Finished week four today and just downloaded week five. WHAT? ?!!!!
Oh my dear lord!!!: Finished week four today and... - Couch to 5K
Oh my dear lord!!!

Don't worry about it. Trust the programme. If you have completed wk 4 you are well prepared for wk5.

You can do it! Read back over W5R3 posts - everyone feels the same about that run but they manage it!! Well done on completing Week 4. You are more than ready for Week 5.

It's only runs 13, 14 and 15 of 27 runs. Trust the program and believe in yourself.
You have done the first 12 you CAN do the remaining 15

Annie we ALL felt that! Don't worry. The last three weeks really have prepared you to move on to this. You may not believe you're ready but you are. Come back and tell us you've done it, remember!

😂😂😂 Ha... A girl after my own heart! I said that at week three too. "Three minutes? What, all at once?!"
You seriously can do this though. The programme has prepared you. Just remember, slow is the key. 😊

As everyone is saying, you can do it, just take it slow. I was in the same boat this time last week and worried I wouldn't be able to get through it but they are right the program has prepared you for it. Finished W5 yesterday and starting W6 in the morning. Good luck to you for W5 x

We all said that. I used more colourful words I'm sure 😉. You'll be fine. You've done all the hard work building up to this.

Thank you all so much for your encouragement! I will try not to fret abput it over the weekend. And I will go out tonight to enjoy a few glasses of wine!

Honestly, it's fine. I did w5r3 yesterday and it was much easier than expected! My tip is to break it've done 8 minutes, so once there tell yourself to just keep going - so you improve...then you might as well do 10 minutes...oh, ok...just try 15 and before you know it, you'll have accomplished it and feel fantastic. I'm doing w6r1 tomorrow and looking forward to it.
Hi Annie - yep ! i'm exactly where you are right now too!! ...haha
I've also listened to all the great advice and support from everyone and i'm really looking forward to it !
I'll watch for your post after W5R1 - good luck!
enjoy your vino too!
Kaz x

My thoughts exactly W5 R1 tomorrow dreading it
I thought I had messed up download first
I know right?! I was thinking they got weeks five and six mixed up!
I've just done w5r1 and made it back alive!
I have just completed week 5 run 5 , you will be fine , just remember to keep your runs at a slow & steady pace . I never thought that I'd be able to run for 20 minutes when I started this but I managed it this morning 😀

I barely got through w1d1 June 1st last year. I was doubled over with asthma, my congenitally deformed feet felt like they had filed my shoes with blood, my cigarette habit meant I was trying to breathe not only through my mouth but my butt and my chest felt like Donald Trump was poking it in a particularly frenzied manner.
But - the programme works. It worked for this formerly decrepit and profoundly unfit Irishman and if you just trust it instead of that nasty little voice that chants "Who do you think you are??-YOU'LL FAIL AT THIS TOO YOU KNOW!" I promise you will not only get through week 5 but you will also be joining the rest of us at the Graduate Table sooner than you now think. No ifs, ands or buts - the programme will do it for you too.
Thank you so much and love your graphic descriptions! I felt like that first two weeks also. My breathing is now not a problem (I'm amazed at how my fitness has improved) bit it's my legs still feeling like they have tonne weights attached!

So week five run one completed. In rain and icy wind. Found it tough especially against the wind but I finished it yay me!