or not😄

A row of gunslingers ey 😀 I imagined you being concussed by a falling duck

sorry, couldn't help it

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to misswobble

Tee tee - If only I'd had me trusty six shooter - Runon at the OK Coral! I don't think I was trespassing :)

Madge50 profile image

Fantastic Runon, good to hear from you, bit concerned about the shooting, reminds me, there's an MOD firing range near one of my routes......always increases the pace a bit to get past it.....😂......or maybe there's a reason you don't see many runners there........🤔

Arise Sir Runon Graduate the third, 🤴..............(bows and walks backwards out of the room) 😄


Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to Madge50

I like Sir Runon - has a ring to it - (thinks - how do you change a forum name - hmmmm!!!)

Good to hear from you Madge - I have a friend who was an army gunner stationed in Germany and says that they used to fire shells over a nearby populated village and the residents never knew - so I suppose it's probably ok to run by the MOD range - just don't wear any feathers on your head - ok! :) x

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Great post..so funny Runon 😄

Well done on your 3rd Graduation 🎉🎉

Evan the tags 'Trigger finger' and 'pb' made me laugh. Hold out for that sportscar it was practically a done deal..

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thanks for your support on the sports car front there Jan-now-runs. I'm sure the administrators will take care of it. Lovely to hear from you. :)

aliboo70 profile image

Congratulations Monsieur Ru-Non! thats just greedy having 3 graduations! Well done you though, i like the idea of a pet worm :) Glad you saved a few more pheasants from being shot at poor things :(

No slacking now, i want to see you on bridge to 10km site with triumphant news and progress in readiness for May! TRES Bien mon amie :)

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Bonjour Alibooboo - ca va? I'm not sure who was the more shocked - me or the deceased pheasant... he probably didn't have time to be shocked, poor thing. At least Eddie the Earthworm hasn't been hit! I suppose if he was he'd just grow back anyway - shame the pheasant couldn't do that. It's great to hear from you and yes I shall be bridging it to 10K hopefully. I think I've just missed Juicy's guide to transitioning which is a real pity as she's very good at running and talking - but I have got the Manchester 10k 12 week training plan so think I shall follow that. The leg seems to be bearing up quite well now it's been pampered with new shoes. How are you doing ma chere :) xx

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to Runon

i'm ok thanks! :) been on a muddy run this morning, there is a post on the 10k site! i've got a bit of IT band trouble again, other leg this time, but got round a 10 mile race over here last week and it only played up near the end at least! need to do the strengthening exercises really but am slacking!!

Glad to hear you're doing well, wants to see a nice photo of you and poppy again!! and hopefully you'll get in the right wave this time!!

Poor Mr Pheasant :( Boz's dad is into all that but i am sad for the pheasants, had a lovely friendly pet one at my previous house.................

Hope your jet set lifestyle is treating you well :) A bientot mon cherie :)

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to aliboo70

How amazing is that - ultra muddy - wow I'd need extra special shoes for that - maybe flippers!

I'm sorry to hear about the IT band and hopefully (I'm keeping finger & toes crossed here) the exercises will fix it - keep at them!

Yes Poppers will bring along our official photographer I'm sure - so long as he has no other Royals that weekend :)

I have a young Frenchman working with me at present who has the most wonderful 'Allo 'Allo accent - if he weren't genuinely French I'd say he was putting it on :)

Bonne Chance ma Brave.

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to Runon

aah got to love a freanch accent :)

RainbowC profile image

Yay, another third-time graduate! (So, is that BA, MA, now PhD?!?) 😄

What a brilliant run report! Makes me realise how lucky I am - although I can identify with the description of the roads, and sometimes hear shots, I've never had a freshly hit bird land near me! 😳

Happy running with your new buddy! :D

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to RainbowC

Thanks RainbowC - I think its definitely got to be a PhD and Bar! Hopefully I can now progress to greater lengths without any more mishaps :) !!!

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Graduate in reply to Runon

Ooohhhh fancy! .......🎓 Not sure that'll help with running though, all that gold brocade, tassels and don't forget the wig.....make you an even bigger target 🎯


Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to Madge50

Heavens - you're right - might as well paint a bullseye on me forehead! Think I'll just print the certificate and hang it on the wall - much easier :)

AncientMum profile image

Hey Runon lovely to read your post. Congratulations on your latest graduation,''tis a great achievement. I love Madge50 's idea of a PhD in running, Dr Runon has a very nice ring to it! . Actually, come to think of it, I've done the programme 3 times too, so I could be Dr AncientMum 👩‍🎓

Loving the bright orange shoes, just the thing for avoiding bullets and low plummeting pheasants.

Best of luck with the 10k training x

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Dear Dr. Ancient Mum,

Yes it has a nice ring to it and given that this is the NHS c25k forum it feels appropriate that we should receive this tititular laurel for our efforts of going round the block 3 times. I suppose on this basis of ranking dear Poppypug should become Professor Poppypug :)


Dr. Orange Runon x :))

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to Runon

Dear Dr Orange Runon

I am most impressed with your plan to reorganise the c25k Community College into the c25k University.

Professor poppypug is an obvious and very well deserved appointment. Maybe Realfoodieclub could be coopted as Chancellor in recognition of her services to administration.

Right, I'm off to polish me titular laurels 😉


Dr AncientMum xx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Indeed Dr. Ancient Mum - along with the generally accepted governmental principal that when in doubt one should reorganise - Chancellor Realfoodieclub it is then and might I suggest Emeritus Professor Ju-ju for the upper echelons?

Many thanks and jolly good to hear from you,

Dr. Orange Runon (3rd time Graduate in Running Studies and Bachelor of Jogs) xx

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to Runon

Definitely Emeritus Professor ju-ju- It sounds so much more respectful than Vice-Chancellor!! x

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Indeed she is shortly to become a Fellow of the Extreme Marathon to boot. :) XX

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to Runon

My admiration for that lady knows no bounds. We may have to elect her President, Brown Owl and Pope for services to running :) x

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to AncientMum

Ha - Yes all of those - but I love 'Brown Owl' best :) x

poppypug profile image

Morning !

I like that word "tititular " He he , snort :-D xxx

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to poppypug

Morning - Behave yourself Professor Pops :)xxx

Realfoodieclub profile image

Ohhhhhh, Chancellor Realfoodieclub, that sounds so posh. (Pushes out chest, holds head up high) thank you AncientMum and Runon .

Lovely looking shoes, the brighter the better I say. Well done on your third graduation.

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

You definitely deserve it for keeping all these forum chaps in order and looking after The Running University. :)

Irishprincess profile image

Welcome back Runon and congratulations on your third graduation 👏👏👏

That shooting experience sounds scary. I mean, what's the point of us runners wearing really brightly coloured, garish Lycra if hunters are going to shoot us? 😏

Next time take your own gun out with you and be prepared for a shoot-out 😊

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you Princess. Good to be back - I'll definitely take my own gun - then we can have a 'Shoot Out at the C25K Coral' - (Sorry - It's early in the morning) :)) x

AnneDroid profile image

Once, twice, three times a graduate. Isn't that a song?

Well done!

I've worried about all sorts of things that might happen while running, but hadn't thought of getting shot being a possible hazard. Thanks for that...

Runon profile image
RunonGraduate in reply to AnneDroid

It is indeed a song that went to number 178 in the Icelandic charts in 1987 and was used in a little film called erm - don't tell me - erm - ah The Graduate.

And sorry to introduce worrying thoughts re running but really no one should run without a flack jacket and tin helmet according to The Health and Safety Executive! Lovely to hear from you :)

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